The Aura-Verse

Chapter 9: Chapter 8

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"You're awake!" Rei shouted.

"Wait, where am I?"

He looked around trying to get a clue.

"In our dorm. You walked in here and collapsed. It'd be great if someone actually worried!"

He was referring to Kensho. After Kensho discovered MMORPGs he's been playing more than studying.

"I am worried. Just focused on something else right now!" Kensho yelled. "Don't bother me right now. I'm trying to escape this dungeon!"

Hyuri was remembering what he saw.

"Are you okay though?" he asked, worried.

Hyuri grabbed his head, "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just gonna go take a stroll. I'll be back soon."

He walked out the door. Rei turned to face Kensho.

"Did he leave?"

"Shut up!"

Hyuri's POV

It was already dark out. No one would possibly be out this late. I began to wonder, how long I slept? Whenever I began the sparring match with Kaizu it was about 2 pm. But it seemed like it was 10.

"Hello, Hyuri," a familiar woman's voice said.

"And you are?"

She looked very familiar. Have I seen her somewhere? She had light-purple hair. Her eyes were a light blue. I swore I had seen her before.

"Do you not remember me?" She asked.

I remembered. She was the so-called gatekeeper. She looked younger

"You're the gatekeeper, right?!"

"I thought you would've forgotten. Seems like I was wrong."

It was! This time around she wasn't a spirit in my mind. She was an actual body. She seemed to have transformed into a teenager like me.

"Have you come here to finish up that conversation from earlier?"

"Precisely. I still have more to talk to you about."

"Oh, one more thing. What's your name?"

"Name?" She asked, very confused.

Did she not know what a name was? No way.

"Yeah. Do you not have one?"

"I do not possess this item called a 'name'."

Item? Did she not know anything about, well anything?

"My master did not give me such a thing. But I was called by 'Gatekeeper Unit G-07'," she said in a serious tone. "My master told me I have no right to have something casual for mortals."

So she was being for real. She didn't have a name.

"Whatever. We'll tap on that situation later. But for now. What else do you have to tell me? You know about the Sacred Garden or whatever."

"Oh yes, the Sacred Garden. That is what you mortals may call 'Heaven'. Where the deceased go. Where they live as wandering souls."

So, she's one of the entities who lets souls pass by? Interesting.

"Now, I must be on my way. I have to get back to the gate."

She turned away from me and lifted her hand. White stairs appeared leading upward.

"Goodbye, Hyuri Katsuyo," she said as she walked up the stairs.

I turned to walk away. Just as I took a step though I heard her wail. Followed by a thud. I instantly turned around.

"Hey, are you okay?!" I said as I strode toward her lying on her back.

"Yes. I am okay. But I don't know why I couldn't walk up the steps."

We heard a rustling sound. It came from a bush in front of us.

"Who's there?!" I shouted at whatever caused the noise.

A boy stepped out. He seemed to be a few years older than me. There was little light so I couldn't see his face clearly. He began to chuckle. That chuckle then became a laugh. Then it came to a sudden end.

"What's the matter G-07? Can't climb back up?" he said.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Gabriel."

"How do you know her?"

"You see, she works with me sort of. We tend to have the same master."

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"Come on, G-07. Let's go back. Master is waiting. Oh wait, you can't anymore," he began laughing again.


I hastily conjured a sword and leaped at him. Not knowing where I would hit.

"Hm? Don't make me laugh mortal!"

He put his palm out. I struck a barrier. Although this one was stronger. I pushed against it with the conjured blade.


It had broke. Half of the blade came off. He forcefully shoved me into a tree without even touching me.

"Know your place, peasant. Don't forget. I am a divine being after all."

He held up his hand the same white stairs appeared.

"Now off to tell master about what happened," he walked up the stairs laughing.

I rushed to her.


"What is it?"

"I think Gabriel took away my divine powers. Which would explain why I couldn't walk up the steps."

"How did he take them away? You two serve under the same master."

"Gabriel is my higher up. He makes sure I'm in check. Which is also why he has a name and I'm just called 'G-07'."

I felt bad for her. But I wasn't just gonna let her stay out here. I thought for a while.

"I have a plan. Just follow me."

She nodded her head. I helped her up and we walked toward the Academy. I knew just who could help us.


We were inside the dorm building now. Since she lost her powers her hair turned white. I had to reassure her everything would be okay I was in front of a familiar dorm. "A-03". I knocked hoping for an answer.

"Coming!" one of the girls yelled, the door and walls muffling it.

The door opened. And the one who opened it was Haruka.

"Could we come in?"

"S-sure," she stuttered, distracted.

We walked in. Haruka closed the door behind us. All of them were awake.

"Who's that?" Eve asked me.

"It's a long story. I need you three to listen and don't make fun of me for what I'm about to say."

They nodded silently.

"Alright. This is Gatekeeper Unit G-07. She guards the gates of Heaven. She is here permanently (it appears) because her higher up took away her divine powers."

They glanced at one another very confused and concerned.

"It is true. All of what he said is true. I do not have an identity here. No name, no birthday, not even a birthplace," she said tearing up.

I put my left hand on her shoulder.

"Everything is gonna be okay," I comforted her. "So, are you going to help or not?"

"We'll help," Hikari spoke out. "Let's begin by giving her a name. Aiko."

"How'd you come up with one so fast?" Eve asked her.

"It was going to be the name for my future daughter, but I guess she can have it."

"Ai-ko..." she said.

"Yep. That's your name now," I told her.

She began to smile. And then hugged me tightly.

"Hey, Aiko!"

She then hugged Hikari.

"I have a name! I have a name!" she repeated, happily.

"We'll have to get you a uniform and get you signed up though," Hikari said.

"Don't worry about that. I'll handle it," I stated.

To Be Continued...

Author's Note: Stick around to see how Aiko's first day at the Academy turns out for her.

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