The Beastmaster

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – Home

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Connor looked around him in shock. Where was he now?

He had charged in with his pack of 14 of his best dire wolves, preparing to wage war on the invaders, but this place... looked familiar?

The place had buildings that looked like that in his memories, but the people were dressed in all sorts of unfamiliar clothes

He himself looked out of place, with only a loincloth and a cloak made of a large fur, a muscular frame standing at 6 foot 2 inches, and had a thick beard and long hair up to his waist

His 14 dire wolves were much larger than the wolves on Earth, an an extinct species from the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene epochs (125,000–9,500 years ago) and were much more savage and powerful than wolves on earth

But Connor ordered them to stand down and await his command

One of the humans, was that a woman?. She was pointing something at him. Was that a gun?

His wolves started growling, but obeyed but circled around Connor to protect him

All around them, he could see that the humans were fighting large white creatures that were twice as large as his warwolves, but had grotesque faces with six legs and multiple tentacles whipping all over

"Stand down! Put your hands where I can see them" the woman was yelling, when Connor realized that he had not heard this language for a long time. Was it English?

"Where.. am I? Is this Earth?" Connor asked 

"You.. you know Earth?" the woman asked

"Yes... I was from here... a very long time... ago" Connor said as he looked around even as the battle was happening between the white creatures and the humans

"Captain Denver! Our forces are being overrun! We need to call for backup!" another human soldier yelled towards the woman warrior

"No need. We'll help!" Connor said

"What? No.." the woman said, but it was too late

 With a nod, the wild looking man charged forwards as his enormous wolves followed him

The white monsters, which required at least 4 soldiers emptying their clip to stop were each stopped and taken out by 2 wolves, with either wolf distracting it and the other going for the kill

This didn't mean that there were no injuries, but the wolves were not scared of death and had the sheer bravery that shocked the soldiers

As for the wild man, he pulled two sharp weapons from behind his back that was hidden in his cloak. Each were the size of short swords and they looked very much like fangs of a large monster!

The men and wolves were still outnumbered, but they were giving a good account for themselves

"Attack!" suddenly another voice yelled as humans that didn't look like soldiers, wielding ancient looking weapons, some of them glowing, attacked!

"The Defenders!" Captain Denvers gasped. The backup had arrived

But the white monsters were not the only ones being attacked!

Several of the dire wolves were taken by surprise as they were killed by the newly joining humans!

A man with a glowing axe beheaded one of the dire wolves, while another dire wolf was skewered with arrows shot by a woman who shot arrows that glowed green

"Poison!" Connor growled, realizing that these humans were not giving his dire wolves a chance to react as it was fighting a white alien

Connor howled, commanding them to attack the humans, as he was no shrinking violet and would not stand his dire wolves being killed with no response

The dire wolves changed targets and targeted the new humans who appeared

Connor immediately skewered the man with the axe who beheaded one of his dire wolves, and stabbed the woman who shot the poison arrows in the chest with his two short swords

"Are those her... they're quite large, aren't they?" he wondered as he felt the the impact of his stabs, as if they were going through something soft

His hand automatically grabbed her breasts and squeezed them, as the woman gasped in pain

It was then that he carefully looked at her face as she gasped for air, both her heart and lungs pierced 

He thought she looked quite pretty. But she shouldn't have shot his wolves

Suddenly, Connor's instincts told him to cover up as a warhammer slammed into him, slamming him several feet away

The thick fur cloak saved him from breaking several ribs but he winced in pain as electricity exploded from the impact point

He growled angrily and threw his cloak aside, ridding himself of the remnant electricity discharges from the warhammer

With both swords in hand he charged forwards and another human swung his flaming sword at him

Connor blocked with one sword while slashing the man across the chest with the other sword

Suddenly, he used both swords in a cross block as a man carrying warhammer slammed into the swords

One of his swords shattered on impact while the other one began to show cracks

Connor landed heavily, his arms shaken from the impact of the blow

"Hey Thor! Not taking all the fun are you?" the muscular man with the mace said

"You can join me if you want, Heracles. He seems more durable than normal" Thor said

"Good. I'll really enjoy this one. He nearly looks human" Heracles said as he charged

These were humans who named themselves Thor and Heracles, but they were not the real Gods. They were one of only a few that have been granted the power of the named Gods.

The barrier between the spiritual realm and the physical realm had also been weakened due to the incursion of the alien realms, some of the Gods have been giving out their blessings and powers to normal humans.

These humans would also be considered Defenders, although these powers came from the spiritual realm. It seemed that the Gods did not descend themselves but merely gifted these humans their powers in their place to protect humanity

Connor managed to dodge both the attacks of the men called Heracles and Thor, as Connor kept just out of reach. He was after all already injured and his weapons were broken

Deciding that this was not a fight he could win, he suddenly dashed off, running as fast as a grayhound

"Fucker! Stop him!" Heracles yelled

Connor suddenly saw a flash of movement and grunted as somebody clotheslined him while he was running

He fell back, but managed to stab the man with his half broken bone sword

"Aargh" the man yelled 

"Mercury!" Heracles yelled as he caught up and swung his mace at Connor

Connor dodged but the other man named Thor again struck him, breaking his ribs with his warhammer as electricity again coursed through him

Connor landed on the ground and rolled, but blood could clearly be seen coming from his mouth

Two dire wolves attacked Thor, while another 3 attacked Heracles, protecting their leader

Thor smashed one wolf's skull flat to the ground killing it, but the second managed to lunge at his throat

But Thor grabbed it by it's throat and squeezed, breaking it's neck

Heracles got bitten in his forearm by one of the dire wolves while he kicked and punched the two others, maiming them with his great strength

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"Fucking wolves" he said as he pulled off the dire wolf on his arm by smashing it's skull with his other hand

But the bite did manage to lacerate his arm, causing him to bleed

"No.." Connor could barely say, seeing the last of his wolves die

"It's all this fucker's fault" he turned to Connor, who was now battling Thor by himself

They quickly overwhelmed him as both Thor and Heracles ganged up on him and started beating him up

He was already unconscious, but they were still wailing on him

"Stop! Stop! He's a human!" Captain Denvers ran towards them 

"What? This bum?" Thor stopped to ask

"Are you sure?" Heracles asked as his final blow with his mace smashed Connor's head into the ground


"... killed Wolfgang! Bianca has both lungs pierced and her heart was lacerated!" Thor yelled

"But you killed all his wolves" Captain Denvers said

"Are you putting the lives of wolves higher than that of our Defenders?" Thor answered

"Enough! If he really is a human, we must find out where he came from" an elderly man dressed in military uniform said. It appeared he was a General based on his uniform

"He said he was from Earth. But he appeared out of a portal during the fight with the white alien creatures" Captain Denvers said

"Then you use the mindscanner on him, and question him after. If he really is from Earth, he will be charged with the murder of Wolfgang. If not, we will simply execute him" the General said

"But.." Captain Denvers tried to protest

"But nothing. You have one chance to prove his identity" the General said

"Roger" she replied, knowing that she would have to do it to save his life

It was only because she felt grateful to him for halting the tide before the Defenders arrived that she wanted to help


Connor sat in a bed in a military hospital, unconscious and kept under constant watch

He was wrapped up like a mummy, after having most of his bones broken by Thor and Heracles

There were only holes left for his eyes and mouth, but his eyes were swollen shut and his mouth had tubes to feed him as his jaw was broken

His arms legs were hung up above the bed, and because they couldn't properly cover him with a blanket, his dick sat exposed between his legs, with a catheter inserted into his uretra and another tube up his anus for his waste

A contraption was attached to his head and the scientists were looking at the visions on the screen

"How is he doing? Find out anything?" Captain Denvers said as she walked into the guarded room full of scientists

"Well, he seems to be recovering at a much faster pace than normal. He should be fully healed in probably 2 weeks" one of the scientists named Dr Munsen said

"I thought we had medical facilities that can heal broken bones in a day? It didn't work on him?" Captain Denver asked, looking at him prone, with his legs up in the air and tubes attached to his penis and ass

"We don't give our best treatment to enemies. But his enhanced healing... this is his natural healing ability!" Dr Munson said

"So, he's a superhuman.. a potential Defender?" Captain Denvers asked

"Maybe, but our equipment only detected a "Taming" ability. He seems to have an advanced physique, but nothing too extreme. He was ranked a D Class at best" Dr Munson said

"Anything else? Can we verify that he's a human from Earth, or some humanoid from other realms, like the Elves and Dwarves?" Captain Denvers asked

"We haven't gone that far yet in his memories, but he seemed to have plenty of memories of this realm. You can see, besides his dire wolves, there are Smilodons... "Dr Munson said

"What is that?" Captain Denvers asked as it sounded like a friendly creature that smiles alot

"Ahem... Sabre Tooth Tigers" Dr Munson explained

"Oh" Captain Denvers nodded

"There are also seems to be Artodus,  Gigantopithecus , Titanoboas and Sarcoduchus or Deinosuchus, all extinct species on Earth, in his memories"  Dr Munson said

"What are they?" she asked, ignorant about scientific names

"Ahem.. you might know them as Flat Faced Bears, apes that were rumored to be Bigfoot, each at least 10 feet tall. Then there are Giant boas that are 50 feet long and 3 feet wide, and crocodiles that were 10 meters long! And these are just some of the memories we could see, due to him fighting them! There were so many other creatures in the background that we have yet to identify" Dr Munson said

"So is he human from Earth?" she asked

"His DNA certainly says so. All we know is that there aren't any other humans in this realm. But in his memories, he seemed to be living in what looks like a colony, only everything looks much older as most of the buildings were decrepit and old. It's as if the jungle had already taken back the forest there. We've gone through so many memories, but it seems like he's lived several lifetimes there" Dr Munson said

"I think I need to talk to him. I want to know more and only he can tell us" she said


Connor dreamed about reappearing on Earth with a pack of dire wolves

He remembered helping the humans fight off the white aliens, but suddenly other humans appeared with amazing weapons and attacked him and his dire wolves

While he was used to his dire wolves dying in battle, never has he been betrayed like this by forces he was helping

Suddenly, he found himself waking up, as if waking from a dream

Where was he? Why was he wrapped up, and why are his legs hanging from above?

"Hi! How are you doing?" Captain Denvers said as he opened his eyes in the guarded room

Connor looked at her, and couldn't help but stare at the tw0 humps on her chest. He thought they looked attractive, unlike those on the monkeys and apes back home

"I'm Captain Denvers. But you can call me Sasha" she said as she caught up to him and shook his hand that was wrapped in bandages

"I'm.... Lobo" Connor said, using the nickname his parents gave him all those years ago

He thought her hands felt soft, and though her body didn't look strong, he thought she looked attractive, and without knowing it, his penis started rising as he stared at her breasts

"Uh.. Lobo. My eyes are up here... " Sasha said, pointing to her eyes

"I know" Lobo said, not bothered at all by her sarcasm

"You.. said you came from Earth? When? If you don't mind, can we interview you to find out more? Our scientists will no doubt be fascinated that Earth has someone that claims to come from Earth but who came through a new portal" Sasha said

Connor thought for a while, then agreed. It would probably be best if he exchanges information and find out more himself. 


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