The Beasts located adjacent to your Bed

Chapter 6: Chapter 6

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After letting Queenie torment Kiko for a couple of seconds, Lysaida stood from her chair and looked at the two.
“As much as I appreciate your fashion sense, Queenie, Kiko needs a proper uniform while she is on duty. So, can you take her to Zami for me?” Lysaida asked, but with that cute little inflection that made it an order. Kiko stared at the two, slightly agape as she clocked on that Zami was some sort of tailor, or uniform person.
“Just how much space is bent into this place?” She asked, intently curious, but also kind of exasperated.
“Enough for all our needs. Now get out, I’ve got work to do” Lysaida replied, chasing the two out of her office and closing the door. As soon as they were out, Queenie turned to Kiko, but found the girl already staring.
“She was a lot less…stern when we first met, and a lot more emotional” Kiko muttered. Queenie decided to drop her ideas to flirt with the girl and make her cheeks flush again, and just looked to the explanation while leading Kiko to Zami at a brief pace.
“She’s a Schattenganger. She can walk through the shadows of most things, either organic or synthetic. Walking through the shadow of something alive, gives her a copy of their emotional state every time she uses her powers. Over her time here she has walked through the shadows of a lot of people here, and mostly everyone knew your father in some way or another, so his loss is felt by most. When she used her powers to get into your house, she had to take the sadness and loss of many people, as well as her own. To be honest, I’m amazed the woman is still on her feet and not at the bottom of a bottle, or in a padded room. Her mental fortitude is amazing” Queenie’s voice was heavy with admiration, which was pretty nice to hear.

“So, that’s the Colonel’s default state? With a stare that can crush walnuts?” Kiko quipped. Queenie looked at her with a frown, not exactly how a stare could crush walnuts.
“No. She don’t really have a default state. She is an emotionally versatile woman” Queenie replied, before stopping outside a door in some wing. Kiko wasn’t entirely sure she could get back to where she was without Queenie, so kept close to the woman as they entered the room. There, a man stood, with a very strange shirt. There were eight sleeves, covering eight arms, and each arm was holding some sort of dress making tool, while a tape measure was around his neck. Hearing the door open, the man turned, showing that he had two extra sets of eyes just above his primary set. Kiko wasn’t that surprised, the list did include Tsuchigumo, but it was one thing to say you had spider people, and another to actually see spider people up close.
“Hey Zami. This is Kiko, she’s the newest recruit” Queenie announced, bringing Kiko over to the centre of the room.
“Good day, good day. Take a seat. I think. I am sure there is a chair somewhere” His voice had a very scattered quality, as if he was constantly on the edge of forgetting what he was about to say. “If not, move the cat. If there is a cat around here. I can never keep track of the furry bastard. If all else fails, I am sure the floor is still where I left it” his offers, while given in quite an unorthodox manner, were sincere, so Kiko looked around for a chair, and eventually found one, having to indeed move a cat off it, like she was told. Zami then gave Kiko a deep, rather creepy stare, but that was probably the six eyes and eight arms, more than the stare itself.

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“I have your measurements. Which division would you like to join?” He asked. Queenie seemed to have, vanished off into one of the small adorning rooms, leaving Kiko with the slightly spooky spider guy. His ability to get her measurements just by staring must have come from those creepy eyes of his, or just skill as a tailor, mixed with those creepy eyes of his. Or some third source, which involved those creepy eyes of his. His eyes were creepy!
“Assault teams” Kiko told Zami, shaking off her thoughts about his eyes for more formal matters, and feeling they were the best place for her. Kitsunes were meant to fit in there, after all.

“Very well, I shall have a uniform in about a week. A lot of work, you see. And you won’t be needing it until next year at least” Zami then turned from her, and returned to what he was doing as Queenie came out of the side room, holding a sealed bag, with clothes inside.
“Zami will get you your uniform the for the Assault squads. This, contains your on-duty uniform, and your physical exercise uniform. Don’t worry, it’s not like the suit I put you in” Queenie sated. Kiko averted her eyes, and flushed softly, but then turned back with a curious look.
“Strange question, but where is Asha, in the hierarchy?” Kiko was glad that the question had popped into her head, it allowed her to avoid the subject at hand, which was embarrassing and would probably go on being embarrassing for a few years.

“Ahh, good question, actually. Asha is sort of an advisor. She doesn’t work for SIR officially, but is an associate attached to ODD in general. We have them for the Quasi-humans that had a wider, more varied culture. Some of them are basically just humans with extra arms, like Zami. Others, like your father’s clan, have an entirely different outlook on life and need someone else to look after them. So, in our Hierarchy, she isn’t anywhere. In your hierarchy, she is quite highly placed” Queenie explained. And then, for no reason at all, moved in to caress Kiko’s face, and kiss her lips softly. The Kitsune’s face turned a funny shade of tomato, and she tried to look at anything that wasn’t Queenie, but the woman’s hand was cupping Kiko’s face, preventing such an action.

“Sorry. You just looked so beautiful, I couldn’t help myself” Queenie told Kiko, letting her go and straightening up. “On a serious note, we need to get you situated in a room. You can have a spot in the Kitsune quarters, or you can grab one on the main building. Or, you can always come live with me. I have a large bed and I don’t snore, so you don’t have to worry about that” Kiko could see that Queenie was being serious with her offer, and it even seemed sincere. Queenie seemed to be the kind of person that developed strong feelings the moment she was accepted by a person. Having no reason to refuse the offer, and kind of liking it because it kept her close to someone she knew rather than having to go to an empty room in a wing of some place she had very little understanding of so far.

“I can stay with you while I get my head around where I am going and what I am doing” Kiko told Queenie. She was very excitable, from Kiko’s experience, so she thought it best to offer a measured tone rather than one of outright acceptance. The Kitsune expected some sort of teasing kiss or sensuous stroking, but neither of those happened, as Queenie just handed her the bag with her uniforms in it.
“Wonderful. Take this, and follow me” Queenie ordered, heading for the door and making Kiko scramble to keep up, expecting her to wait until Kiko had at least gotten off the chair, but no. This woman was a nightmare, but somehow Kiko was alright with that. Maybe it was because of the Demon’s emotion flooding the place and making Kiko feel what Queenie was feeling. It was hard to be against people that were so emotionally active like Queenie was.

While setting a demanding pace, Queenie didn’t leave Kiko behind, making sure she could always keep up and measuring her step when the girl seemed to be falling behind. Mostly because of the heels, short though they were, were difficult to balance in at anything more than a walk. She had clearly not been one to wear heels in her day to day life. If Queenie had anything to do with that, however, it would soon change. Eventually, the two got to Queenie’s room, and entered. It was a sizable place, with a large bed as advertised, and two wardrobes on each side of the bed. And, for some reason Kiko was not even going to begin to try and fathom, a goat tied to a tether in one corner of the room. Two bed side cabinets, and a door that probably led to a bathroom, or another cupboard, Kiko was not entirely sure on that front.

“Well, it’s certainly roomy” Kiko exclaimed, looking around and seeing a full length mirror that she could admire herself in. The clothes really suited her, and suddenly Kiko found herself quite attracted to the stunning figure she cut. But Queenie’s words snapped her out of it.
“You can put your uniform and any clothes you get in the future in the left wardrobe. The right wardrobe is locked. Don’t try to open it, or there will be frowns all around” she told Kiko. The idea of frowns was definitely something much more than a facial expression, so Kiko made a mental note not to open the right wardrobe. “Now, we have to go to your school and talk to the head teacher about why you are not going to be going there anymore. Would you prefer to tell them the truth, or do you want me to make something up for you?” Queenie offered, sitting on her bed and admiring Kiko openly. Something that the Kitsune-girl did not exactly notice, still looking about the room.
“Why, would I lie about joining SIR?” She asked, a little confused at the idea.
“Well, there are a few people that are less than happy that we exist. Mostly insane cultists, but some are just citizens with more free time than brain cells. Plus, the subterfuge is more until you finish your training than anything. Once you are an official SIR agent, you can handle a couple of naysaying dooshbags” she cautioned. Kiko thought it was sound logic, and so nodded.
“Sure, then you can make something up for me” Kiko replied, finally looking to Queenie, and feeling a tad uncomfortable at the way her eyes lit up at the permission.

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