The Beasts located adjacent to your Bed

Chapter 7: Chapter 7

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Never again, Kiko mentally stated, as she was standing in the Head Teacher’s office, wearing a Maid’s uniform that was somewhere between stately and promiscuous. Kiko would never trust Queenie with free reign over anything like this again, because what she had come up with was a literal nightmare. Sure, her dress was nice. In fact, Queenie’s outfit was magnificent. She had a ribbon wrapped around her neck and the top part of her chest was bare, with the tops of her breasts showing. The dress also had very short arms, not even coming down to her elbows before cutting off with a frilly pattern. The top of her breasts had a frilly fabric look to it but this just made the dress all the better. It then carried on down to the stomach area where it was plain and fitted tightly to her, it looked to be offering support for the rest of the dress by the way it hugged her. The actual light brown dress started around her waist and the sides had the same light brown fabric that with overlapping layers that the rest of the dress was made out of but the front appeared to be a separate part of the dress and was made of silk rather the taffeta the rest of the dress was made out of. Roughly ten tiers of this pink silk ran down her waist part of the dress, each tier getting wider until it reached the floor. The dress was studded with fire drops, rubies and emeralds in a very gaudy fashion, giving a final impression that she was some sort of rich noblewoman or something, and having a Maid just finished the touches.

Queenie was, currently talking with the Head Teacher, but Kiko didn’t hear what they were saying, just silently seethed with the betrayal. She had trusted Queenie to come up with something that wasn’t insane, and that trust had been sorely misplaced. Eventually, however, she was addressed directly, and gave a good little curtsy in reply, not actually having been listening.
“Well, if this is what you want, then I will not get in the way of it” the head teacher told Kiko, before looking to Queenie. “I appreciate you coming to tell me rather than just whisking her away, Miss Fitzen. I hope you will take care of Kiko. She can be a handful at times but don’t let that dissuade you. She’s a good girl, deep down” The head teacher finished.

“Thank you for your advice, mister Ridas” Queenie replied. It was then that Kiko realized she never knew the Head Teacher’s name before now. He had always just been, the head teacher. No name plate or introduction anywhere. It was very strange, but she didn’t dwell on it too long. She was busy internally scowling at Queenie. Maybe if she thought really hard, a large pan would come out of nowhere and hit her on the head or something. Alas, the world did not work like that, and they left Ridas’ office and got to the car with no flying pans. Bundling into the very nice car and having the chauffer start the car and drive off, Queenie seemed highly amused. But Kiko was livid.
“Maid!? Could you really have thought of nothing else, at all, that might have worked?!” Kiko exploded, nails digging into her palms, even though the gloves Kiko was wearing.
“Maybe. But this was the most fun. Besides, you amazing in that outfit, Kiko. It was a suspicion of mine that I wanted to confirm. You can strip naked if you’d prefer. I certainly wouldn’t mind” Queenie was, with her glorious clothes and her laid back superiority and her beautiful car, the perfect picture of royalty right now. It didn’t help Kiko stay calm, however. So she just silently glared until they got back to the SIR headquarters, and immediately went to Queenie’s room to change out of the Maid uniform. Once naked, and to angry to be embarrassed, she rounded on Queenie, who was just sauntering in as Kiko finished getting undressed.
“What is my schedule like? Which set of clothes do I put on?” Kiko bluntly demanded. Queenie took her time getting into the room, and then sat down on the bed.
“Why don’t you come join me on this wonderfully comfy bed, and I might tell you” Queenie offered. It did not have the desired impact. Kiko just grabbed her standard recruit uniform, threw it on, and left without giving Queenie time to even admire Kiko in it. The Kitsune was pissed, it seemed, but Queenie was confident she would come to forgive the Demon in time. So she decided to just hang around her room for a bit, and make preparations to return the dress to who it belonged to. The one who loaned it was never the kind of woman to suffer tardiness.

Kiko, meanwhile, was storming about the place, not even sure where she was going. She hadn’t even stopped to check out the uniform she was wearing until she passed a distinctively reflective window. There she got a better look. Skirt to her knees, polo shirt, and formal blouse, in the predominant colour scheme of SIR. It was actually quite flattering, now Kiko stopped to look for a moment. Maybe when she got back, if Queenie looked sufficiently apologetic, she’d strike a pose for her rather-closer-than-friend. Then Kiko stopped using the window to check herself out, and started using it for what it was originally designed for, and saw that she was outside some sort of firing range. Interested, now, Kiko found a door, and then retrieved a pair of earmuffs from a row of them, with a sign above stating that they were necessary for all personnel in the firing range. Probably to prevent ear damage, or something like that. Putting them on, the world suddenly became strangely dulled. Not muted like she had expected, but the edge was taken off all sound. With sufficient ear protection, she opened the second door that connected the earmuff room to the firing range proper, and was glad for the muffs. The air was filled with loud pops, bangs, and cracks as dozens of SIR agents practiced their marksmanship with a multitude of weaponry. If this was what it was like with ear protection, she wondered how people got on in the field, unless there were some sort of plugs, but then that would mess with communication. Lost in her own little world, she didn’t notice when someone came up and placed a hand on her shoulder. Jumping slightly, she turned to the amused visage of the girl standing next to her. With nothing distinctive, Kiko thought she was just another operative, and so gave her a smile. No risk of weird stuff here.

“Fresh Meat. How lovely” The girl said, flashing some impressive fangs as a glint of light revealed a cadaverous look to her face. It earned her a shriek and a punch in the face, which was apparently not what she was expecting, as the girl went reeling back, and clutched her nose.
“Ow. Dam, you have a hell of a left hook, girl. I was only going to nibble” The girl stated, dropping her hands from her face to show a much friendlier smile.
“We are surrounded by too many guns for you to start that kind of crap” Kiko retorted, electing a rather cute giggle-snort from the girl.
“Fair point. I’m Bruyn. I run the shooting range. I hope I didn’t scare you, I just haven’t smelled you before and so thought I’d come over and say hi” Bruyn explained, and introduced herself. After a few seconds, she was confident that Bruyn was just messing about, and wasn’t actually about to bite, so walked over and took the outstretched hand. The woman’s face had returned to a normal look, so she wasn’t all that scary anymore.

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“Kiko. I’m…well, you know. I’m new” Kiko was still a bit nervous, put off by the look the girl had given. She had obviously plastered those emotions on her face, since Bruyn offered some more.
“I’m a Draugr. Hence the rotting face” She said, before noticing Kiko had no idea what a Draugr was. “Think…Viking super zombie. Shit happened, I died, and now I am back to help the world fight the Beasts from Beyond. And in return SIR keeps me from rotting and dropping my body parts were I may. Also covers up the stretch. If there is one problem with being a super strong, neigh-invincible zombie, it’s the stench” she quipped, laughing to herself.

Kiko listened, and then cocked her head softly as she said neigh-invincible.
“So, you don’t follow many zombie rules?” She asked. Normal zombies were quite vulnerable, in Kiko’s opinion.
“Na. See, we are impervious to weapons, but need to be dissected and burned to die. As you might think, it’s difficult to dissect a super strong zombie when you can’t use any weapons on her. Clever, huh? Makes me a great asset on the field against the Shriekers and the Succubi. I’m dead, they can’t bugger with anything that makes you humans tick. But! You did not come here to talk about me, did you?” She asked, and then continued when Kiko shook her head. “Good. Then let us begin the tour of guns! Have you ever shot a gun before?” She finished.
“Nope. I popped a guy in the eye with a bb before, but nothing real” Kiko admitted, looking around and feeling a bit self-conscious at all the confident gunslingers around here.
“That’s fine. No problem with never shooting before. It’s what we work for, after all. Now, you’ll wanna start with a small calibre weapon so you can get used to the weight of guns, and the recoil, and then move up. I’ve got an open booth, we can start you off with the nine mill” she then took Kiko to the booth, and there was a spread of pistols in individual slots, with numbers above them. Kiko’s eyes were immediately drawn to a huge thing near the end, with ‘.650’ above it. She pulled it out of the slot, and marvelled at the weight, barely able to hold it in one hand.
“Tsk, trust you to go straight for the Tenderizer. Tell you what, if you can squeeze a shot off from that baby without it putting you on your arse, I’ll serve you for a week, however you wish me to. And trust me, these fingers might be dead, but they are not stiff” Bruyn teased. Kiko didn’t seem as embarrassed with her as she did with Queenie, and just laughed a little.

“Heh, sounds good, maybe I can use you to keep the other nutter out of my panties” she retorted. Bruyn’s eyes light up, but Kiko ignored her and focused on the gun, clasping it tightly in both hands and taking a wide stance so she was most stable. It was just a gun, there was no way she was going to lose to something like this, even if it was hellishly heavy. So she slowly pulled the trigger, and there was a monumental force suddenly thrown onto her, the gun went up, ripped out of her grasp, and clattered onto the floor, while Kiko herself let out a strangled yelp and lost her balance completely, hitting the deck hard, to the great amusement of Bruyn. Recovering the gun, she helped Kiko up, and then gestured with her head.
“This is how you do it” Bruyn stated, aiming at the target and cocking the hammer before firing off a round. Unlike Kiko’s wild shot which had gouged a small chunk of rock out of the concrete wall at the back, Bruyn’s bullet hit the wooden target and blew apart the head, sending wooden splinters across the firing range. “I guess now; we can discuss how you are going to serve me for the week” Bruyn stated, matter-of-factly as she replaced the massive pistol in its home, and gave Kiko another flash of fang.

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