The Beasts located adjacent to your Bed

Chapter 8: Chapter 8 (This one is grim and rough. Good reason it was cut out of the new version)

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As it turned out, her servitude to Bruyn was not what she was put in mind with the quip about fingers earlier. Apparently there was a record of gunmanship here in the firing range, and Drax held a record. Kiko’s father followed her everywhere in this place, even after his death. Drax had managed a record that had yet to be surpassed, making a dozen perfect shots in eleven seconds, using the very gun that had put Kiko on her ass with a single bullet. Bruyn could manage six targets, but then the reload was too slow and she never managed to surpass him. Even her super strength couldn’t keep such a weapon tamed with one hand, which meant Drax had used ‘crazy Kitsune magic’ to make his record, and Bruyn wanted Kiko to beat it in the Draugr’s name. This was the first time she had a Kitsune indebted to her, so she was going to make the most of it. There was only one problem.
“I don’t know how to do any sort of magic. I don’t even have any tails yet. What do you expect me to do?” She asked, exasperated as Bruyn had her firing off a significantly smaller gun as practice.
“Learn quickly. Do whatever you need to do to bring this tail of yours out, and then use it to mess with gravity or whatever he did to negate the recoil of the Tenderizer” Bruyn replied, feeling Kiko up a bit too intimately for her to be comfortable. However, before she could do anything else, the door to the firing range opened loudly, and Queenie stormed up to Bruyn, looming over her angrily.

“What, the actual hell, are you doing to my girl?” Queenie demanded. Kiko put her gun down so she wasn’t tempted to shoot, and then turned to glare herself.
“I’m not your girl. Regardless of what happened earlier, you are moving way too fast for anything to come of this just yet. Don’t you know anything about patience?” Kiko retorted. Bruyn gave a smug smile from behind Kiko, and got a sharp reply.
“You do remember I don’t need to dissect you to turn you into ash, right?” Queenie almost barked, before looking back to Kiko. “I can do patience, but you said you wanted it so I thought you knew what you were getting into” Kiko shook her head violently at that exclamation.
“You said if I wanted it to be, and I haven’t decided if I do want it to be or not. Some people think with more than their crotch, you know?!” She threw back, a rhetorical question that wouldn’t be answered as Kiko stormed off out of the firing range, and out of the building entirely. Let them send someone to come get her back if they really wanted, she was going to go find some place that wasn’t occupied by insane demon girls, and crazy zombies and all manner of shit that was just too much for her right now. She stormed away from the building at an angry pace, and found herself in a place she’d usually not frequent. She knew of it, all the delinquents and thugs of her school spoke about it like it was the hottest place in the city, but it was actually a run-down portion half a step away from a slum and filled with all the people in the grips of a thousand different vices. Apparently she moved quickly when she was angry, or had lost track of time.

Here was not the best place to be for someone like Kiko, especially not dressed the way she was, but she had to push on and give herself an air of authority and confidence so that nobody would mess with her. She was a SIR agent after all, even though it had only been a day and she was still a rookie. They didn’t need to know that. She wandered around, looking for a way out, but eventually came across a group of thugs harassing a girl down an alleyway. She knew that getting involved would be bad for her in this place, but couldn’t help herself as she walked over, passing some blazed out junkie that was probably so high he couldn’t even hear the cries of the girl ten foot away.
“Hey, let her go” Kiko ordered, standing with a rather intimidating posture, and making sure she was ready to kick ass as soon as she needed. One of the men looked over with the usual look of surprised interest, but she never really got further than that since something heavy cracked around the back of her head as the guy she thought was just a junkie smashed a plank of wood across the back of her head. The darkness of unconsciousness came quickly, so much so that she didn’t even feel herself hit the ground. She had really bad luck with planks of wood, it seemed.

Consciousness returned slowly to Kiko, but when it did, she wished it would go away again. She was naked, and chained to the celling by some manacles that were too tight, and dug into her wrists painfully. Her ankles were equally locked to the floor, stretching her out so there was no slack anywhere. The entire posture was uncomfortable, bordering on painful, but was not the worst part. The worst part, was the man with a broad grin in front of her, openly admiring her figure. She tried to turn, to cover up, to do anything that might avert his gaze, but the chains held her too fast.

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“Morning darling. So, what is a SIR girl doing all alone in our neck of the woods? We’ve been good lately. Well, sort of good. Good in relation to how we normally are” he quipped, clearly amused by himself.
“You know, you didn’t have to do all this song and dance just to ask me that” Kiko replied, groggy but irritated.
“Ohh, na. That’s just my curiosity. We got an order in a few days ago for female members of SIR. Specifically, blonde females. I don’t know what that’s got to do with anything, hair’s hair. But, the sex trade has always been high strung, so I don’t question it” he told Kiko, who’s eyes bulged and her body tried to recoil, but was held tightly in place by the chains.
“Sex trade?! You fucking pig!” She shrieked, wrenching violently at her bindings, but it was a futile action.
“Feisty. I think I might just take a piece of you first. Finder’s fee, and all” He gave a very nasty laugh, and then moved up to Kiko, who squirmed and cried out, trying to get away. It didn’t help, and he forced his way in without any ceremony or warning. It hurt, a lot more than she would have thought from what she had heard about it from everyone else. If it hurt this much every time, she couldn’t fathom why anyone would ever want to do this. But then, part of it was probably his brutal, uncaring thrusts in and out of her. Might have had something to do with it.

‘Someone…please…’ she thought to herself, sobbing softly as blood began to run down her leg. She tried her best to endure it but it was so painful, so horrible, and she couldn’t concentrate on anything other than the pain and the aggressive intruder. Several minutes later – probably, she had lost her perception of time – he began to let out deep grunts and was panting, so was probably about to blow. And then it flashed into her mind. Something she had never seen, but instinctively knew. A sort of premembering.

A girl, with nine tails splayed in a glorious fashion. An aura of peace, and power surrounded her, such that it made all those around her feel safe, and protected. Then the tails vanished in that moment, replaced by a single tail that slowly faded back into sight. With the tail came a man, scruffy looking but somehow wearing scruffy well. He was beaming with pride as the girl spawned her tail. The man looked so familiar to Kiko, but she couldn’t grasp why. The tailed girl looked to the man, and her eyes were a deep, warm gold. The man’s eyes were the same, which was kind of strange. However, the sight was uplifting, it was enlightening. It filled her heart and her body with a warmth and a light she had never known. The man finished his carnal exploits and made a surprised exclamation, which brought Kiko back into the real world. Where she was sporting a fluffy addition behind her.

“A Kitsune, huh? Well shit. Looks like we aren’t parting company just yet. You are a gold mine, I ain’t letting you go to get fucked by some richie bastard when I can become a richie bastard with you around” the man walked over to a table that Kiko had missed before – it was not like she had thought to look around while this mad bastard had told her that she was going to get sold off. The table held copious amounts of clutter, from which he pulled a large jar, and brought it back to Kiko. Then he pulled out a large knife from his belt, and brandished it in front of Kiko’s face, stroking her cheek with the cold flat edge. “So, your blood is something of a rarity, ya know? I don’t know if it’s just homeopathic voodoo, or it actually works, but what you have in your veins is wanted in dozens of different recipes, for all manner of things. It’s also illegal to possess but hey, no risk no reward, am I right?” He asked rhetorically. Kiko knew his plan, knew what he was wanting to do with her, but was entirely helpless to stop him. Tugging at her binds availed her nothing, and she had no idea what she was actually meant to be doing with her tail.
“So, try not to squirm, and I won’t make too much of a mess, ok?” He seemed to have a thing for rhetorical questions, but Kiko had bigger problems. His blade moved to make a practiced cut across her thigh, and then the screaming began.

Each cut felt like it took hours to finished, and then he would gather the blood that spilled out of it, Kiko screaming and crying hysterically as her nerve endings lit up with a burning pain she had never felt before in her life. She was confident she had passed out a few times, which messed up her perception of time entirely. One second he would be slicing her up, and then the next she would be alone in a room that was far too cold to be comfortable, unsure if when he was coming back, but intensely aware of her new scar. She didn’t know how long she had been here, there were no windows and she blacked out a lot from the shock of the pain, the loss of her blood, and generally a desire to escape what had become her life. It had taken a moment for her to lose everything that was going for her and become merely a cretin’s blood bank. Occasionally she would wake with a sore arm or leg, and a tiny needle hole as the source of the pain. They were putting something in her body, probably to make sure she didn’t die on them from all this stealing of what she sort of needed to stay alive. Without any frame of reference, she could only assume she had spent days here. Days of being tortured until she dropped, days of being fed something by needle, and days of being taunted by her own tail. She had it, it would come out when she gave it a thought to show itself, but it did nothing to explain how anything worked.

One session, she was surprising even herself with her mental fortitude. Maybe her body had just adapted to the pain of being cut open, or maybe the sadistic bastard had given her something that forced her to stay conscious, bleeding from different wounds and then those cuts cauterized with a special lighter he had on him. He said it made him look cool when it lit his cigars with what amounted to a miniature blowtorch, and it had its uses in other places as well. Setting large fires, burning peoples eyeballs out, and right now, making sure his honeypot didn’t bleed more than he wanted. Her body was a canvas of scars. The man had some artistic desire because he had made them into crude but legible sigils, symbols that dotted her body and either denoted something, or merely showed a window into the madness of his mind. The one thing she could not understand was the brand, on her lower stomach. Maybe he was some sort of Homopyromaniac or something equally insane. She could accept by this point that he just enjoyed the smell of burning flesh.

Eventually, the world became muted and dull for her, and she was not entirely sure what was real and what was imagined by her blood-starved brain. Her physiology had undergone changes over the past few days, the appearance of her tail turning her away from the path of the human she had walked, and down the path that she was born to walk. It was either this reason, or because she had never really been semi-conscious from blood loss – generally conked out by this point - that she totally hallucinated her torturer getting thrown through the wall to her holding cell, and another, tall and powerful man, stepping through the hole.

Of course her tormented mind would try to keep her from going into the night entirely by putting on this lovely show for her. But it could have waited until she was a little more lucid and less groggy like she had just been woken up with far too little sleep. They spoke like her head was submerged underwater, but she got the gist of it. The large man was distinctly unhappy at her torturer. Maybe they had different tastes in art. Her torturer lunged for him with a knife, but was blindsided by a fist and smashed into the nearby wall hard enough for Kiko to feel the shudder through her cuffs.
‘Were fists really that strong?’ she thought to herself, before she smiled to herself softly, dry lips cracking and beginning to bleed softly. She was questioning the validity of her hallucinations. It seemed her brain’s endeavour to keep her away from the land of the people who wear pants on their heads and lumberjack exclusively with small fish had failed. Only a mad woman would have the gall to question the inflight entertainment that her brain had so obviously worked very hard on. It was vivid enough that she could smell the fear in the room. It smelt like ammonia. Her nose had become sharp over the days of her imprisonment. She could always smell her own blood, and the odour of her torturer. He seemed to have something against personal hygiene. The climax of her movie was when the man began to delimb her torturer and discard the limbs carelessly about the place. The head was last, and discarded with casual disgust, before his eyes settled on Kiko. Her brain had really done it well, he looked so realistic his eyes like pits of darkness into an endless void, and then he spread large, black wings, that defied physics and shone with the sheer depth of the dark hue. It was a spectacle of such beauty she found herself profusely apologizing for any mean thing she had ever said about her brain. She would remember those wings until she was too dead to remember anything. She only had a few seconds to stare, however, since he launched himself upwards, and vanished before hitting the celling. Her hands waved numbly, and then she just watched the body pieces. She had no experience with hallucinations, but she thought they vanished eventually when reality reared its ugly head. A few minutes into the staring, she started to frown, as reality was taking a long lunch break, it seemed.

Maybe it was because she always passed out before this part, but she felt like her torturer was taking a long time getting back. He had to hurry up, she was a busy girl after all. There was screaming to be done, writhing in immeasurable agony as his knife kissed her skin with its edge, and intense despair to be felt when looking into his eyes to see not lewd, perverted pleasure, but the satisfaction of a man doing what he loved, as if carving her up and bleeding her dry was like the whittling of an icon, or the sewing of a dress. He had never forced his way into her again, as if he enjoyed the deflowering more than the act, or just didn’t enjoy the act. Maybe Kiko didn’t have what he liked. Maybe she was too much fox now and he was the kind of person that didn’t enjoy a quick Yiff in the morning before work. But it seemed the man had no respect for punctuality, and he was rude to boot. His head was faced down, not even looking at her so she could scowl at him for his lack of thought for the plans of others. And scowling at the back of a hallucination’s dismembered head just didn’t have the same satisfaction as scowling into the eyes of a hallucination’s dismembered head. But, he was her hallucination, and so she would make him do what she wanted. Concentrating on his head, she told her brain that no, it had not landed away from her, but actually facing her, hoping that that would change the outcome of the little brain video and give her something to do. It didn’t happen spontaneously, but instead came the tingly feeling that heralded her tail coming forth. It then pointed it’s tip in the direction of the head, and extended a strange orange tether, with attached to the head and tugged it around so she could see his eyes. Her brain didn’t seem to appreciate the fact that she was butting in, as it distracted her with loud noises coming from nearby. Clearly a sequel to distract her, try to keep her from being a backseat hallucinator. They were gunshots, but she couldn’t see anything, only hear them. And occasionally screams. Screams of pain, of panic, of determination, of death. The scent of the blood of others filled her nose. She could feel how violently this blood was being spilled, in glorious battle, and it aroused her, a warm tingle in her crotch filling her body with a pleasant emotion that the man could never extract if he tried all day with his insufficient little trouser snake.

Wait, what?

No, no, no, no. She might have been a resident of Loony Town now, living on the corner of Nutter Street and Insanity Lane, but she still had standards. Getting turned on by some guy’s blood was not something she was about to stand for. It was like she was some sort of perverted vampire, which she wasn’t. The teeth proved it. She had neither retractable fangs, nor fine points to her teeth. If she tried to get into someone’s neck, there would be blood. Which, was the point of being a vampire, now she thought of it. And that revelation made her question her earlier statement. She could bite people, there would be blood, and she could drink that blood. Did that make her a vampire? Logic – such as it was – pointed to yes. Fortunately, for the tiny shred of rationality that still clung to existence like a man with hay fever clung to his antihistamines in summer, a familiar, albeit bloody, face appeared. Horns and all. The face said something muffled and distorted, and then the curtains fell on the performance, and Kiko’s eyes rolled back into her head, sagging into blissful unconsciousness, to await the next act when she finally awoke.

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