The Becoming of an Assassin

Chapter 1: Chapter One:

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Adrian took the cap off as he walked out of the ceremony hall. The graduation ceremony was exhausting, and he just wanted to get home. He didn’t make it very far before one of his female classmates stopped him.

“Hey Adrian, are you coming to the graduation party?” Rose asked. He blinked, completely forgetting that they invited him. She was one of the popular kids whom he had tutored. Adrian was never a fan of their crowd, so he shook his head. 

“I can’t, I got things to do.”

“Awe, okay, fine, it sucks. If it weren’t for you tutoring us, we wouldn’t have been able to graduate,” she said and squished his face into her chest. He groaned and mentally cringed.

“If you change your mind, stop by. You know you are pretty cute, how about~” 

“Please stop. I got to go,” he said, pushing her away. She huffed as she twirled her hair around her finger. Adrian hated when Rose would flirt with him. There were two reasons he didn’t return any of the female feelings. One, he wasn’t straight. Two, her type made him cringe. 

He dipped and dodged the students that tried to stop him. He wanted to avoid everyone since they would certainly surround him, asking him what his plans were now. Being a 16-year-old graduate that should have graduated four years ago caused a lot of unwanted attention. The only reason he didn’t graduate then was because of his grandfather. 

He hated the spotlight; he was seriously debating if he should go straight to college or wait until people his age were graduating high school. He had some big decisions that he would have to think about, which could wait. All he wanted to do right now was get out of this suit and get home.

He placed the diploma in his bag and made his way home. He loosened his tie and looked up at the sky. It was getting dark, not the best time to be walking through a bad neighborhood.

“I should hurry,” he mumbled slightly as he unzipped his graduation gown. He turned the corner but realized there was a lot of commotion ahead of him. His presence soon caught the men’s attention.

“Well shit, wrong place, wrong time,” he said, backing away around the corner. The last thing he wanted was to be in the middle of a fight. Luck wasn’t exactly on his side as one of them grabbed Adrian and held a gun to his head.

“If any of you move, he dies,” the man said, his words dripping with venom.

“Shit... John, you would go as far as to kill a kid?” One of the other men said.

“Do it...” Adrian said, making everyone freeze.

“Wait, what?” John asked, but Adrian glanced back at him with a raised eyebrow. 

“I just graduated, and now I have to worry about what I will do with my future. So please kill me and end it already,” Adrian said, the corners of his mouth turning up into a shitty smirk.

“Is he serious?” One man asked. The guy by the name of John let his guard down. 

Bingo. Adrian thought to himself as he threw his head back, slamming it into John’s mouth. Adrian whipped around and grabbed John’s wrist, painfully pulling it behind his back. John let a groan out and dropped his gun, which Adrian then kicked behind him.

“You are an idiot. If you are going to threaten to kill someone, at least don’t get caught off guard. It’s basic common sense. How stupid can you be?” He released the grip on John’s wrist before picking the gun up, and held it to John. Joh raised his hands in surrender, and Adrian let a sigh out. 

All of that extra training the old man made me do paid off. 

“I will leave now because this suit is pissing me off, and I am keeping the gun. An idiot like you shouldn’t be in charge of a firearm.”

Adrian stuck it in his suit jacket and straightened himself up before turning away to go down a different street instead.

“Hey, wait!”


“What do we do with John, Tomas?” 

“Tie him up, and we can take him to the boss man. Do you think you can handle it, Ido?”

“Where are you going?”

“Try to get him to join us...”

“Why? Let him be.”

“Nah...” Tomas said, chasing Adrian.

“Hey, wait for me.”



“Go away.”

“I don’t want to.” Tomas grabbed Adrian by the back of his collar and pulled him back. Being as small as he was, Adrian fell back into the stranger.

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“What the hell?” Adrian turned his head to see the guy who pulled him back.

“Can I help you?”

“Yeah. You should join us.”


“Do you even know what we do?”

“You are obviously part of a gang. I will pass,” Adrian said and walked away again.

“Cute, yet cold.”

“Gross old man.”

“I- wait... I am a year older than you, but I think we may be the same age. I want to say you are 17 or 18. I turned 18 years old just a couple of days ago.” Tomas said.

“Wrong, I am 16.... but I turn 17 in August.” 

“Did this guy just say he was 16?” Ido asked.

“Yeah... so you graduated early?”

“None of your concern...”

“I am Tomas. This is my friend Ido.”

“Don’t remember asking. Bye.”

“What is yo-”

“Adrian! What are you doing?” Adrian heard a familiar voice, and he cringed. Rose and her friends.

“Going home.”

“Come on, come to the graduation party.”

“I already told you I have things to do.”

“Come on, don’t be this way...” She wrapped her arm around his shoulders and pulled him away from Ido and Tomas, who were confused.

“Well, that happened,” Ido said, and Tomas nodded.

“He would be perfect.”

“Oh, to fit the role Bossman wants?”

“Yeah, his movements were so clean.”

“Good luck convincing him.”

“I have my ways.”

“Oh no... this is gonna involve me, won’t it?”


Adrian felt dread fill him, but at the same time, he didn’t have to ever see those men again. So he was grateful for Rose, though Adrian could tell she was already drinking. She was getting handsy, and he kept moving away.

“So cute, why don’t you just date me?”

“One, you are 18 and just graduated. I am 16. The age difference, plus you have to know I don’t swing that way. I didn’t exactly keep it a secret.”

“Oh yeah, I keep forgetting you are so young. Man, well, we could hook you up with someone,” she laughed. Adrian sighed softly. It was going to be a long night at this party.

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