The Best Shinobi

Chapter 20: Menma’s Ninja Way

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"Guy is right. And, besides, we can't change the past. We can only try to make the future better by changing the present." Genma nodded his head as he felt a lot better.

Kakashi was still not okay but he didn't drown in those thoughts too much. He had already lost his father, Rin, Obito, and his Sensei. He knew about Naruto but he was caught up with Anbu missions so much that he didn't find any time to take care of him.

As for the hate spreading out about Naruto, his father did because for the same reason. He couldn't do anything. He didn't find any courage to make any changes for Naruto.

"So, how do we plan to proceed after we reach Tsukigakure? Since our main target is Shinga, we as Jonin would fight them. As for the people in the village, it would be Genins' job to restrict their movements." Genma spoke.

"I also think this plan might just work." Guy nodded his head in response.

Kakashi did the same. They talked for a moment. While they were talking, Menma and others had already fallen asleep.

But, it was only after three hours of sleep, Kakashi woke up Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura. Naruto was a bit loud when he was forced to wake up but Kakashi made him silent.

He took them far while others were still sleeping.

"Kakashi Sensei, why did you wake up so soon? Everyone is still sleeping." Naruto rubbed his eyes and asked.

Kakashi looked at them and sighed.

"I will be honest with you guys. Right now, you guys might be the weakest team here."

When they heard those words, their sleepiness instantly disappeared. Naruto became a bit loud and wild.

"That's not true. I can defeat them all."

Kakashi sighed and said "I am not talking individually. I am talking about your team. While you might have superior strength right now, if you are talking about the team, you three will get obliterated by them."

At this moment, Naruto wanted to rebuke but then he realized something and kept his mouth shut.

"Kakashi-Sensei, how is this loser stronger than me? I don't believe it." Sasuke who was always proud of his strength shouted and turned toward Naruto.

"Fight me!"

"Bring it on!" Naruto instantly accepted without any hesitation.

"Stop it, you two!" Kakashi's voice became a bit loud but he was still not shouting them. He looked at them and sighed.

"This is exactly why your team is currently the weakest. Sasuke, I am not looking down on your strength. I know how strong you are but Naruto, let me ask you something. How good is your Chakra Control?"

Naruto was surprised but he still replied.

"I can walk on water."

Kakashi sighed and said, "Okay, you can go back to sleep."


Naruto ran back to sleep without any hesitation.

"Sensei, why do we need Chakra Control?" Sakura asked. She was also frustrated at how fast Naruto got a chance to go back to sleep.

"Do you know Naruto's measure weakness?" Kakashi asked.

Sasuke got interested. Both of them answered at the same time.

"He is an idiot."

Kakashi didn't know how to respond. He sighed and said "His Chakra Control was his weakness. When a shinobi uses a Jutsu, he requires Chakra. But, if you use Chakra without knowing how much you need, you will either weaken the power of jutsu or use a lot of Chakra."

"Both cases can take your life in the battle. So, a shinobi must train his Chakra Control. Normally, people have somewhat okay chakra control without training. That's the reason why you can easily use your Jutsu."

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"But, Naruto's Chakra Reserve is so massive that his Chakra Control is lower than most people. In order to remove this weakness, he trained with Menma and others for a whole year."

"Walking in water means he has completed the second stage of Chakra Control Training. But on other hand, you two haven't even learned the first stage."

"Sasuke, I am not saying that you will lose against Naruto. If you have A-Rank Jutsu, you can definitely win but if you don't then there is a high chance that you will lose."

"First, he has learned Wind Release Jutsu. The wind might be weaker against fire but you don't have the Chakra Reserve like him. So, in the long battle, you will lose because of your Chakra."

"But if you manage to learn how to control your chakra then even in a long-drawn battle, you can win against him."

Hearing his words, Sasuke's eyes narrowed. He clenched his fists with an excited expression on his face.

"Alright, I will master Chakra Control."

Seeing this, Kakashi sighed a breath of relief and started teaching him tree climbing. Sakura also followed but she quickly mastered the tree climbing due to her insane chakra control.

Kakashi let her go back to sleep. Only Sasuke was trying under the moonlight.

He kept falling and falling down.

'Damn it! I must master this. I can't lose to that idiot. It doesn't matter what kind of training they went through, I will still surpass them.'

With such a mentality, he continued to train. Soon, it was already morning. Everyone had a short breakfast before they move out.

Menma noticed Sasuke's tired eyes but didn't think too much. He knew Kakashi was training him. He looked at Naruto and noticed that he wasn't in the same condition.

And, Sakura just like Naruto seemed fine as well. He understood the situation in his mind and focused on the journey. But, one thing has been going on his mind for a long time.

'I have definitely changed the timeline. Naruto has a friend and doesn't have an obsession with Sakura. The whole Konoha 12 except for maybe the team guy has grown a lot stronger.'

'Well, Sasuke hated losing, and with the improvement that I showed during our normal practice matches, he trained hard. Sakura's charka control was already good so it wasn't a problem for her to graduate.'

'Shikamaru, Choji, and Ino also joined us during training sometimes so they were also good enough for graduation. I could say that only Naruto was the problem for graduation at the age of ten but even he after a year of training managed to succeed.'

'But this means, we are two years earlier than the normal timeline. I guess the Land of Waves mission would be easy for Team 7 if they get it after two years.'

'On the other hand, the Konoha crush arc would definitely happen unless Orochimaru can't convince the fourth kazekage. I understand the reason behind his death was the poverty of the Village Hidden in the Sand.'

'So, if Orochimaru does succeed in convincing the fourth kazekage during the next Chunin Exams, the Konoha crush arc will happen. But, this time, it won't go the same as the original timeline.'

Menma had a blazing spirit in him. After spending three years in this village, many things have become dear to him. The whole village has become his home.

He finally understood what Naruto meant when he said 'The Whole Village is my Family' after becoming Hokage.

While he loved his family, his wife, and children more than others, he still loved the village. No matter how much hardship he suffered, Naruto believed that his village was his family.

Although Menma had the same feelings, he has different plans. Unlike Naruto who was clueless about the future, he had a lot of knowledge about the future.

So, he was going to use every bit of knowledge he had in order to create a better future. That's his Ninja Way.

"Alright everyone, we are going to pass through a small town. Try not to get much attention." Kakashi's voice rang in his ears and woke him up from his thoughts.

As they slowly crossed the village, they eventually appeared in front of the village gate. It was open so they directly moved inside. They didn't have any reasons to talk to others so they continued their movement as they crossed the town in half an hour.

It wasn't that big of a town. But as they crossed the town, Menma saw a person he didn't expect to see. He was surprised and even thought of stopping for a moment.

But, he quickly shook his head and continued. After all, they will eventually meet again.

After all, that person was none other than Tsunade.

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