The Best Shinobi

Chapter 21: Shadow Clone Jutsu

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Seeing Tsunade, he didn't know how to respond. While they were walking, their speed wasn't that much. So, instead of completely abandoning the idea of not meeting her right now, he decided to think about it.

'There is no way I can abandon the mission or even delay our group. We must reach that village within a week. But, there is something that I can do.'

'Right now, my Chakra Reserve should be higher than Sakura but lower than Neji. Boruto despite being Naruto's son was only able to create three shadow clones. Although it was because he hadn't trained his chakra and chakra control, it was still too low for Naruto's son.'

'So, this is a bit risky move but if it succeeds, my gains might be huge.'

Thinking for a few more minutes, Menma suddenly stopped which surprised the group.

"What happened, Menma?" Genma turned around and asked with confusion.

Menma looked at Kakashi and Guy, asking.

"Can we delay for half an hour? I need Genma Sensei's help."

Kakashi and Guy looked at each other and nodded their heads.

"Let's go to the restaurant and eat something. We will resume our journey in half an hour."

Although they didn't know why Menma would ask for such a thing, they knew it must be important. A person like Menma wouldn't waste their time for nothing.

"Is there something you need me for?" When everyone left for the restaurant, Genma turned his head at Menma and asked.

Menma nodded his head.

"Sensei, can you teach me Shadow Clone?"

Hearing his student's request, Genma was shocked for a moment. He hurriedly asked.

"Are you sure you want to learn Shadow Clone Jutsu? Your chakra reserve is quite low."

Menma shook his head and said.

"Although my Chakra Reserve is low, it should be enough to condense a single shadow clone. After all, it would only divide the chakra by half."

Hearing his words, Genma thought for a moment and asked.

"Is it something really important?"

Menma nodded his head and said.

"My goal is really big and for someone like me to achieve it, I need to rely on various methods. Among them, learning Strength of the Hundred Seal is important."

"While we were running, I observed the surrounding and found Lady Tsunade. From what we know, she wouldn't return to the village at any cost so it would be hard to find her again."

"That's why I want to use this chance to make a good relationship with her and try to become her disciple. But since we are on a mission, I can't stay back. So, I need to use Shadow Clone to do this for me."

Genma was surprised by Menma's thinking. In Menma, he could feel the aura of Minato. And, because of Menma's attitude toward Naruto, he couldn't help but feel the need to teach him.

He released a deep breath and nodded.

"Alright, I will teach you the Shadow Clone Jutsu."

Twenty Minutes Later,

"Shadow Clone Jutsu"

Menma made Horse Sign and the next moment, a white cloud appeared next to him. From that white cloud, a figure that looked exactly like him appeared.

There was no difference at all.

This was the Shadow Clone Jutsu. And, this clone wasn't a simple clone but a physical body that could even resist the attacks from others.

Of course, to do so, he would need to rely on the Chakra Level of Naruto.

"Alright, you go and meet Lady Tsunade. Try your best to become her disciple and if not, at least try to learn more about Chakra Control from her. After twelve hours, release yourself."

Hearing his words, the shadow clone nodded and left.

Genma was silently watching all this. Although he knew Menma was talented since he could even learn Medical Ninjutsu and Sealing Jutsu, this process still shocked him.

Unlike most who would try to use their ninjutsu first and then try to fix their mistakes, Menma studied the entire Jutsu for twenty minutes and then finally used this jutsu.

And, it was perfect.

Of course, Genma knew why Menma did this. After all, if there was any accident, Menma could be in a dire situation. After all, his Chakra Reserve was truly low.

"Alright, let's find others and leave."

Genma said and took him to the restaurant. They had already ordered the food. When they walked into the restaurant, Kakashi and others looked at them with suspicion.

They had no idea what happened for twenty minutes. But, Kakashi and Guy quickly found something.

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They found that the Chakra Reserve in Menma's body was half of his true Chakra Reserve. They looked at Genma with questioning gazes.

Genma just shrugged his shoulders and went to finish his meal. The same goes for Menma.

"Menma, what did you do?" Naruto also found Menma a bit different so he immediately asked.

"I will tell you during the travel." Menma didn't reply immediately and started eating.

Soon, they finally left the town.

On the other hand, Menma's Shadow Clone finally found Tsunade. He was following her for quite a while. Tsunade found him a lot of time ago but since she was inside the Casino, she didn't talk to him.

After she left the Casino, she walked outside for a while, moving around which made Shizune who was following her confused.

After a while, she stopped and turned around.

"Alright boy, why did you send a shadow clone to follow? Who are you?"

Hearing her words, Shizune also turned around and looked at Menma with surprise.

Menma's Shadow Clone stopped and slightly bowed his head.

"Greetings Lady Tsunade! Forgive me for talking to you with a shadow clone. I just passed by this town with my team and accidentally saw it. Since I really wanted to talk to you, I had no choice but to use shadow clone."

"As for me. My name is Menma Izuno. I am Genin from Konoha."

Saying so, he pointed at the forehead band.

Tsunade nodded her head and said.

"So, what do you want to ask? It shouldn't be related to Konoha, is it?"

Menma hurriedly shook his head and said.

"This is my matter. I hope Lady Tsunade will teach me the Strength of the Hundred Seals. If it is too much, just the principle behind storing the Chakra is more than enough for me."


Seeing Menma lowering his head ninety degrees in front of her, Tsunade was surprised. Normally, she wouldn't agree or even directly ignore such a request but his words made her interested especially the last part.

It showed the confidence that Menma had to create his own Ninjutsu similar to her with principle alone.

It made her curious as she chuckled for a moment and asked.

"Have you done any research on storing Chakra?"

Menma raised his head and nodded. Then, he started making several hand signs. Seeing these hand signs, Tsunade was stunned. The hand signs didn't stop and continued for over a hundred hand signs.

From those hand signs, she found that Menma was slowly touching the two aspects of her jutsu which was Space and Absorption. The only problem was that it took him more than a minute to complete his hand signs.

[Partial Chakra Stealing Jutsu]


He slammed his hand on the ground and suddenly a long circular seal appeared. Tsunade narrowed her eyes and stared at Menma. She noticed something.

There was no change below her but at the same time, Menma didn't consume any Chakra at all.

"Lady Tsunade, if you don't mind, you can release some of your Chakra on the ground."

Tsunade had already started doing that. When she pressed her Chakra into her foot, she released that the Chakra was slowly leaving her foot and entering the seal.

She was stunned. This seal beneath her was actually eating her Chakra.


Suddenly, she released a huge amount of Chakra. It was a huge pressure of a Kage Level. Menma instantly retreated. He was afraid that this body would disappear because of pressure.

And the next moment, that Jutsu disappeared. Tsunade looked at the seal disappearing and then turned her eyes at Menma. He had already retreated hundreds of meters away.

"Huh! Lady Tsunade, why did he run away? You weren't trying to attack him, were you?" Shizune looked at Tsunade with surprise and asked.

"Haha! That kid is quite crafty. That body is only a Shadow Clone. When I released all of my Chakra, it was equal to Kage Level. While you can bear the pressure of my Chakra, he can't."

"To maintain his Shadow Clone, he had no choice but to run away." Tsunade laughed and then looked at Menma with bright eyes. She never thought someone from Konoha would be able to develop such Jutsu especially when that someone was only a Genin.

After Menma returned, before he could say anything, Tsunade asked.

"Boy, tell me why exactly do you want to get stronger? If your answer doesn't satisfy me, I won't teach you."

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