The Best Shinobi

Chapter 23: Battling Chunins

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In the forest, Menma suddenly paused for a moment then continued running. The Genin didn't notice anything but Jonin did. But, they didn't think too much.

After all, Menma had already explained the situation to all of them.

Menma on the other hand was surprised by the information he received from the shadow clone.

He didn't expect his shadow clone to be so brave to insult the First Hokage. But, he didn't think too much. Because this was indeed what he thin about the First Hokage.

A person like First Hokage can indeed be a secret powerhouse or even the strongest force for a village but it shouldn't be the Village Chief.

Of course, he didn't care much about it. Because there was only a little that he learned about the First Hokage from the anime.

He was happy that he was finally recognized as a student of Tsunade.

With this, he could finally improve his Chakra Sealing Jutsu and Chakra Stealing Jutsu.

Only then, he could create the ultimate Chakra Devouring Jutsu. It's like Rinnegan Ability and Chakra Storage of Strength of the Hundred Seals.

Of course, that was still too far from him.

Menma continued his journey with the team. During the night, they were taught how to resolve Genjutsu.

For Menma whose Chakra level was very low, it was easy to learn this technique. But for people like Naruto, it was harder than anything else.

Even in five days, he couldn't learn this technique.

On the sixth day, they eventually arrived at the outskirt of the Tsukigakure. But, what received them was a massive tree covering the entire village.

Seeing this tree, Kakashi's eyes shrunk.

"Shinga had already used Shinki in the village. We must defeat Shinga as soon as possible. Guy, Genma, and I will enter the village and search for Shinga."

"On the way, we might meet the villagers. Because most of them are common people, try to defeat them without hurting them. Once you succeed, signal Sasuke to cast Genjutsu."

Kakashi instantly made the battle plan and commanded. During these five days, Sasuke started to train his Sharingan.

In the battle against Menma, he was forced into a situation where he had no choice but to use his Sharingan. Of course, he didn't know that before but once he was pushed into that situation, he discovered it.

From then on, he trained with his Sharingan quite a lot. During these five days, he was not only taught how to dispel the illusion but also how to cast illusions.

Hearing his battle plans, Guy and Genma rushed forward with Kakashi while all the other Genin followed.

When they reached the village gate, they didn't see anyone. It was only after they reached the center of the village, they saw a lot of people sleeping on the ground.

"Damn it, this tree is already absorbing their Chakra. Everyone, hurry and take these people away."

Kakashi shouted as he rushed away from the tree.



A man with spiky grey hair standing in front of the massive green egg sensed the powerful Chakra from above.

His eyes narrowed.

"Damn it! Those are Konoha ninjas. They came too fast. No, I must use them to fight these people."

Then, he turned around and stared at a group of people. This group of people had strange markings under their eyes and on their heads.

There were around ten people, with high Chakra Reserve except for a girl at the front. She looked quite young.

"Go out and fight those Ninjas who have invaded your land."

Ten of them instantly nodded their heads and left. At this moment, their mind was consumed with negative emotions.

When they rushed toward the door. This door was connected to the building above the ground.

As soon as they came out, Neji who was checking the ground saw their Chakra inside the building.

"Menma, there are ten people inside that building." He turned around and shouted.

Hearing his words, Menma narrowed his eyes and looked at Naruto.

"Create three shadow clones and send them to find Captain Kakashi, Captain Guy, and Genma Sensei. Tell them that Shinga is hiding inside the building, probably underground."

When Naruto found that Menma had already Shadow Clone Jutsu, he immediately asked Kakashi to train him in this jutsu as well.

But Menma suggested Kakashi train him in Multiple Shadow Clone Jutsu. Because of his Chakra Reserve, this technique wouldn't harm Naruto.

Kakashi hesitated but eventually taught him Multiple Shadow Clone Jutsu. He had only learned it but never dared to use it since his Chakra Reserve was already low due to his Sharingan.

Naruto nodded his head and immediately used the seals. After he formed three Shadow Clones, he sent them away.

At this moment, ten people rushed out of the building. Their speed was fast but Konoha Genins weren't slow either.

Naruto used Multi Shadow Clone, created over twenty clones, and took the lead. Unwilling to be loose to him, Sasuke, Neji, and Lee also rushed forward.

All twenty clones from Naruto made the hand signs.

Snake - Ram - Boar - Horse - Bird

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[Wing Style- Gale Palm]

Twenty palms released a gust of wind, creating a powerful hurricane that swept toward those ten people.

Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff!

Suddenly, those twenty clones disappeared while Neji appeared beside Naruto and released his Rotation Palm Jutsu.

At the same time, Sasuke jumped behind them and made a seal.

Snake - Ram - Monkey - Boar - Horse - Tiger

[Fire Style- Great Fireball Jutsu]


When the flames touched the massive wind, the flame only got bigger and bigger, as it moved toward those ten people.

[Earth Style- Mud Wall Jutsu]

[Earth Style- Mud Wall Jutsu]

[Earth Style- Mud Wall Jutsu]

Nearly three people rushed forward and released the wall made out of the earth in front of them. But, the power of the flame was massive. It broke those walls and rushed toward them.

Seeing it, three more Ninjas stepped forward and released the Water Style Jutsu.

[Water Style- Water Armor]

[Water Style- Water Armor]

[Water Style- Water Armor]

Three of them released the armor made out of the water and covered themselves. They stood in front of their comrades and stopped the fire.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!"

Neji who had used Palms Revolving Heaven was panting heavily. He didn't expect to use this technique so quickly. If he wasn't a genius, he wouldn't able to perform it.

This jutsu was something that was only known to the main family. It was only due to his talent that he learned this Jutsu. But, he didn't expect to use it in this mission.

"Damn it! Even that couldn't destroy them. All of them are Chinins." Sasuke gritted his teeth when he saw his jutsu was unable to defeat his enemies.

"Everyone, don't stop right now. We still need to fight." Menma shouted. Although this plan didn't work, it didn't mean they weren't unprepared.

[Shadow Imitation Jutsu- Binding Shadow]

Jeme instantly released her Shadow Initiation Jutsu to bind their movements. Although it was too much for her to bind ten Chunins at once, she only used it to give her teammates a chance to use their own Jutsu.

[Water Style- Gunshot]

[Lightning Style- Thunderclap Arrow]

When two different styles were released at once, the water became violent due to the lightning. And, the amount of Water released by Okinawa wasn't small either.


This time, the water mixed with lightning struck those ten people. But, it didn't kill them.

At the same time, Kakashi, Guy, and Genma appeared. When Kakashi saw the situation, he instantly made a decision.

"Let's go underground and defeat Shinga as soon as possible. We absolutely can't lose time here."

Guy and Genma nodded and rushed inside the building. The reason why they didn't help Menma and others was because of time.

They didn't have time at all. Because they know something about Shinga and Shinki.

Shinki was a seed that could absorb the Chakra and store it. And, the one who has this seed can absorb that chakra to become someone like Jinchuriki.

And, not Jinchuriki like current Naruto but rather someone like Killer Bee. Because this person wouldn't have any problem controlling this much chakra especially if this person is already a Jonin.

That's why they decided to leave everything to Genin and focus on defeating Shinga.

As they rushed inside, Guy turned his head at Kakashi and said.

"Kakashi, this time I might have to use the Seventh Gate. If the situation is bad, I won't hesitate and use the Seventh Gate from the start and destroy the Chakra Seed."

Kakashi nodded his head and said.

"In fact, I suggest you use the Seventh Gate from the beginning even if he hasn't absorbed the Chakra. Because our primary goal is to stop him from absorbing the Chakra from Chakra Seed."

"Although Third Hokage asked us to bring the seed back, it might be dangerous for us to keep it in the hands of our enemies."

Hearing his words, Guy suddenly showed his white teeth and nodded his head.

"Alright then, its time for Blue Beast to show his power."

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