The Best Shinobi

Chapter 24: Battle Intensifies

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[Eight Inner Gates]

[Sixth Gate of View]


Might Guy roared when he entered the underground. His roar was so strong that Shinga instantly realized it. He was constantly absorbing the chakra from the Shinki but when he heard that roar, his absorption was disrupted.

Might Guy rushed from the back and slammed his kick on the back of Shinga. Without having any defense from his Chakra, Shinga was smashed against the walls.


The lightning sparks surged and Kakashi rushed toward the Chakra Seed. His eyes were focused on it. He wanted to destroy it as soon as possible.


His hand covered in lightning struck the Chakra Seed but he found that it couldn't be pierced that easily.

"Hehehe! Do you really think that it would be so easily to destroy Shinki? That Chakra Seed won't be destroyed while it keeps absorbing the Chakra from the people above."

Shinga burst into laughter as he slowly got up. The bruises and wounds on his face started to heal. His back which was cracked by that previous kick was also healed.

'Damn it! Does that mean we have to wait until they finish up those Chunins and pull out everyone from the branches of that tree?'

Kakashi's eyes shrunk as he felt powerless. He knew the difference between Chunin and Genin. Even if his Genins weren't ordinary, they can't defeat so many Chunins.

"Kakashi, my eternal rival, why are you in a daze? Their youth hasn't even begun. Let them bloom their youth in their battle."

Suddenly, Guy let out his classic smile and spoke.

Kakashi was stunned for a moment but then he quickly adjusted his mentality.

"Kakashi, Guy, we have another chance. Even though he has absorbed a lot of Chakra, it shouldn't be a problem for us to send him above. Then, we can not only fight him but also help the Genins."

Genma thought for a moment and immediately made a battle plan.

Kakashi nodded his head. He also agreed with this battle plan.

"Alright then, it's time for my YOUTH to burn like a fireball."

[Morning Peacock]

Guy roared and slammed his fist toward Shinga. His fists released a barrage of punches. Each punch shot a fire punch toward Shinga.

Faced with several fire punches, Shinga instantly released his massive chakra in the form of water.

[Water Style: Surging Sea]

After a handful of signs, a massive blast of water burst out of his mouth. The water and flames collided, turning into a vast amount of vapor.

[Severe Leaf Hurricane]

Suddenly, a figure dashed forward inside the fog and kicked Shinga with all of his might. Guy's kick sent him flying, breaking the ground, and emerging outside.


Shinga coughed out a lot of blood. His Chakra flowed through his body and immediately started healing him.

'Damn it! I underestimated Konoha's ninja. This guy deserves his name as Blue Beast. No, if I am not wrong, he still has a higher move that resembles his Blue Beast name.'

'Thankfully, that idiot made a perfect plan for me.'

At this moment, Shinga couldn't help but feel excited. Although it was a bit out of his control, he still had a perfect way to gain all that Chakra stored inside the Chakra Seed.

[Mult-Shadow Clone Jutsu]

But, suddenly he was attracted by a voice of a child. He turned his head and saw a boy with yellow hair creating hundreds of Shadow Clones.

'Damn it! Who is this boy? Why does he have so much Chakra? Damn it! Don't tell me that these Genins can truly defeat those Chunins. If that happens, my plan will fail.'

'No, I still have a trick.'

[Shadow Clone Jutsu]

In an instant, he performed Shadow Clone Jutsu and send him toward the Genins. But while his Shadow Clone was leaving, a massive fire condensed into the form of a dragon rushed toward it.

[Fire Style- Fire Dragon Bullet]


When the fire dragon collided with the Shadow Clone, it burst into white smoke and disappeared.

"Shinga, your opponent is us." Kakashi dashed out of the underground with the lightning surging in his hand as he revealed his Sharingan and dashed toward Shinga.

[Wind Style- Great Breakthrough]

As soon as he saw Kakashi with his favorite move, he instantly formed wind on his hand and released a powerful blast of wind toward Kakashi. The chakra released by Shinga made the wind even more violent and strong.

Seeing this, Kakashi instantly stopped his Chidori and formed another hand seal.

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[Earth Style- Earth Wall]


The powerful gust of wind struck the wall and blasted it into pieces. The wind didn't stop as it blasted Kakashi as well but when it blasted him, it changed into smoke.

It was a Shadow Clone.

Behind Shinga, Kakashi emerged from the ground with the Chidori in his hand. Without any hesitation, he slammed his hand into Shinga's back.


Shinga couldn't deflect or dodge it. The Chidori pierced his body but suddenly, his Chakra surged.



There were three Shinga constantly absorbing the Chakra from Chakra Seed. One of them suddenly turned into White smoke and disappeared.

The Chakra absorbed by his Shadow Clone returned to his body and Shinga instantly pushed Kakashi away.

He quickly released all of his Chakra and started healing his wound.

Although Kakashi mortally wounded him, the massive amount of Chakra was more than enough to heal him.

"How?" Kakashi's eyes shrunk and his face distorted when he saw this scene. He didn't understand how Shinga managed to release so much Chakra all of a sudden.

[Fire Style- Fire Dragon Bullet]

Suddenly, a fire dragon rushed toward Shinga.


On the other side, Naruto and others were facing ten Chunins. Even with Naruto's hundreds of Shadow Clones, they were at a constant disadvantage.

"Menma, what should we do?"

Neji walked near Menma and asked. At this moment, he had already accepted Menma as the team leader. Although he was older than Menma, it didn't mean his leadership was good.

Menma was also in deep thought. He didn't have a lot of Chakra left in his body. So, he was trying to find a way to defeat them with whatever they had.

'Currently, only Naruto has a big advantage due to his massive Chakra. Even Sasuke has started to fall back. As for others, Lee hasn't learned the Eight Inner Gates which means, I can only rely on Neji and Tenten.'

Menma took a deep breath and his eyes turned to Tenten.

"I need that scroll."

Tenten was surprised by his words. But, she quickly realized what he was talking about. She gritted her teeth and said.

"Are you sure? If we use it now, we might not be able to use it for the next two years."

Neji looked at the two of them with confusion. Same goes for Sakura and Lee. Both of them were useless right now. They were ashamed of their weakness but they could do nothing to help others.

Hearing her question, Menma seriously nodded his head.

"Although I don't want to use it now, it will recharge in two years which is more than enough."

Tenten nodded her head and took out a scroll. After she unfolded the scroll, a massive black jar appeared on the scroll.

She took the Jar next to Menma and stood aside.

"Neji, do you see that girl? I want you to cooperate with Sasuke and separate her from others."

Menma pointed his hand at the girl whose Chakra was less than others and said.

Neji nodded his head and rushed toward Sasuke. Although Sasuke didn't hear him, he wasn't in the condition to decline Neji's words.

Both of them started to cooperate with Sasuke's Fire Style and Neji's Revolving Heavens to separate the girl from others.

At this moment, Menma opens the lid of the massive black jar and sends his Chakra to it. He turned his head at Tenten and nodded.

Tenten instantly understood and took out several dozens of papers. She only chose nine of them and rushed toward Naruto.

"Naruto, I want you to release another barrage of Shadow Clones and stick these paper bombs on them. And while you do that, keep your distance from Shadow Clones."

Tenten immediately understood Menma's plan. She knew Naruto could release a lot of Shadow Clones. Although she wasn't sure if this plan would work but if Naruto could release enough Shadow Clones to distract them and put these paper bombs on them, then his plan would work.

Fortunately, it seemed like these people weren't perfectly coordinating with each other or even thinking properly. They were just full of rage, trying to take down Naruto's clones.

Naruto saw those paper bombs and nodded. He instantly released another burst of Shadow Clones but this time, he unconsciously used Nine Tails' Chakra and released over five hundred shadow clones.

Everyone except Menma was surprised. Even Kakashi, Shinga, Guy, and Genma who were fighting far away were surprised.

At this moment, Menma looked at the black jar and his face turned dark.

'Do I even need this jar now?'

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