The Best Shinobi

Chapter 26: Naruto’s Determination, Sasuke’s Request

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“You idiot.” Menma’s eyes were filled with tears. He couldn’t believe Naruto would put his life on the just to keep him safe.

Of course, Naruto was this kind of person but he also knew that he wouldn’t die. On the other hand, if Menma truly got hit by that shockwave, he would die for sure.

After all, he didn’t have the Nine Tails inside of him.

After staying with Menma for three years, he understood that his Nine Tails wouldn’t let him die that easily. Because once the Jinchuriki dies, the tail beast would die as well.

And, for Nine Tails who is known as the strongest tail beast, dying would be shameful to him. That’s why he would do anything to keep Naruto safe.

“Damn it! You are losing too much blood.” Menma quickly took out a scroll and opened it. There were a lot of bandages on that scroll.

He quickly took off Naruto’s clothes and started bandaging him. At this moment, he even forgot about the jar.

Because to him, Naruto’s life was a hundred times more important than the jar.

“Naruto” “Naruto”

At this moment, others also noticed Naruto on the ground, and seeing the clothes covered in blood, they rushed forward.

Among them, Tenten was also the one who rushed forward to help them but when she noticed that the jar was uncontrollable, she decided to fix it.

When others reached next to Naruto, they also understood why he was full of blood while Menma was completely fine.

Even those who had run away suffered some casualties but Menma was completely fine. And, they immediately understood the reason. But, at this moment, they felt conflicted.

Especially Okinawa.

He was one of Menma’s earliest friends. He had been together with Menma since they joined Ninja Academy but today, he didn’t even think of Menma while running away.

He clenched his fist and trembled, not even trying to help Naruto.

Menma finished patching up Naruto with bandages and he became a mummy. Only after that, Menma started scolding him.

“You idiot, do you know if you hadn’t had the Nine Tails’ Chakra, you could’ve died? Did you forget about your dream? If you had died, would you still be able to accomplish your dream?”

“Next time, think before you take these kinds of actions. Because if you die, there would be a lot of people who be sad.”

Naruto didn’t interrupt him. He just let Menma release all of his anger. He just silently listened to his scolding. He even felt happiness in his heart. Because for him, it felt like being scolded by a brother.

Menma also noticed his mood and helplessness arose in his eyes. He finally stopped talking and flicked his finger.

“Next time, don’t do anything stupid. Don’t forget what I told you before. You don’t have to beg for recognition. You can earn it on your own.”

Hearing his words, Naruto turned silent. Yes, he begged for recognition. After all, before he met Menma, he had been doing a lot of mischief in the village just to get some recognition.

He would do anything to protect the people of the village so that they would recognize him. Wasn’t it the same as begging them to recognize him? Menma asked him the same question before.

At that moment, he didn’t know how to respond. But now, he found the answer. He raised his head and looked at Menma as he responded.

“I won’t protect others for recognition. I will protect them because they recognize me. And, Menma, you are the first person in the village to recognize me.”

“So, if the same thing happens again, I will protect you even if it cost my life.”

Hearing his words, Menma turned silent.

Was Naruto influenced by Ashura?


But, was it really because of Ashura that Naruto became such a person?


Yes, Naruto was foolish and all of the reincarnations of Ashura were foolish but it didn’t mean he was completely like Ashura.

Naruto was also like his father.

Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato!

He was the person who scored the highest on the Chunin Exam. Was it really possible for him to be so foolish that he wouldn’t know about the darkness of Konoha?

Was it really possible for him to not understand the ambition of Third Hokage and Danzo?

No, he knew everything. That’s why he chose Naruto as the Nine Tail’s Jinchuriki.

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Because he knew with his personality and his wife’s personality, Naruto would never fall into darkness. It’s not that he knew about Ashura.

He just knew that his wife was a strong-headed person. No matter how many people tease her or even force her to give up, she would never gives up. Her personality was always bright.

Although Minato wasn’t exactly bright like his wife, he was still a gentle person. He was in fact a perfect being. Gentle and cool with people around him, and the devil with his enemy.

That kind of person he was. So, he believed that his son wouldn’t fall into the Darkness that easily.

And, Naruto did inherit something from his father. And, that was the Will to protect his people with his life. Both father and son had the same mentality to protect their people with their own life.

Menma slowly calmed down. He didn’t need to think too much about this. After all, unless someone forces Naruto to become bad, it would be impossible for him to be evil.

He was the person who would never give up, inheriting the mentality of his father and soon would inherit the Will of his teacher.

That’s why Menma tried to help Naruto. Because he was sure that he would never be able to change Naruto’s personality. All he could do was to help him understand some truth and accompany him in the dark times.

That’s it.

Soon, Menma decided to give up his thoughts about it. He stood up and said.

“Take some rest. With that move, I believe Jonins have taken care of Shinga.”

Saying so, he turned around and walked toward the Jar. He noticed Tenten standing next to it.

At the same time, Sasuke, Neji, Lee, Okinawa, Jena, and Sakura sat beside Naruto. While others were deeply contemplating Naruto, Sakura suddenly spoke.

“Naruto, I have decided something.”

Naruto looked at her with confusion as she continued.

“I am going to learn Medical Ninjutsu. No matter how injured you get, I will definitely heal you.”

Sakura said this with a strong expression on her face. Even Sasuke who was sitting next to her was surprised.

“Hehe! Then, I will be in your care from now on, Sakura.” Naruto smiled and raised his hand to give her a thumbs up.

“Idiot, don’t move. You are injured.” When she saw him moving, she immediately scolded him.

On the other hand, Sasuke looked at him with a serious expression.

‘Is this the power of the Nine-Tails? Just a few minutes ago, he was covered in blood but now, he could easily move his hands without even feeling any pain. It’s almost like his wounds are already healed.’

‘Damn it! I won’t be left behind. I must train hard. Only then I will be able to kill that man. But, what should I do? How should I train to increase my strength quickly?’

When he was thinking about it, his eyes involuntarily shifted toward Menma who was talking to Tenten. Suddenly, he realized something.

Even though he was from Uchiha Family, he never won against Menma unless he used his Sharingan. This alone shows just how strong Menma’s abilities are.

Even if he didn’t know powerful Ninjutsu, what he knew was enough to defeat him.

Naruto had Nine Tails inside of him and he also came from one of the strongest families. Neji was also known as the genius of the Hyuga Family. So, it wouldn’t be a surprise for them to defeat him.

But, Menma was different. He was just an ordinary person with an ordinary talent. In fact, his Chakra was only higher than Sakura but in the entire group, except for Naruto, nobody could win against Menma.

And, if Menma fought with the intention to kill, he believed that even Naruto might not survive.

Thinking about it, Sasuke suddenly stood up and walked toward Menma. Everyone was surprised by his sudden action. When he reached next to Menma, even Menma frowned.

Sasuke didn’t beat around the bush and asked.

“Do you have a way for me to get stronger? Can you help me?”

Although he was arrogant, he had completely accepted the fact that Menma was stronger than him, especially after this battle and after seeing Menma’s extraordinary means.

Menma was surprised by Sasuke’s request. Although they have been close for three years, Sasuke never bothered to ask for his help even when he saw Naruto’s progress.

So, it surprised him that Sasuke would ask for help now.

But, he was stingy. He instantly nodded his head and said.

“With your talent, I have more than five ways to make you stronger at rapid speed. Of course, not all of them are easy to achieve.”

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