The Best Shinobi

Chapter 27: Village Leader

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Hearing his words, Sasuke couldn't calm down for a moment.

More than five ways!

Even if he used one way, then he would definitely be able to increase his strength. And, more importantly, even Menma has accepted his talent. That means, it wasn't just some ridiculous ways to increase his strength.

But rather, it would be something related to his own talent.

At this moment, he was extremely angry at himself. If he had only accepted that Menma was stronger and more knowledgeable than him, he would have become stronger than Naruto.

He gritted his teeth but he quickly calmed down and bowed his head.

"Please teach me!"

Menma was now stunned. He even felt like this Sasuke wasn't the Sasuke he knew before. Not just him, even others were surprised.

Menma stared at Sasuke for a moment and nodded his head.

"I will guide you. I don't know many Ninjutsu, so I can't become a Teacher. If you want to learn Ninjutsu, Captain Kakashi would be perfect for you."

"I will just help you lay out the foundation and give you the plan to get stronger. But not now. Let's talk about after we return to Konoha."

Hearing his words, a smile appeared on his face. But, he quickly removed that smile and nodded with a calm expression.

At this moment, Neji also came forward even before Sasuke could turn around. He also came with the same intention. After all, even an arrogant person could bow his head, so why can't he?

He also bowed his head and said.

"Can you please guide me as well?"

Now, Menma was speechless. He didn't know what to say for a moment. But, he was also calm person. So, he nodded and said.

"You don't have to bow your head. If you want a guide, I will help you. But first, let's return back to the village."

Hearing his words, Lee and Sakura who were also interested in increasing their strength decided to stay back. After all, they could ask him later.

After few minutes, Kakashi, Genma and Guy returned. But, at this moment, Guy was on the stretcher. He didn't seem injured but he was suffering from the side effects of Eight Gates.

"Guy Sensei!" Lee screamed as he rushed toward Guy but Kakashi stopped him.

"Don't touch him right now. It's the side effect of his Taijutsu. It will be over after few hours."

At this moment, Guy had barely started using the Seventh Gate. Even if he had used it before, he wasn't completely proficient on it. So, the side effects were still scary.

Everyone looked at him with surprise. The side effects were quite scary but then they remembered the last move that send shock wave to this place and realized that this must be his move.

"Anyway Menma, what happened to the tree?" Kakashi turned his head at Menma and asked. He was surprised to find a jar next to Menma and felt like Menma had done something to the tree.

"It has been absorbed into this jar." Menma knew that he wouldn't be able to hide things about the Jar so he directly revealed it.

"You mean, you sealed it inside this jar?" Although he knew that Menma was good at Sealing Jutsu, this was still a whole new level of Sealing Jutsu.

Menma nodded his head and said.

"I hope Captain Kakashi won't tell anyone about this. This is a secret Sealing Jutsu I developed. It took me three years to do so. I can use this jar to absorb anything into it as long as it has Chakra on it."

"Once absorbed, it can only be recovered in the form Chakra."

Suddenly, Kakashi's eyes narrowed. He was shocked but also terrified.

"Wait, by anything, do you also mean humans?"

Menma nodded his head without hesitation.

"Yes, anything with Chakra can be absorbed and then transformed into Chakra. For humans, the final result would be death. For Tailed Beasts, it would be normal sealing."

"Of course, to seal someone, I need to completely break their spirit that means if they are against this absorption, I can't forcefully absorb them unless if my spiritual force is stronger than them."

Hearing his words, Kakashi, Guy and Genma were terrified. Although the condition was harsh, it was still a very dangerous Sealing Jutsu especially if it falls into the hands of others.

"Menma, I know you don't want to tell anyone about this. But, I don't think keep something so dangerous in your hand would be a good thing. I can help you exchange this for a powerful Ninjutsu from the village."

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Kakashi immediately realized the danger of this Jutsu and spoke.

But, Menma shook his head and said.

"I know you are worried about it being used by other people but don't worry. I idolize Second Hokage just like Fourth Hokage. So, I know what can happen if you create some ridiculously powerful ninjutsu without any caution."

"I have installed two securities in this Jutsu. First, it can only be used on one target once in two years. On the other hand, it only reacts to my Chakra Signature. So, even if someone tries to get this, he won't be able to use it."

"That's why I asked you to hide it. Of course, if you still tell this to Third Hokage, I can make another one for the village in exchange for a forbidden jutsu from the Seal Book."

"It would take two years to complete it though."

Hearing his words, Kakashi was surprised. He didn't expect Menma to be so smart to install the securities into a Jutsu. You know, although there are restriction in each Ninjutsu, it didn't mean no other people can't learn it.

Even the famous Flying Thunder God technique that was said to be impossible to learn was perfected by the Fourth Hokage.

So, hearing his words, Kakashi realized that there wasn't anything to worry about. Unless, Menma decides to betray the village. And, from the relation between him and others, it was highly unlikely.

More importantly, he still had his parents in Konoha.

"Alright, I can't hide this from Lord Third but I believe Lord Third won't try to take it from you."

Hearing his words, Menma nodded. Although he was slightly afraid that Third Hokage would share this to Danzo, with Tsunade as his teacher, he was reassured.

"By the way, how did Naruto got so injured?" Kakashi turned his head at Naruto who seemed to be covered in bandages and asked.

Menma and others quickly explained everything to Kakashi. Kakashi was shocked hearing that. He glanced at Naruto with a strong admiration in his eyes.

Now, he was even more sure that Menma would never betray them. Because the friendship between Naruto and Menma was stronger than anything else.

At the same time, Menma started sealing the Jar inside the scroll. After all, right now, he couldn't use the Chakra from the Jar.

That's why he wanted to develop the ultimate Chakra Devouring Jutsu. He didn't want to become a Jinchuriki but rather more like Madara and First Hokage with almost infinite Chakra.

And, to do so, he had to absorb the Chakra into his body and increase the upper limit of his Chakra. To do so, he had to understand the principle of Strength of the Hundred Seals, reverse it and then merge it with Chakra Stealing Jutsu.

All of that would take him years.

At the same time, Kakashi and Genma started waking villagers including the girl whose name was Tsukino. When she finally woke up, she instantly remembered everything that happened.

Her mind went blank for a moment and the next moment, she started crying.

Seeing her in that situation, everyone became silent. Not only she lost her village, she also lost most of her people. Even those nine Chunins were dead.

When she was crying, Menma suddenly took a step forward. He slowly got into one knee and spoke.

"I know this is probably hard to accept. If something like this happened to me, I would be losing my mind too. But, right now, you have to remain strong."

"You are the leader of this village. If you fall now, what would happen to the village that your father protected for so long?"

Tsukino hearing his words slowly raised her head. Although there was no sadness in his face, there was no smile either.

She realized that what he said wasn't wrong. After the death of her father, she was the leader of this village. It was her responsibility to take care of her village.

But, not only she couldn't do it, she also became victim.

She slowly wiped her tears and looked at his forehead protector.

"Are you from Konoha?"

Hearing her words, Menma nodded his head.

"Yes, we are sorry that we couldn't arrive early."

Tsukino shook her head and lowered her head.

"It wasn't your fault. That person took the perfect chance to take control of our village. Thank you for helping us instead."

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