The Best Shinobi

Chapter 7: Helping Naruto

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"Menma, you can come here after the academy ends. Unless I am on the mission, I will teach you the Sealing Jutsu." Neki smiled as she gave him the weights.

"And, these weights have a sealing paper on them. After you remove the sealing paper, you will feel its weight. And, if you reattach the sealing paper, the weight will disappear."

"But, remember, the sealing paper can only be attached three times."

Menma nodded his head as he took some money from Murasaki and paid for it.

"Mom, I am going to the Third Training Ground with Murasaki. I will return in a few hours." Menma waved his hands and ran out of the shop with Murasaki.

"Hai! Hai! That boy sure doesn't wait for anything." Yuki sighed and turned around at TenTen. She put a big smile on her face and said.

"TenTen, how about you come with me? I will show you my house and from tomorrow, you can come there to train Medical Ninjutsu whenever you want."

"Alright, aunty!" TenTen brightly smiled as she followed Yuki. Neki waved her hand to say goodbye.

Fifteen Minutes Later,

Menma and Murasaki finally reached the Third Training Ground where no one seems to be there.

"Menma, are you seriously going to train Sealing Jutsu? I heard that it is very hard." Murasaki asked. Coming from a ninja family, it wasn't surprising that he knew about Sealing Jutsu.

"Sealing Jutsu is just the beginning. Anyway, let's start our training. Your physical body is really weak right now. So, you should start with 25 Kilogram set."

"We will train for three hours and return home. Your parents won't scold you, right?" Menma asked.

"Don't worry! If I tell them I was training, they won't do anything. But, they do force me to learn Genjutsu. I don't even know a single Ninjutsu. How am I supposed to learn Genjutsu?" Murasaki frustratedly shouted.

Menma sighed "It's because your clan was known for its Genjutsu. But don't worry, you are just growing up. Taijutsu is the foundation for both Ninjutsu and Genjutsu."

"Although both of them don't require physical strength, it still requires enormous Chakra. Without a strong body, we can't produce enough Chakra thus lacking in both Genjutsu and Ninjutsu."

"So, for now, let's just train our body until we reach the age of 10."

"What? We are just going to train Taijutsu for three years? Come on, Menma! If we only train Taijutsu, we will lag. We need to learn other things as well." Murasaki pouted.

"Idiot, we will train others things as well. Such as, I will train Sealing Jutsu while you will train Genjutsu. What I am saying is that we won't focus entirely on anything else."

"So, start training now."

With his words, both of them started training. Putting weights on their bodies, they started with the simplest exercise.

Push up!

Although they were kids and fifty kilograms was too much even for the adults, they were still ninjas. With Chakra flowing inside their bodies, they were much above average adults.

But still, though, training with those weights was hard, especially for Menma who was using Fifty Kilograms. In the next three hours, he only finished fifty push-ups, thirty chin-ups, fifty battle rope waves, fifty log hangs, hundred squats, and fifteen minutes of plank.

After this portion of the exercise, they finally returned home. They used the sealing paper to reduce the weight because they barely move. In the middle, Murasaki and Menma went different ways since their houses were on different sides.

He looked at the sky and found the snowfall.

"It seems like the winter is starting soon. I guess so much exercise didn't make me feel the cold."

He muttered as he walked toward the silent road. But just when he was walking, he heard the voice.

"Stop bullying a little girl!"

This voice was very familiar to him. Hearing this voice, Menma couldn't help but feel confused.

'Wasn't this supposed to happen when they were five or six? They are already seven now. Could it be another incident different than the previous one?'

Menma hid behind the wall and saw two boys who seemed bigger than him standing in front of a boy with yellow hair. Behind that boy, there was a girl with black hair who seemed to be afraid.

'Sigh! This is the Hinata I know. Why was she so motivated during the class? Could it be that her father was putting more pressure on her?'

'Anyway, let's observe the situation before making any move. Since Naruto has grown, he could surprise me.'

Two minutes later,

'Hah! I expected too much from Naruto. It's not that he isn't strong. It's just that idiot doesn't know how to use his strength. But, then again, no one taught him anything.'

'Man, I don't know how painful it must be to write such a character. Anyway, I must interfere now. This is the moment I've been waiting for. Though I am a bit tired.'

Menma clenched his fist and rushed toward those two guys. They didn't sense him. They seem to be kids of the academy, not even a genin since they didn't have the headband.

Menma used his left fist and punched one at the left side. The punch forced that boy to collide against the boy next to him.

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Although they collide, they didn't suffer much damage.

"Why you…" One of the bullies suffered considerably less damage and instantly thrusts his fist toward Menma. But, Menma was calmly analyzing his opponent. He saw it coming even before he made a move.

He quickly gathered the chakra into his fist and moved his head to dodge the attack. He simply took a step forward as his fist landed on that man's chest.


He also fell to the ground with the blood coming out of his lips.


Suddenly, at this moment, a figure rushed from the side as he swing his kunai. Menma didn't see that coming but suddenly a figure appeared in front of him and took attacked his chest.


Menma was shocked for a moment. He didn't expect Naruto to take the attack for himself. But, soon the anger flashed in his eyes. The boy who slashed Naruto's chest panicked slightly.

Taking this as an opportunity, Menma raised his leg and kicked that boy in his face. But, he didn't stop there. He jumped toward that boy and his palm landed on his face.


The boy fell to the ground as he coughed out blood from his mouth.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

At this moment, two people suddenly came out of the shadows, and before Menma could make a move, one of the spoke.

"That's enough!"

Hearing those words, Menma felt a cold killing intent in over his body. He opened his fist and took a deep breath. He rushed toward Naruto and saw Hinata closing his blood.

At this moment, she was crying. Menma walked closer to Naruto and patted Piñata's shoulder.

"You should go home. Your father will be angry if you arrive late. My mother is a medical ninja. She will heal him." Saying so, Menma picked up Naruto from the ground and turned around.

He saw two ninjas wearing cat masks. He didn't say anything and walked forward until he reached close enough.

"Since you don't care if he gets hurt or not, I suppose there will be no problem in me taking him away."

Hearing his voice, two ninjas clenched their fists but they didn't make a move. They picked up the other two and disappeared.

A few minutes later, Menma finally reached his house. When he walked in, he saw his mother and father sitting on the couch.

"Mom, I need your help. Please heal him!" Menma ran toward his mother with a worried expression.

When his mother saw him holding a boy in his hand, she didn't know how to react but when she saw his face, her eyes narrowed. The wound on his chest didn't escape her eyes.

She didn't ask him anything and said "Put him down first!"

Menma obeyed her as he put him on the table. She stood up and walked in front of him. She placed her palm above him and the green light emits out of her hand.

At this moment, his father walked behind him and asked "Are you his friend?"

"We were classmates. But, I haven't talked to him. Nobody talked to him so I guess he wasn't my friend. But today…."

At this moment, a smile appeared on his lips as he said.

"I guess, he is my friend now."

His father sighed and asked, "Aren't you worried others will also stop talking to you or even harass you?"

Menma looked at him and asked, "Are you talking about my friends or elders of the villages?"

His father and his mother were surprised by his question. His father said "Both!"

"If it is my friend who stops talking to me, he won't be my friend anymore. If it is my friend who starts harassing me, I will beat him to the ground. But if it is elders who do them both, I just laugh at them as if they are fools."


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