The Best Shinobi

Chapter 8: Warmth

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Yuki turned her head at him and asked "Isn't that disrespectful? What if those elders are your parents?"

"Hmm…. This is a complex question. If they are my parents, I will definitely change their view of him. But, if they are others, then my answer is the same. I will just laugh at them as if they are fools." Menma smiled and replied.

"What makes you say that?" His father asked.

"Uh! First, I will be the one to choose who is going to be my friend. Second, why would you hate the kindest person in the world? Third, it's my business anyway."

"Kindest Person?" Yuki murmured as she looked at Naruto. Her eyes suddenly got filled with terror as she remembered that night. It was the most horrific night of her life.

The entire village was in chaos. But before she could think more, her husband asked "You know about him, right?"

"Actually, I learned about him. It wasn't hard considering there are literally clues everywhere in the library if you just read some history books. But, I guess higher-ups just want to hide things so that they won't get blamed."

Menma raised his head at his father and mother.

"Mom, dad, I am not aware of what we lost that night. But, he isn't the one to get the blame. He is just a kid."

Menma slowly lowered his head and continued "A kid like me."

His words made his parents contemplate this. Yuki sighed and said "I didn't expect reading would change you this much. You have become so mature."

"Mom, during your time, there was a war which matured people. Now, there isn't any war but it doesn't mean we won't mature." Menma responded.

To his words, his parents simply nodded their heads. At this moment, Menma walked closer to his mother and pulled her long skirt.

"Mother….. do you still hate him?"

At this moment, Yuki's hand trembled as she finally spoke.

"My father died during that night. My younger brother was just born."

Hearing her words, Menma pulled down his hand. He understood that it was impossible to forgive Naruto. He was grateful that his mother still healing him.

He turned around and walked away but just before he could reach closer to his dad, she continued.

"But, you are right. What that monster did wasn't this child's fault. And, from the wound he got, it looks like he was protecting you. So, I won't hate him from now on. I will treat him like any of your other friends."

At this moment, Menma's eyes widened as he rushed to his mom and hugged her from behind.

"Thank you, mom!"

"I can't see my son sulking around his mother every time. Can I?" Yuki smiled as she slowly removed her hand.

"Alright, his injuries are healed. But, since he was slashed in the chest, he needs some rest. By the way, what the hell happened?" Yuki asked as she turned around.

After that, Menma told them everything that happened.

"Sigh! Even Anbu who was supposed to protect him isn't doing anything but then again, the small fight between children is normal. By the way, are you hurt?" Yuki asked with a worried expression.

"No! I am fine. By the way mom, can I learn Medical Ninjutsu from you?" Menma asked.

"Huh? Why do you want to learn Medical Ninjutsu? I thought you were interested in Sealing Jutsu." Yuki asked with confusion. His father also looked at him with confusion.

"Mother, my chakra reserve isn't high, right?" Menma asked.

His question made his parents a bit sad. Menma hurriedly waved his hands and spoke "No, no, I am not blaming you. How can I blame you for giving birth to me? I am just saying that if I have a low chakra reserve, I need to find some alternative."

"Mom, you are a medical ninja which means my Chakra Control won't be too bad. So, for the next three years, I plan to train Sealing Jutsu, Taijutsu, and Medical Ninjutsu."

"With Taijutsu, my physical strength would be strong from the start but if my Chakra Control increases, I will be able to use some powerful attacks like Lady Tsunade."

"As for Sealing Jutsu, I need it for something else."

Hearing his three years plan, his parents were surprised but they were also very happy. Since their son had made a plan for himself, it was good. And, importantly, this plan wasn't bad at all.

But, Yuki still felt like something was missing. She narrowed her eyes and said.

"And, you are not going to tell us anything about what you want to do about your low chakra reserve and Sealing Jutsu, right?"

Menma rubbed the back of his head and smiled.

"I was just worried that you won't believe me."

"You are our son. If we don't believe in you, who would we believe?" Yuki patted his head and smiled.

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"Actually, after I graduate and become a Chunin, I plan to find Lady Tsunade. From what I learned about her. She has a strange jutsu that allows her to store her Chakra slowly and use it for healing whenever she wants."

"I want to get that jutsu so that I can use Space-Time Ninjutsu that Lord Fourth uses. And, that's why I want to start by learning Sealing Jutsu as it will slowly help me build up the foundation for a jutsu that except for Lord Second and Lord Fourth, nobody has ever practiced."

Hearing his words, his father smirked and asked "And, you think you can do it?"

Menma patted his chest and said "I must do it. My dream is to become the best shinobi like Lord Fourth. And, I will do it."

"Hush! I guess telling you the stories of Lord Fourth changed you." Yuki sighed.

Actually, this was the reason why Menma had been telling her that he wanted to become like Lord Fourth again and again. His mother used to tell him the stories about the Hero of Konoha a lot and making such a person his role model wouldn't be a bad idea.

Especially since he was going to make a lot of changes in himself.

"Alright, mom, what's for dinner?" Menma felt his stomach growling and asked.

"First, shouldn't you help your friend? Put him in your bed and wash your hands! I will serve the food quickly." Yuki said while walking toward the kitchen.

Menma took Naruto to his room but just when he was putting Naruto in his bed, Naruto opened his eyes. When he first opened his eyes, he saw Menma in front of him which startled him.

He tried to escape from Menma's hand and fell to the bed.

"Slow down! I am not going to eat you. Anyway, I am glad that you woke up."

"Mom, do we have food for one more person?"

"Oh! Is he awake? Don't worry, we have enough." Yuki's voice rang in his room.

Hearing her words, Menma smiled and turned around.

"Anyway, thanks for blocking that knife for me. I was already tired due to training and if I had taken that, I would've been even more exhausted."

Naruto slowly calmed down and shook his head.

"It was you who saved me."

"But, it was you who showed the bravery to save an innocent girl like Hinata. But, you still suck at fighting."

Hearing his words, Naruto clenched his fists and didn't say anything.

Menma got closer to him and flicked his forehead.

"Idiot, at least look into your friend's eye when he is speaking to you."

"Ouch!" Naruto cried in pain as he covered his forehead. But, a few seconds later, his expression froze.

"A-a-are you calling me your friend?"

"Well, yes! Even though nobody talks to you, you still try to help a girl from your class. So, of course, I want you to be my friend. Unless you don't want to." Menma raised his fist toward Naruto.

Naruto raised his head toward Menma. When he saw his bright smile, he felt the sun shining in front of him. He slowly raised his hand and gave Menma a fist bump as he lowered his head.

Tears fell down his eyes as he made his first true friend.

"Don't be such a crybaby! Come on, mom has already served the food. It's going to be cold if we don't hurry." Menma stretched out his hand and grabbed his hand. He ran out of the room as Naruto hurriedly wiped away his tears.

He pulled Naruto to his seat. Naruto sat down and he did the same. His father was sitting in front of him and his mother sat next to Naruto.

At this moment, Naruto was avoiding the gaze of Menma's parents. Seeing this, his father decided to speak first.

"I heard that you are my son's friend and even saved him today. Thanks for helping him out! Treat this as your home. Now, eat, or else, it will be cold."

His father also let out a big smile just like Menma.

Naruto looked at the plate with rice and curry. He slowly picked up a spoon and scoop up the rice and curry together. When he put it in his mouth, Naruto felt something that he had never got a chance to feel after his birth.

It was Warmth. He couldn't swallow his first bite as tears fell down his cheeks. He forced himself to swallow it and took another bite.

Seeing this, Menma's parents clenched their fists and the same thought came to their minds.

'We were wrong, very wrong.'

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