The Boys Group Chat

Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Breafast and Spoliers

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Alright, guys, I don’t know what to say here but Dai’s got a serious problem, like a real serious problem. His room is filled with some pictures that will send his ass to jail. His walls, ceilings, and even his pillows and blankets are all covered in the same picture. The picture was of a little girl. Except for Yoko since she’s weird herself, the rest of the boys pretended to not see the posters.

“Can we do this meeting somewhere else?” Genkei muttered to himself as he was creeped out.

“Alright, is everyone here now?” Dai said.

“One moment we’re waiting for one last person.” Lucky mentions while he has his phone to his ear.

“Oh? Who could you be on the phone that’s not here?” Dai wonders.

“A Police officer,” Lucky said.

“Huh? The PO-police? Why?” Dai stutters over his words.

“You think you can show us this illegal room and get away with it?” Lucky had a straight face on.

“Your misunderstanding! That little girl is my little sister!” Dai desperately raises his tone.

Ren enters the room by using her feet to push the door handle down, she’s carrying numerous plates which all have different kinds of food for breakfast. She was practically carrying a mukbang on herself.

“Alright, numbskulls! I’ve made each and one of your breakfasts! The first time is on the house but next time everyone is chipping in towards ingredients, comprende?

Everyone’s eyes lit a fire as they all saw different kinds of meals which were calling their names. Their expressions were beyond happiness as they all responded to Ren with one word as they all yelled out today.

“ COMPRENDE!!!!!!”

“SHUT YOUR MOUTHS!!! IT’S STILL TOO EARLY MORNING!!! JEEEZ!” Ren retaliated by raising her voice back.

Everyone in the room was spooked by this as they all looked at each other and afterward they all burst into laughter which Ren was confused about.

“What’s the joke? Why’s everyone laughing? Hey! Did I say something funny?” Ren was bewildered.

After the whole laughter, everyone all grabbed a plate as they all began to feast like a big family, some were eating more than others, some were stuffing their faces like pigs while others were stealing each other's food.

“Hey! How come Dai’s plate looks different from us!” Yoko points out like a child.

Ren was caught off guard as she was a bit flustered.

“Oh I-I didn’t even realize.” Ren was flustered.

“ You think so? Well, Ren always gives me this plate when she makes me food.” Dai replied as he didn’t realize himself.

“Always?! Don’t say ‘always’ like that. It’s not like that. It’s just that you can’t cook so I help you out by cooking the ingredients that you buy.” As Ren makes it clear while she blushes.

“And how come you have more eggs than everyone else! I want more too! I want more! Not fair!” Yoko whines like a baby.

Ren coughs as she gains back her composure.

“Dai is a picky eater and doesn’t like pork so I gave him more eggs as a substitute so that he gains his protein,” Ren explains.

“Okay if that’s the case how come he’s got more food portion than any of us,” Yoko responded.

This made Ren blush slightly which Lucky noticed. Ren then approached Yoko and pats her head gently.

“Okay Yoko, next time you will get the most portion, promise?” Ren gently smiles.

“Yayyyy!” Yoko replied with joy.

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Dai and Nerdy got up as they stood in front of everyone.

“I guess it’s time to explain why I’m hosting this meeting.”

Dai spoke while Nerdy is standing next to him as he was holding his laptop which displays a presentation. It displays ‘Training Arc’

“Welcome to the Training Arc!” Dai spreads out his arm as he presents.

“ Training…arc?” Genkei doesn’t know what’s going on.

“Oh! Oh! I know! Were gonna cosplay like anime characters! Then I want to cosplay as ‘Spades’. Kaito blurts out.

“Spades? Oh, you must be talking about that anime called ‘Dino Ball X’. Yh I like Spade as a character too.

“I want to dress like him while wearing a giant doughnut on my chest,” Kaito said.

“Why a giant doughnut?” Genkei asks.

Spoiler Alert! This Kaito idiot is about to spoil. Thankfully as the narrator, I passed that episode a long time ago.

“Because in episode 108 he gets punched right through in the-”

“OI SHUT YOUR MOUTH!! THAT’S A SPOILER!” Genkei yells at him.


“BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! I CAN’T HEAR ANYTHING! DISAPPEAR YOU CURSED SPOILERS!” Yoko screams like a madman as she’s rebuking the spoilers.

“Wait so Spades die!? Damn it why!?” Dai is more concerned with the actual story than the spoiler.

“You idiot Kaito! You couldn’t have just kept your mouth shut!” Nerdy scolds him.

“I’m sorry but Lucky doesn’t seem to care.” Kaito tried to switch topics.

“Wait, Lucky don’t you watch ‘Dino Ball X?’” Ren asks like she’s surprised.

“ Of course I do.” Lucky replies.

“Don’t you care about the major spoiler Kaito just said,” Genkei asks passionately.

“Maybe, he’s already passed that part too?” Nerdy said.

“Well spoilers don’t matter to me and in episode 115 he gets revived back to life.” Lucky blatantly said.

“ SCREW YOU LUCKYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” everyone in the room blasted altogether.

“ Even I didn’t know that.” As Nerdy whimpers.

“Thank God. They can’t just kill Spades off like that.” As Dai seems more relieved than annoyed by the spoiler.



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