The Boys Group Chat

Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Reward & Punishment

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“Anyway back to serious matters. Were not cosplaying for an anime show but you are half right about what you said, Kaito” Dai vocalizes.

“Why am I half right? Give me back my other half!” Kaito stupidly takes it the wrong way.

“I meant the part of you mentioning ‘anime show’. Every show and anime has a training arc that the main protagonist goes through vigorous training which leads to them getting a new power up.” Dai breaks it down.

Genkei raises his hand.

“I got a question Dai,” Genkei said.

“You have to call me daddy or I won’t answer your-”

“What are we training for?” Dai asked.

Nice job Genkei. I would have ignored him the same way.

“We are training our ‘game’ in other words, sharpening our pick-up lines skills,” Dai replies.

“Yes! If we're doing heavy lifting then I’m gonna pick up the most lines!” Kaito stupidly took it the wrong way again.

“ Ren, next time you make breakfast make sure you add medicine to his food.” As Dai was getting fed up.

“Furthermore, this training also has another purpose than to just test our pick-up lines but to prepare us for the next phase which is the ‘Games Night’ that Dai will be hosting and will take place at the end of this week,” Nerdy explains while straightening his glasses.

Hearing this news, everyone in the room was amazed as Dai comes in next to speak.

“The games night will be happening in this room so-”

“Nope.” Lucky flat out said.

“Nope? Where did that come from?” Dai became confused.

“ I agree with Lucky.” Nerdy contributes.

“Agree with what? What are you two talking about?” Dai is unclear about what is going on.

Nerdy simply puts his hand on Dai’s shoulder and locked eyes with him.

“It’s alright Dai, just take it easy because according to my calculations, we're just not going to host the games night here,” Nerdy spoke to him politely as he can be.

Dai still wouldn’t let it go.

“But we both agreed earlier then it will happen in my roo-”


“Yes sir.” Dai simply obeyed as he looked heartbroken.

Nerdy takes in a deep breath and out as he began to feel calm again.

“Anyway, sorry about that but as Dai was trying to say earlier, the games night will be hosted in a location that we don’t know of yet but the main objective of this training is to successfully invite the girl of your target afterward to this game night we are arranging.” Nerdy professionally explains this.

“Setting all this up just to talk to some girls? Boys are dumb, right Yoko?” Ren whispered to Yoko.

Yoko who was not paying attention was punching the ground… no, nope. That is not normal. Why on earth is Yoko randomly punching the ground like she’s made an enemy out of it?

“Ren look! I almost tried to dodge my shadow. Oh look… wait… argh damn it! It got me again. How do these guys move so fast!” as Yoko pours all her concentration towards her own shadow.

“Am I the only normal person here?” Ren asks herself that question in her head.

Don’t worry Ren, you are not the only one who thinks that too.

Nerdy clicked on his laptop and the presentation screen went to the next slide. This slide displays a scoreboard of all the boys' names except Genkei. Genkei was the only boy whose name is not on the screen.

“What you’re witnessing right now are the scoreboards of everyone’s name. The aim of this is for you to collect the most phone numbers from girls. This will take place at the shopping center at noon today which will be flooded with young girls.” Nerdy explains as towards the last bit he sounds creepy.

“Why did you have to say the word ‘young’” Ren was creeped out by this.

“Are there any prizes? If there is I want a new dumbbell.” Kaito randomly spoke out.

“I wouldn’t say there are prizes but…” An evil-looking expression appeared on Dai’s face as he rubs his hands together like an evil mastermind.

“There are rewards and punishments in this training.” Dai maliciously said.

“Oh boy! I don’t like where this is going.” Ren stresses as she puts her hand on her forehead.

“The reward for first place is that, on the day of the game night, all boys have to sacrifice themselves and focus on helping the winner to wingman with their target,” Dai explains with a scary smile.

“I like that.” Lucky agrees.

“Not bad for a reward, I guess.” Genkei also agrees.

“So wait, nothing like a treadmill or a dumbbell but a fucking wingman!?” Kaito was not happy with this reward.

“Don’t get your hopes up boys, I can tell this weirdo came up with a messed up punishment just by looking at his disgusting face.” Ren who could see through Dai makes a comment.

“You know me too well, Ren. The punishment is for whoever gets the least numbers in other words come last place and what they have to do is… run around campus…” Dai paused his words while the suspense stretches.

“Is that it?” Genkei said anxiously.

Nerdy prepares to speak as he’s about to finish off Dai’s sentence.

“And say these words after me-”

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“While being completely naked and making a public confession towards their target!” Dai completely cut off Nerdy as he rapidly talked over him.

“God forbid,” Kaito said with a deep bass tone.

“RUN AROUND COMPLETELY NAKED!!??? WE NEVER SPOKE OF THIS?!” Nerdy outburst in total shock.

“There’s no way I’m doing that!” Genkei closed his eyes while crossing his arms and legs.

“You’re not even on the fricking list, you pussy. Geez, how can you even be scared of girls to the point when they touch you, you turn to stone.” Dai quickly mutters these words under his breath quietly.

“Huh?” Genkei heard the noise of Dai’s muttering.

“Nothing.” Dai gave a fast response as he looks somewhere else while whistling.

Lucky was already at the door.

“Oi Lucky where you going?” Dai shouted.

“To look for new friends.” Lucky quickly responds.

“I saw something like this coming. Look Dai, I don’t want to see you or any of the boys being humiliated like that so it’s either you come up with a new punishment or forget this whole stupid training arc thingy!” Ren stands up as she was the voice for the boys.

Hearing the voice of Ren standing up for the boys’ pride and honor, Lucky, Nerdy, Genkei, and Kaito gather around her on their knees as they cuddled her legs and said out loud…

“Aaaaaawwwwwwww Ren! We love you!”

“But why did Dai's name come out first and were just boys?” Lucky teases her as he gives her a smug look.

Ren begins to blush as her cheeks turned slightly pink.

“Sh-shut up Lucky!” Ren felt embarrassed.

Dai whose plan is about to be shut down didn’t want to give up yet and came up with a new suggestion.

“Okay, then it’s either they do it or they have to watch a video of me twe-”

“We’ll do it!” eagerly chanted by Lucky, Genkei, Nerdy, and Kaito.

Ren was confused by this and had to question their behavior.

“What!? I thought a second ago, that you guys didn’t wanna do it. What’s so bad about watching a video of Dai-”

“We’ll do it!” again eagerly chanted by Lucky, Genkei, Nerdy, and Kaito.

“Well, I can’t blame them. Dai can sometimes be very weird.” Yoko who hasn’t spoken in a while finally opened her mouth.

Including me, everyone all had the same thought process as they all said it together simultaneously.

“You have no right to talk.”

“Erm… guys, for a while now something has been bugging me.” Genkei scratches his head in confusion as he can’t seem to find his name on the scoreboard.

“What is it, buddy?” Lucky said.

Genkei nervously said while he scratches his head.

“ I-I’ve been trying very hard to find it but I think all this time my name isn’t on the screen. I think you missed my name accidentally-”

“ Not an accident.” Fast reply by Dai.

“According to my calculations, you won’t be able to stand a chance in this, Genkei,” Nerdy said bluntly.

Lucky slipped in a comment.

“Add him to the competition of picking up boys' phone num-”

“SHUT IT LUCKY! And guys c’mon it’s not fair to be judging me earlier, it’s normal for a guy like me to be shy with a girl, look, see, I admitted it but leaving me out in your plans just stings, man!” Genkei flat-out interrupts him as he becomes upset.

“Please, do not try to normalize being turned into a stone when every time the opposite sex comes in contact with you. I will not allow it.” Dai wasn’t buying Genkei’s emotion as he puts a straight face.

“You guys are being big meanies!” Yoko came in front of Genkei to defend him.

“ Yoko…” Genkei's heart warms up as he witnesses this.

“I agree with Yoko, he even swallowed up his pride to admit he’s scared of girls and you guys still bully him for it! That’s not on!” Ren who also stepped in front of Genkei defends him.

“ Ren…” again this warms up Genkei’s heart.

Dai and Nerdy had guilty expressions on their faces as they began to feel bad for what they had done.

“Alright, sorry Genkei, we didn’t mean to treat you like an outcast.” Nerdy apologize.

“Yeah, is just that we wanted to prevent you from running around the campus naked while confessing to Nana Shima-”


“Let me add Genkei’s name into the scoreboard,” Nerdy said while doing exactly just that.

“By the way, Yoko and Ren don’t count as phone numbers.” Lucky blurts out.

“Damn it.” Genkei begins to panic.

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