The Boys Group Chat

Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Training Arc Commence!

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Noon has arrived; Lucky, Dai, Genkei, Nerdy & Kaito are standing around within the massive shopping center at the university campus. Ren and Yoko are also with them as Ren got a camera out. The shopping center is filled with thousands of university students as they are all out shopping, chatting, eating and some are doing public performances.

But let’s be real, our boys don’t care about that right? That’s not what caught their eyes as what they are really focused on are the different types of women they can witness, there were Asian, black, white, tanned, and all sorts of beautiful women who are enjoying their youth.

“May the training arc begin!” Dai announces as he raises his voice through the center.

From Dai’s signal, all five boys scattered to go collect the most phone numbers.

“Hey Ren, what are we meant to do again?” Yoko was confused as she scratches her head.

“You should have been listening rather than fighting with your own shadow.” Ren sighed in exhaustion.

“But it was so addictive! You should try it too!” Yoko said enthusiastically.

“No thank you.” Ren shuts down Yoko.

Ren then released another sigh.

“What am I going to do with you, numbskull.”

Yoko smiled at Ren who she couldn’t get angry at her but cracked a smirk.

“Oh whatever, I’m going to explain what we’re going to do,” Ren said.

Alright readers, as Ren is going to explain I will take you to the flashback of what happened earlier this morning…

After the gang ridiculed Genkei earlier in Dai’s room, Dai continued to talk.

“I forgot to mention, this will all be recorded by Ren and will be posted on my Yuutube channel,” Dai added on.

“You got a yuutube channel? What’s it called?” Lucky sounds intrigued.

“Is called ‘Dai-Dai’ and Ren also has her own channel too which is called ‘Ren-Ren’,” Dai said while being impressed.

Everyone in the room had the expression of ‘what the hell?’

“As you can tell, Ren is too cute that she wanted to copy my name.” Dai arrogantly said.

Ren immediately bugs out.

“You liar! I never wanted to become a yuutuber in the first place! But you went behind my back and created one and what even annoys me is the fact that you gave me such a stupid name!” Ren rages as she huffs and puffs.

“Stupid? But you said you didn’t mind the name and I thought you liked it. Then do you want me to change it?” Dai was concerned as he asks.

This completely caught Ren off guard as she was blushing red and is stuttering all over her words.

“Wh-wh-what!? No-now you listen to me. Wh-where did that come from? Any-anyway, it’s too late to change it and I don’t care anymore.”

Lucky notices this sort of weird behavior from Ren as he glances at her from the corner of his eye. Ren quickly changes the subject.

“Anyway! Why do you need me to record?” Ren said while her arms are crossed.

“Since us boys won’t be there to spectate everyone, we will need a referee and also footage to look back to evaluate our pick-up lines,” Dai explained.

“That makes sense. Then Yoko can help me by counting the tally of the times you successfully get a phone number.” Ren said.

“Yayy! I get to count! Uno! Dos! Tres! Cuatro! Cinco!” Yoko screams like a child.

“In English please.” Ren scolds her.

“Quick question, when will the game night happen?” Lucky asks.

“According to my calculations, it will take place at the end of the week.” Nerdy gave a robotic response.

“Everyone should all go and freshen up and be prepared around noon as that’s when this competition will kick off! May the best man win!” Dai said with a motivated tone.

That’s the end of the flashback and here we are back in the current time within the shopping center.

“Now did you get all of that, Yoko?” Ren said.

“Aye aye captain!” Yoko tucks in her feet as she gives her a salute.

Suddenly, something caught Ren’s attention.

“Huh? Isn’t that Nerdy?” Ren said.

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Yoko turns around to look which she noticed too.

“Yeah, it is Nerdy but why is he carrying his laptop? Also, did you press record?” Yoko reminded her.

“Oh… yes. Thanks for that.” Ren pressed the record button as the camera is being scoped by her.

Nerdy was seen with his laptop as he bounces from one girl to another like an invisible ninja.

“What the hell is he doing?” Ren whispered.

“I don’t know, maybe he’s creating a special technique to get their numbers? Like how an anime protagonist creates a special techni-”

“Don’t be silly Yoko.” Ren shuts her down fast.

As Nerdy is doing his weird antics, this time his fingers began to move like he’s typing things down while sneaking around the girls.

“Now it looks like he’s typing something-” Ren abruptly cut herself off.

Ren just realized what Nerdy is doing.

“That son of a bitch is eavesdropping to get their phone numbers and he’s typing them down to his laptop!” Ren was disturbed.

“Huh? Isn’t that stalking?” Yoko was concerned.

“Oh wait, there’s Genkei over there!” Ren noticed.

“I hope he’s alright. He doesn’t like girls.” Yoko sympathetically said.

“Hey Yoko, don’t say it like that when Lucky’s around. That will give him joke ideas to make fun of him.” Ren said.

Ren turned the camera to Genkei as it’s still recording.

Out of the blue, there was a loud voice that echoes from the shopping center which came from an employee inside a clothing store.


“OMG! Did you hear that!?” a comment from a random girl.

“HALF FRICKIN PRICE!?” comment from another random girl.

“This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Girl, we got to get there first!” comment from another random girl.

Almost every girl within the shopping center heard this news and one by one all got thrilled and excited about it. This created a huge buzz and storm and every girl rushed and dashed towards the clothing store creating a huge stampede of bulls.

Funny thing is that these thirsty stampedes of girls were all running towards the direction in which Genkei is based at.

“Uh-oh. Genkei isn’t going to like this?” Ren was worried while she keeps on the recording.

“But isn’t this his chance to get all those girls’ phone numbers?” Yoko added.

Genkei heard loud tremors and turned around to see where it was coming from. Which he saw hungry hyenas-like girls sprinting toward him.

“Oops, looks like he noticed the thousands of girls charging in his direction.” Ren commentates on his action.

“At least he doesn’t look scared,” Yoko added.

“Your right, he looks nowhere near scared but ready to take on this challenge.” Ren seems surprised.

“Maybe Genkei’s character development is about to happen.” Yoko happily said.

“Your right! This might be it! Genkei might overcome his inner demon in this episode!” Ren shared the same excitement with Yoko.

Genkei turned back around and got into the crouching position as he faces forward with determination. Genkei’s eyes lit with fire and a strong will that he believes that he will survive this thirsty mob of girls.

“On your marks!” Ren commentates.

Genkei changed his stance into a standing start position.

“Get set!” Yoko commentates too.

Genkei again changed his stance as he was about to jet off. 

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