The Boys Group Chat

Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Pick up lines

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Genkei is vulnerably lying on the floor after he’s been tripped up by Dai, unaware that the stampede of thirsty girls is about to trample on him.

“YOU GUYS HAVE GONE TOO FAR!!! THERE WAS NO NEED TO TRIP HIM UP!” Ren blasts with disgust as she tells of both Lucky and Dai.

Quickly, Yoko worriedly ran to Genkei’s aid as she tries to help him up.

“Hey, Genkei! Are you good? Are you all right? Is there anywhere that hurts?” Yoko was very concerned.

Genkei unexpectedly pushed Yoko away, rejecting her help as he picks himself up while rubbing off the dust from it.

“I’m sick and tired of this!” Genkei outbursts.

Lucky and Dai who were caught off guard by Genkei’s reaction were speechless as they had nothing to say as they both realized they took their joke too far.

“You guys are too childish. I’m leaving” Genkei sternly said.

“It was just a joke man. Didn’t mean to go that far. I’m sorry.” Dai felt apologetic as he frowns his face.

“Yeah Genkei, I’m sorry. I thought you would laugh it off.” As Lucky face was filled with guilt.

Genkei ignores their apologies and turns his back on them as he leaves.

“Please don’t go Genkei,” Yoko begs.

“Don’t go? Screw you guys. We're done and remove me from the group chat. I don’t want any part of it no more.” Genkei glares at them like they're his enemies.

Lucky and the rest felt terrible about this as they broke into a sweat as if they’d just lost a friend. As the narrator, I’ve never seen Genkei like this. Maybe they did take it a bit too far.

As Genkei abandons the group and walks away, forgetting the stampede of women were still running after the clothing store, one of the girls slightly touched Genkei as they try to make way.

Genkei said three words to this.

“Ah, that’s soft.”

As he continues to walk away, Lucky and the rest noticed something about Genkei.

“Hey? What’s happening to Genkei?” Lucky was in confusion.

“Huh? I can see it too.” Dai was bewildered.

“Woah! He’s changing color?! How’s he doing that?!” Yoko screams in shock.

“What?! But she barely touched him?!” Ren was speechless.

Genkei's walk began to slow down as he slowly turned to stone without realizing it.

“Damn, why does my leg keep dragging the floor? Did Dai tripping me up hurt my leg that badly?” Genkei mutters under his breath without realizing what’s going on.

Suddenly, Genkei lost his power to walk as he got stopped in his tracks.

“What the hell? Why can’t I move?” Genkei complains.

He looks down to see the cause and he finally noticed that he’s turning to stone. As he looks around, the stampede of girls all paused in place as they watched and were fascinated by this unique phenomenon.

“Is he performing magic?” a random girl said.

“How’s he doing that? Another random girl said

“That looks a bit scary. Another random girl comments.

“That looks cool! Teach me!” Another girl shouts.

Genkei now turned into the spotlight within the shopping center. He was the focus of the attention. He was the main star. And how did Genkei feel about this?

Genkei… began to sweat… a shit ton of sweat.

“What you are all seeing… I planned this! Ladies and gentlemen witness me turning into stone!” While he was soaked in his sweat, Genkei kept a poker face on to fool everyone while everything up to his neck had been turned to stone.

Suddenly, sniggering whispers emerged.

“Pfft! Did he just lied that it was planned?” Ren whispers while giggling.

“Loo-pfft! Look at him sweating. His forehead looks swollen pfft!” Dai whispers as he couldn’t contain his laugh.

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“Pfft! I bet he thought he was cool the way he walked out on us!” Yoko sniggers while she covers her mouth.


“What are you saying Lucky?” Dai said.

Lucky says with a mischievous grin.

“You think you can walk away like that after I apologized to you?”

Dai and Ren had fear in their expressions; both said simultaneously as they were creeped out.

“But Genkei didn’t do anything wrong in the first place?”

“Let’s see who gets the last laugh?” Lucky said with a devious grin.

“That’s too petty.” Both Ren and Dai said at the same time as they were freaked out.

“Hey! Hey! Ren isn’t that Kaito over there?” Yoko annoyingly taps on Ren’s shoulder.

“Where?” Ren replies.

Ren turns around to look in the direction Yoko was pointing at.

“I can see him. Oh, shoot he’s talking to some girls right now! I need to keep the camera rolling!” Ren activates her camera skills and began to record.

As Kaito is seen talking to a couple of girls, Ren and Yoko were on standby to capture the footage.

“ Hello girls, do you know where to find and pick up lines?” asked earnestly by Kaito towards the girls.

“I don’t know where to find lines but us girls are happy that we found you.” As one of the girls sweet talks.

“Find me? Oh, so you knew I was looking for lines? That’s great! You know where to pick them?” Kaito who is completely way off gets enthusiastic.

The girls looked at each other in confusion but because Kaito was good-looking and muscular they didn’t care and continued to entertain him.

“Forget about picking up some lines and let’s test your strength by trying to pick us up?” the sweet talking continues from the girls.

“Ermm… well I can’t find the lines and I did miss gym this morning because of Dai’s meeting… okay! Let’s work on the biceps!” Kaito eagerly said.

Kaito tensed his biceps and his veins and muscles shot out bulging like crazy which impressed the girls as they blushed.

“Wooooooow!” the girls blushed in excitement.

Suddenly, Kaito sweeps up one of the girls from the ground and carries them like a bridesmaid. He then lifts them up and down slowly and gently as he’s carefully trying to contract the muscle in his biceps. The girl that’s being carried has her face turned super red as she can’t stop blushing and her friends were also blushing in jealousy.

“OMG! OMG! OMG!” the girl being carried couldn’t stop repeating herself as she tries to fan herself to cool down.

“ I wanna have a turn too! Carry me next!” the other girl couldn’t stop being jealous as she was eager to be carried next.

“He’s soo strong, he’s soo hot! Do you have a girlfriend? Where do you live?” the other girl who lost her composure couldn’t contain her excitement.

In the end, after Kaito has worked up a bit of a sweat, the three girls all gave him his number.

“I’m free tonight to call.” as the girl who got carried flirts.

“You can call me first since I’m free in the afternoon.” As the second girl said while it sounds like she’s trying to compete.

“Why wait later, when I’m free right now to call.” The third girl interferes as she’s not letting her friends get the upper hand.

*cough* *cough*

The first girl who got carried purposely coughs to get her friend's attention.

“C’mon girls, let’s not lose ourselves. We got things to do today. But anyway we gotta go. We’ll see you later you big hunk of-”

“And… delete!” Ren who stops the recording interferes wight he footage as she deletes it.

“Why would you do that Ren?! That was gold!” Yoko argued.

“If the boys find out Kaito is getting numbers through like that, we will never hear the end of it,” Ren says with a straight face.

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