The Boys Group Chat

Chapter 16: Chapter 16: DAI-X

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The training arc is still ongoing! As all the boys have scattered to get the most phone numbers. Even though I would rather tie a steak to my nuts and run through a pack of hungry dogs… let’s check in on how Dai’s doing in this competition.

“Are you alright?” Dai came in with a gentle persona.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just looking to find where the toilets are.” The girl replies.

“I would have escorted you to the toilets but I guess it will be creepy if a guy like me follows you to the women's toilets.” Dai jokes around.

“It’s not like you're going to come inside with me” the girl jokes back.

“Of course… unless you invite me?” Dai replies smoothly.

If this wasn’t fiction that guy would have gotten his ass sent to jail. I’m not a Dai hater. I’m just saying but anyway…

The girl couldn’t control her blush as she loves Dai’s reckless attitude.

“That’s an imposter!” Yoko screams out.

“Nope, it’s Dai. But your reaction is totally understandable. “Ren said.

“That’s not Dai!” Yoko screams out again like a maniac.

“Believe it or not. It’s him.” Ren replies.

“Ahh, so it is him.” It seems like Yoko figured something out.

“I told you it was him,” Ren responds.

“You never told me that Dai had another counterpart from a different multiverse.” Yoko spouting nonsense.

“Come again?” Ren's face was an expression of error.

“It makes sense. That Dai from his universe must be the complete opposite of weird and gets a lot of girls, unlike our Dai.” Yoko talks like she’ comes to a scientific conclusion.

“ Nah she’s probably messing around. I know it’s hard to believe that Dai is good with the ladies but maybe Yoko is overdoing-”

“I’M GONNA CALL HIM DAI-X FROM UNIVERSE 8!” Yoko exclaims with her absurd scientific statement.

“Huuuh?!! And why add the ‘X’? Ren was gobsmacked.

I agree with Yoko. He must be Dai-X.

“Anyway Yoko, on a normal day, Dai is the weirdest being on earth but when he’s serious about talking to girls… I have to admit... he can get any girl he wants.” Ren tries to explain to Yoko that it’s Dai.


Yoko stares into space like she’s lost in her thought.

“I’m being serious Yoko, Dai could get any girl he wants and this is coming from me who always ridicules Dai.” Ren is now desperately trying to explain to Yoko who still refuses.


Again, Yoko ignores Ren as she has a goofy expression while singing nursery rhyme tunes.

Ren begins to sigh as she gives in.

“Okay… Dai-X can get any girl he wants.”

“So he is from another universe! Dai-X must be incredible!” Yoko shouts.

“Yep when it comes to his words, Dai can even get you, Yoko. I’ve seen it with my own eyes.” Ren explains.


Yoko’s goofy expression returns as she counts how many teeth are in her mouth.

Dai-X” Ren corrects herself.

“Really! Dai-X can even get me to fall for him! He must be cool!” Yoko said with excitement.

“She’s convinced that’s not Dai, huh?” Ren said in her thoughts.

Back to Dai and the girl he just met conversating.

“Um, how do I invite someone to the toilet?” the girl stutters in embarrassment.

“It’s easy, just hold their hand like this and simply direct them there.” As Dai copies his words through his actions as he caresses the girl's hands as holds them.

The girl seems like she was falling in love.

“But won’t someone think I’m weird if I just randomly pulled them to the toilet?” the girl began to feel shy as she couldn’t keep up with the eye contact.

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“Trust me, no man will complain if a beautiful girl like you was to bring them to the toilet.” As Dai smoothly reassures her.

The girl couldn’t handle Dai’s compliments as her head began to steam in smoke.

“If you don’t mind, I’m gonna lead the way but I think the toilets are too dirty for a girl like you.” As Dai walks her away while holding her hand.

“Your right, the toilets might not be an ideal spot bu-but…”

As the girl stutters, her face continues to burn bright red. She finally said what she wanted to say.

“But I don’t mind being dirty.” The girl said while looking the other way as she was embarrassed to have eye contact.

With a smooth transition, Dai brings the girl's face close to him as he caresses her cheeks.

“ You don’t mind? Then don’t complain if do this.” As his nice, fresh breath smacks her face.

He pressed his lips onto hers. The two began to kiss but Dai pulled away early.

“Is that it? What’s wrong?” the girl was a bit let down as she wanted a bit more.

“That was just the preview. Send me your number if you want the full movie.” Dai smoothly replies.

The girl sends her number to Dai’s phone which he accepts and kindly kisses her on the cheek.

“Thanks, will speak to you soon,” Dai said.

The girl walks away waving at Dai but as soon as she turns her back, she begins to call her friends to tell them the spicy news.

Ren who just witnessed the whole thing kept quiet as if something is bothering her.

“Dai-X could have kissed that girl longer if he wanted to! Why’d he pull off soon!” Yoko asked.

“He doesn’t want to turn it into something that it’s not.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Dai is a gentleman at heart. He realized that kissing her was a bit extreme, and came to the realization that kissing any further will lead her on and that’s why he pulled out of the kiss. He doesn’t want to give her any false hope. Dai knew what sort of person he is, and that number he got will not mean anything after the competition. He won’t use this number in this competition as the girl was too easy and vulnerable. If he was ever to call that number then it will be for an apology about the actions he made today but other than that, for Dai, it just felt more like cheating than winning; if anything must probably be feeling guilty right now.” Ren explains to Yoko.

“Dai? Where’s Dai? I can’t see him?” Yoko became confused.

“Argh! I mean Dai-X! You happy!” Ren starting to become irritated.

“Oh, you were talking about Dai-X all this time? Then don’t you think that’s a bit cocky for him to feel or think that way?” Yoko questions.

“Hmm… some may call him cocky but I think is confidence. When you first meet someone, what’s the first thing you get from them, Yoko?” Ren asks her a question.

“Hmmm? Well if I’m going to make a new friend, I will need to know their name obviously and-”

“Exactly, their name. But Dai never asked for her name once but spoke to her as if he knew her before. That’s how smooth his words can be.

“Hmmm?” Yoko puts her hand on her chin as she has her concentrated face.

“What’s wrong?” Ren notices her odd behavior.

“I wonder how she will feel?” Yoko accidentally spills her thoughts.

“She? What got you thinking so hard, Yoko?” Ren asks.

“It’s nothing really. I was just thinking if Dai-X can grab any girl he wants and let’s say he’s what we call the ‘greatest chad’ in his own universe then I wonder how Ren-x feels?

Ren’s eyes opened as she didn’t expect that from Yoko’s mouth. The craziest thing about this is that Ren completely understood what Yoko is trying to say.

Suddenly, Ren remembers something as a flashback occurs. It goes back to a couple of hours ago in the morning, after Dai hosted the meeting in his room, everyone left the room the only people remaining is Lucky, Dai, Yoko & Ren.

“Yo Dai, could you go grab us some snacks?” Lucky asks.

“Snacks? This early in the morning?” Dai was weirded out.

“Don’t you dare question my normality” Lucky stated.

“ Fair point,” Ren adds in.

“Ou! I want cheesy tango crisps! Make that extra large!” Yoko yells like an elementary kid.

“Alright, alright, will be back in a sec,” said Dai as he leaves the room.

As the door closes, Lucky turns his head to Ren.

“ Tell me if I’m wrong Ren but… do you like Dai?” A risky question asked by Lucky.

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