The Boys Group Chat

Chapter 19: Chapter 19: Reputation is on the line!

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After Genkei has returned to normal from stone. Things have gone awkward between the two.

“Woaaaah. You just turned to stone right now. Didn’t you?” Nana seems fascinated by this phenomenon.

“No, I didn’t.” Genkei quickly rejects.

“Yes, you did.” Nana quickly replies.

“You must be seeing things.” Genkei tries to pretend nothing happened.

“You turned to stone the moment I touched you, didn’t you?” Nana calmly investigates.

“It’s not because you’re a girl that I turned to stone.” Genkei accidentally blurts out.

“Pardon?” Nana seems confused.

“Hey, Jason! Come over here.” Nana yells for his name.

Jason arrives.

“This guy has some sort of powers that you won’t believe. Try touching him.” Nana asks.

Genkei interrupts her as he has a problem with it.

“Why would you just tell him to touch-”

Jason puts his hand on Genkei’s head. There was a second of awkward silence. Genkei slowly moved his eyeballs up as he looked Jason in the face.

“Oi… you can go jail for touching a minor without consent.” Genkei subtly said.

“He’s not a minor, don’t worry Jason.” Nana snaked him out.

“ I wasn’t worried, to begin with.” Jason nonchalantly said.

“Wait what if I wasn’t a minor would that shop owner still give the same response?! I can see it! I can truly see it! He’s going to jail one day!” Genkei said intensely in his mind.

“Anyway Nana, he’s not turning to stone? Did you lie?” Jason asks.

“Huh? That’s strange. Let me try again.” As Nana approaches closer to Genkei.

“No, please, don’t come any-” Genkei cries out.

Nana touches him again and Genkei instantly turns to stone.

“See!? I told you!” Nana was engrossed by this.

“Oh snap, you were right. But how come when I touched him nothing happened.” Jason was intrigued.

“ I think I’m starting to clock on by this. If a guy touches him he will react normally but if a girl touches him he turns to stone.” As Nana was solving this mystery.

“So he’s gay?” Jason asks.

“Maybe,” Nana said.

She lets go of Genkei and he turned to normal.

“I’M NOT GAY!!!” Genkei furiously said.

“Or maybe he just has a problem with girls. Am I right?” Nana locks eye contact with him as Genkei quickly turns away.

“That is very interesting. But I gotta go check on the shop floor.” Jason said.

“Now? It’s not like this place ever gets busy anyway.” Nana jokes.

“Shut it and I’ll leave you two to have fun,” Jason says as he leaves.

“Fun? Hmm, maybe I will have fun with him. This is something I’ve never seen before so maybe I should tease him a bit for entertainment.” Nana said in her dark thoughts.

“I need to seriously get out of here! But if I leave straight after she might ask me a lot of questions and what would I say to her!?” Genkei is beginning to have a panic attack.

Out of the blue, Nana slams her fist into the computer table which catches Genkei’s attention immediately. Her whole persona slightly changes as she seems to look a bit of a villain.

“Okay let’s cut the bullshit between us and get straight to the point!” Nana came in an oppressive vibe as her tone of voice became menacing.

“Huh?” Genkei became terrified of her.

“Don’t huh me. We both know that all those rumors of you taking to dozens of girls and all sorts are all full of shit! I even heard from Jason that you almost wet yourself.” Nana came on the aggressive.

“That’s a lie!” Genkei said unsurely.

“Why would Jason lie about you? He doesn’t know you or ever met you. He has no reason to lie about your name. I can see you through like a basket full of holes. So you can’t fool me. Your not who you say you are right? Do your friends know this is the real you?” Nana said.

“Yes, they do,” Genkei said with utmost confidence.

This surprised Nana as she didn’t expect a such firm reply.

“Wasn’t expecting such an answer. Let me add more fuel to the fire.” Nana began to get the thrills from this.

“So you can talk when you want to eh? Then why don’t we have a competition?” Nana suggests.

“Competition?” Genkei wasn’t sure.

“Let’s have a 1 v 1 on War of Duty. Whoever gets ten kills wins.” Nana said.

“Is that it? Do you even know how to play this type of game?” Genkei condescendingly said.

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“I’ve most likely played this game more times than you,” Nana said.

“Okay, we’ll see about that,” Genkei replies.

“But that’s not all… let’s make this more fun and make a bet with each other,” Nana said.

“I’m down with that! And if I win you can’t tell anyone what you know about me and what you see today.” Genkei demands.

“That’s fine with me and I knew you were going to say that. So that’s why I will do the opposite if I win.” Nana said.

“Opposite?” Genkei said.

“Yep, If I win I will expose you and tell the whole campus that you’re nothing more than a fraud,” Nana threatens.

“What!? Why would you do that!? I’ve done nothing to you!” Genkai begins to be scared.

“Yh but I’m just bored and I just find it funny to see what everyone’s reaction would be to see the real you.” Nana’s villainous side crept in.

On the other hand, within Nana’s thoughts.

“I’m not actually going to expose him. That’s too evil but I’m having a blast teasing him and seeing his priceless reactions. “ Nana giggled in her thoughts.

The death match between Genkei and Nana was in progress as both gamers were picking out their loadouts and weapons. Nana peeked at Genkei’s screen.

“Oh, so you're going with the ‘Old Geezer model 700’ an old shotgun whose fire mode is semi-automatic. Its damage is off the roof also including its good accuracy but other than that everything else is mediocre. The gun has poor mobility and control. And its fire rate it’s as slow as a snail.” Nana breaks down the analysis of the gun.

Genkei was amazed to see a girl like Nana knows her stuff about the game.

“Woah, you weren’t lying about playing this game a lot and also, no screen watching!” Genkei was amazed.

“Don’t worry, I was just curious about what weapon you're going to use. That’s all.” Nana said.

“Yeah right, you cheater,” Genkei complains.

“We haven't even started playing so it’s not cheating but because I looked at the gun you're using allow me to make it fair and look at what I’m gonna use,” Nana confidently said.

Genkei looked at Nana’s screen and his jaw dropped.

“Are you sure you can play like that!? You're using the hardest gun in the game!” Genkei nearly fell from his chair as he was stunned

“It just goes to show how good I am,” Nana said with confidence.

“ The Light machine gun you’re using is famously known as the ‘Reaper’ model number 151. Its fire rate, range, and damage are the best in the game but because of that, the developers decided to even out the gun by giving it the worst accuracy, control, and mobility in the game. You’ll practically be a sitting duck.” Genkei emphasizes the analysis.

“We’ll see who becomes the sitting duck in this match,” Nana said.

Ten minutes later after the 1 v 1 match. Genkei won 10 – 0.

“How the hell did you beat me!? How did I not kill you once!? You knew every spot I was at! You must be screen-watching!” Nana became annoyed.

“Please stop the excuses. I wasn’t screen-watching at all. It just the way you move is very predictable.” Genkei said with a smug look.

Then again Genkei thought otherwise in this thoughts.

“Are you kidding me?! Of course, I had to screen-watch! My reputation is on the line. This girl is pretty damn good. She used the hardest gun in the game like a pro gamer. My last kill towards her was literally dumb luck due to the hitbox in the game system.” Genkei said nervously in his thoughts.

“I want a rematch!” Nana demands it.

“Alright but regardless of the results it will still be the same.” Genkei mockingly said.

Five minutes later… Genkei won again with the score being 10 – 5 to him. Genkei seems to look exhausted.

“This time I played without screen-watching to test my own skills. I still manage to win but this girl is good. If she was using an easier gun she might’ve beat me.”Geneki said in his thoughts.

“I want another rematch.” Nana seems composed as she’s challenging all her energy into the game.

They played again. 3 minutes later, Genkei still won but this time it was just about barely. Genkei got 10 kills whereas Nana had 9.

“Why do I keep losing to you? Argh! Fine, I will stop making excuses and you beat me three times in a row fair and square.” Nana finally accepts her loss.

“No, I’m not done yet,” Genkei said.

“Hm?” Nana said.

“In all three games we played, she kept on improving massively. Let’s be honest with ourselves Genkei, is she better than me? If we play again will she really beat me? My gamer’s pride is on the line and if I don’t find out this answer, it will feel like I’m running away.” Genkei breaks a sweat as he overthinks himself.

“Let’s play one more deathmatch and this time let’s tweak the rules a bit,” Genkei strongly suggests.

“Tweak the rules?” Nana replies as she was confused.

“Forget about 10 kills but whoever gets the first kill wins. Winner takes it all despite our last three matches and by the way, our bet is still on!” Genkei said.

Nana seems stunned as to why Genkei will propose this.

“So what you’re trying to say is, whoever kills each other first between us is the winner?” Nana smiles as she’s preparing.

“That’s right” Genkei grins in arrogance.

“I don’t know why you would do that but I’m game either way. Just don’t complain afterward.” Nana taunts.

“I know my reputation in university is important so this is silly for me to do this but my gaming pride is just as important to me,” Genkei said with a thrilling smirk.

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