The Boys Group Chat

Chapter 18: Chapter 18: An encounter in the Arcade

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Back to the current time of the competition between the boys. Genkei is throwing a tantrum while strolling through the shopping center by himself. Any sort of litter that comes in his way, he would let out his frustration on it by kicking it away.

“Damn it. Damn it! I swear I’m going to get those two back! They play too much, it’s getting annoying.” Genkei mutters under his breath.


Genkei received a notification from his phone as he goes through his pocket to check it out.

Lucky sent a message from the Mandem GC.

Genkei saw that the message is from Lucky in the group chat and his facial expression looks like he was even more irritated.

“What does he want now?” Genkei was in a grumpy mood.

Genkei opened the message that he entered inside the group chat where Lucky’s message was displayed.

Lucky: Not to boast but I’ve already grabbed 15 numbers ????


Lucky: ????

Nerdy: I’ve got a few. (???? ͠~ ͜ʖ ͡°)????

Kaito: All I keep finding is girls.


Genkei said nothing in the group chat but instead, immediately put his phone away as he became even more frustrated as he realized that he hasn’t got a single number.

Genkei broke into a sweat as he went deep into his thoughts panicking.

“Shit! Shit! Everyone has already started collecting numbers meanwhile I’m the only person who hasn’t even spoken to a girl yet. If I lose this, I will become the victim of the group!”

Erm not to be rude or anything but… does he not realize that he’s always been the victim of the group?

As Genkei continued to throw his fit while kicking the litter on the ground, he manage to stumble at a mysterious underground arcade. It gave off an ominous vibe and it doesn’t seem that there are a lot of people inside it. It screams a red flag.

“On a normal day, I would have done a complete u-turn just by looking at this creepy arcade…” Genkai whispers to himself while he feels cold chills down his spine.

But then Genkei clenched his fist.

“But today I’m hella pissed off to the point that I don’t care about anything! And the only thing to calm me down is by playing games!” Genkei said to himself as he headed into the creepy arcade.

Genkei steps a foot inside the arcade. The lights were dim with only a few customers concentrating on the video game they were playing. Genkei got to the reception and a 7ft tall giant man appeared before him. As he looks upwards to see his face, the man’s face was covered in tattoos.

“You lost kid?” the giant man spoke with his major deep voice.

“If I say yes, would you still put me at the back of your van?” Genkei cowered in fear as he was literally about to piss himself.

“Huh? Van? The only van I have is bringing in new games as the shop owner.” The giant man replied.

“Shop owner? You own this arcade?” Genkei was overly surprised.

“As I said, I’m the shop owner. What did you think I do?” the shop owner questions Genkei.

“Nothing.” As Genkei said while looking elsewhere while whistling.

“Anyway, take your pick inside this arcade. To use any of the arcade machines just simply put in coins like it will say on the screen but to use the gaming PCs, you will need to register here with me so I can sign you in on a computer. “ The shop owner explained.

“I will just use a gaming pc, need to vent out my anger,” Genkei responded.

“No worries, let’s sign you up then.” Shop owner said

Minutes later, Genkei was playing a shooting game on the gaming pc.


Genkei was soo immersed in the game that he didn’t realize that the shop owner was standing behind him. The shop owner was getting tired of Genkei’s gaming rage and puts his hand on Genkei’s shoulder.

“Hey kid, we're not in a zoo. If you keep this up I will boot your ass out of this arcade.” The shop owner sternly said.

“Ass? What did you say about my ass? I knew you had something to do with a van!” Genkei got jump scared.

Another customer entered the arcade and the customer called out for the shop owner.

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“HEY JASON! I AM BACK!” the loud voice from the customer.

“Looks like she’s here.” The shop owner quietly said as it seems he was the person called Jason.

“Hey, kid! I’m going away for a few seconds! Keep the noise level down!” Jason scolds.

“Yeah, yeah whatever. Run along I have a duty to carry this team since everyone in this lobby is useless.” Genkei said while struggling to multitask.

Jason kissed his teeth as he left Genkei. While he walks away Genkei made a thunderous roar.


“That little brat,” Jason mutters as he continues to walk away irritated.

Jason got to his reception desk where he attends to the customer calling out his name. It turned out that the customer was Nana Shima.

“Who’s making such a loud racket at my favorite spot?” Nana mentions.

“It’s that stupid kid on the computer. It’s his first time here but already he’s getting on my nerves.” Jason calmly said.

Nana stretches her neck to check out who it is and sees Genkei.

“Oh him?” Nana said.

“You know him?” Jason asked.

“I don’t know him personally, but I did hear of him. Rumors say that guy over there has been with around 100 girls.” Nana said.

“Who him? Must be lies. You should have seen his face when he first entered. He looked like he was about to piss himself. “ Jason chuckles.

“Really” Nana was surprised.

“Telling the truth. His legs were all wobbly and his face turned pale. If any girl saw his state earlier it would have been a huge turn-off for real.” Jason states.

“Hmmm… interesting.” Nana mysteriously said like she was plotting something.

“You think he’s interesting? Jeez, girls nowadays will go for anything.” Jason couldn’t understand.

“I want to use the computers today,” Nana asks.

“That’s one gaming pc for my favorite customer.” As Jason says happily as he is booking it.

“And I want the computer next to that guy.” Nana wishes.

“Are you sure? He’s very annoying and he wouldn’t stop shouting no matter how many times I’ve asked him to tone it down.” Jason worries.

“Well, what do you expect? In a place like this that you’ll barely meet anyone you know. You can easily be yourself.” Nana waves her hand enthusiastically.

“Eh… I guess.” Jason wasn’t sure what she was trying to say.

“Anyway don’t worry about me. Recently all boys act the same. It’s time to have some fun.”  Nana gives off a villainous grin.

“Okay… you do you if that’s what makes you happy and… done! You can use the computer next to him.

As Nana’s computer was all set and ready she headed towards it. Genkei who never took any notice of his surroundings was still making a lot of noises as he continues to rage at the game. Nana takes a seat next to him.

“Hey, whatcha playing?” Nana asks.

Genkei who is too indulged in his game doesn’t hear.

“Hey, I’ve heard a lot about you. Is it true that you’ve been with 100 girls? You sure are a player.” Nana tries to carry the conversation but Genkei still doesn’t realize she’s there.

“Hmm, he’s too busy with that shooting game called ‘War of Duty’. Let’s try a bit of contact to get his attention.” Nana said in her thoughts in a villainous way.

As Genkei was moving the mouse erratically, Nana places her hand on top of his hand which automatically, Geneki turned to stone.

“Woah!? What the heck?!” Nana was overly alarmed.

She quickly lets go of his hand due to shock and he returned to normal. Genkei was breathing heavily as sweat was pouring from his forehead. He quickly turns to see who touched him and his eyes were thunderstruck.

“Shit shit shit! Out of all the girls to run into! It had to be my target. Nana Shima!”


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