The Boys Group Chat

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Why should women clean? Men can do it too!

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Lucky and the drunk girl scurries through campus grounds as they cross roads to get away from the group of older guys.

“I think we’ve either lost them or they didn’t even bother to chase us. Aw, I’m upset. That means they didn’t see me as a catch.” The drunk girl was sobering hard while running out of breath.

They’ve stopped running as both Lucky and the drunk girl ran out of breath but the drunk girl is filled with adrenaline as she screams her lungs out.

“MAN! I WANNA DO THAT AGAIN! LET’S GO BACK! LET’S GO BACK, PLEASE!” The drunk girl thrillingly howls.

“Hey! Hey! Your street smart aren’t you! The way you handled it back there like you experienced!” The talkative drunk girl wouldn’t shut up.

“I’m even surprised you're sober enough to notice that. Pass me that bottle too.” Lucky grabs the bottle from the drunk girl’s hand as he downs the liquor in one go.

Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink!” The drunk girl chants loudly like a fan watching a soccer game.

“I definitely deserve a drink after all that! Earlier I couldn’t find a girl that catches my eyes but when I did, her friend came and interrupted, and to make matters worse, I almost got in beef with some street thugs!” Lucky became tipsy as he rants.

“Are you a first-year student?” the drunk girl asks.

“Yeah, what about you?” Lucky replies.

“Yep, my name is Yoko, Yoko Nakaya! HOWDY!” Yoko excitedly introduces herself.

“Lucky Itsuki!” Lucky reciprocates the same energy.

Yoko grabs the bottle back from Lucky and aggressively puts her arm around his neck.

Then to both Lucky and me, Yoko! Let’s enjoy our university life and live it to the fullest!”

Yoko enthusiastically cheers as she sips on the bottle like an old drunkard along with Lucky who joined in with her parade as he puts his arm around her too. The both of them march forward together like there’s no tomorrow.

“ Quick question?” Yoko asks.

“What?” Lucky responds.

“ How do I get to Block A student accommodation?” Yoko said.

“Don’t worry, I’m going there too.” Lucky tipsily responds.

“What!? Are you living there too?! This calls for a celebration song!” Yoko became extremely excited as she swings her feet while walking.


Yoko starts off the song Lucky joins her and they both began to sing it together and their voices sounded like hell.


Fifteen minutes later, Lucky and Yoko both arrived at Block A student accommodation where they are both currently walking through the hallways until they heard something frightening.


Such a roar was easily heard through the hallways which alerted both Lucky and Yoko.

“What the!?” Lucky was caught off guard.


“It sounds like it’s coming from the kitchen,” Yoko said.


In a flash, both Yoko and Lucky sprinted into the kitchen which inside was a whole mess. The kitchen looked like a massive junkyard of uncleaned plates, fast food leftovers, and soo much littering on the floor that you can barely see the kitchen floors. Lucky and Yoko immediately covered their noses from the devilish, disgusting scent which was oozing from the gluttonous bins.

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“Who had sex in here?!” Yoko talks funny as she pinches her nose shut.

Dai, Genkei, Kaito, and Junichiro looked like they were about to piss themselves in fear as they were all seen being backed into a corner by a girl who was filled with utmost wrath as her hair grows vicious snakes like Medusa.

“Haha! Look at those four cuddling each other like wimps!” Ignoring the heated atmosphere, Lucky burst into laughter.

“Anyway, there are two women here right? Yoko and the angry girl should just clean it up and call it a ni-“

A second later.

Lucky panics for his life as he is joined by the boys backed into the corner with his face covered with blood and bruises. That’s what you get for being sexist. Teehee.

“Please spare me! I’m sorry I will say please next time when asking you girls to clean!” Lucky pleads for his life.

“Is that why he thinks he got clobbered!? That sexist bastard!” That Dai, Genkei, Kaito, and Junichiro all said at the same time within their thoughts as they felt bizarre at Lucky.

“Yoko, please help me from the angry woman! I said please this time!” Lucky panics for his dear life.

Suddenly, a cheeky grin appeared on Yoko’s face.

“Those pizza boxes over there belong to Lucky. I saw him eating it this morning!” Yoko lies through the skin of her teeth.

“She’s lying! She’s lying! I only just met her fifteen minutes ago! I’m even allergic to cheese! WHO THE HELL EVEN EATS PIZZA IN THE MORNING!” Tears spray from Lucky’s face as he couldn’t stop being scared.

“Ah, she betrayed him for being sexist. Serves you right, you misogynistic bastard.” Dai, Genkei, Kaito, and Junichiro all said at the same time within their thoughts as they sniggered.


The sounds of the angry woman clicking her knuckles as she’s getting ready to pummel all the boys. Lucky was in front of all the boys quickly and hid behind Genkei who was next to him.

“Oi! What are you doing! If anything you deserve this more, you sex-“

“No this might be our chance! According to my calculations and rumors, if the legendary Genkei can use his infamous smooth talking which even seduces boys-“


“Maybe Genkei’s words can seduce this woman and we could still live another da-“

“Who? This guy that my hand is around his throat? Well, he’s turned to stone.

She’s actually not lying. Genkei has truly turned into a statue made out of stone.

“How did she?” Lucky was speechless.

“ Wait! Look! I’m a girl I still got fake nails on! If you hit me that’s Domestic abuse!” Dai cries out.

“According to my calculations… were dead” Junichiro lost hope.

“Why Stone off all things? If it was me I would’ve chosen to turn into gold.” Kaito stupidly said.

Ermm… please ignore Kaito…


The sound of the door opening. A 7ft tall, morbidly obese, plump of fat, elephantine, tubby, chunky, meaty, roly-poly, tubby, wait, did I already say tubby? Um, sorry I was having too much fun… fat piece of shit walks into the kitchen with ten pizza boxes in his hands.


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