The Boys Group Chat

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: It’s not fair that he gets that girl!!!

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The angry woman paused her attack due to the entrance of the fat man.

“WOW! A FAT MAN!” Yoko jumps in excitement.

“According to my calculations and judging by his outstanding size, he’s the culprit.” Junichiro points.

“Sorry people, I didn’t know my way around campus so I got lost and ended up in this kitchen for the whole day.” The fat guy explains while eating a slice of pizza.

Everyone in the kitchen had the same thought.

“Of course, you’d find the kitchen.”

The angry woman released Genkei and he returned to normal but this time he looks scared and drained of energy.

“So you're telling me! You’re the reason why our kitchen is a mess like this!? We were all about to lose our life because of you!” Genkei raged as he clenches his fist.

The fat guy felt really apologetic as he explains himself further.

“I said I’m sorry, I live in Block C but I don’t know how to get there and I got all hungry and didn’t want to take your food in the kitchen without asking-“

“Well, I’m surprised you didn’t steal it” Lucky quickly buts in making a smug comment.

“Argh! Whatever, I can’t be bothered anymore. At least you don’t live here too, so this will be the first and last time I will ever deal with this.” The angry woman began to calm down.

“It’s soo soft and jiggly! You’re really beautiful, sir! What’s your name?” Yoko consistently pokes at the fat guy’s stomach.

“Oh thank you very much, and my name is Simon” Simon kindly responds.

“To make up for the mess, how about I share one box of pizza with you guys.” Simon kindly suggests.

“Only one!?” Genkei is about to lose his marbles.

“Won’t you get hungry?” Lucky makes a mocking comment.


The angry woman gains everyone's attention.

“Alright, numbskulls! It’s time to clean up! We can all talk and introduce each other when we're done.” The angry woman gave the order.

Everyone in the kitchen started cleaning as they were all working together as a team, except for Yoko, who was zooming around while mopping the floor like some maniac.

“Weeeeeeeeeeee! I feel like I can go faster and faster and faster and-“ as Yoko’s energy spikes through the roof.

“I thought we took the bottle away from that girl? Why is she still drunk?” the angry woman became confused and complains.

“Huh? What are you talking about? I’ve sobered up a long time ago.” Yoko paused to answer the angry woman.


Genkei who was washing the dishes dropped a plate. In that instant, everyone froze in supreme shock.

“Wait? Did you just say you're sober?” the angry woman asked.

“Yep!” Yoko straightforwardly replies.

So you running around cleaning and screaming [I’m an alien! I’m a bird!] is you being normal?” Genkei is sternly trying to clarify as he mimics Yoko’s voice.

“Add the part of her poking someone else’s belly of who she’s never met,” Junichiro adds on

“Hey, guys! I just caught her trying to drink washing-up liquid, is that good for you?.” Kaito just remembered.

The angry woman simply looked at Yoko and then looked at Dai afterward.

“Dai, you might have competition.” The angry woman calmly said.

“Hey! That’s mean!” Dai yells at her back.

Moments later, the kitchen is almost looking spotless which they are all finishing up.


There was knocking from the kitchen door but no one knew who it was. The door slowly began to open which a curvy and elegant woman bestow before everyone. She was so gorgeous that if you stared at her for more than five seconds, you will collapse in love.

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“OH MY GOSH! BABE! I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU! I JUST SAW YOUR TEXT THAT YOUR LOST AND RAN HERE AS FAST AS A JET!! DON’T SCARE ME LIKE THAT EVER AGAIN!” The elegant woman rushed to Simon’s side as she cuddles him like a teddy bear.

“Ohh, my baby! I’m sorry to make you worry like this! Let’s go home and watch a movie while you play with my tummy.” Simon flirts with his girlfriend in front of everyone.

“Gotta go people, my girlfriend doesn’t like it when she sleeps before me, you know how it is, right guys?” Simon said.

Simon leaves with his girlfriend as the door shuts.

“Alright, now the kitchen is nice and tidy, how about we start introducing ourselves.” The angry woman stretches out her arms.


The sound of someone struggling for air as they are choking. This sounds like an emergency as the angry woman turned around in a panic. Out of the blue, Dai is seen standing on the table as he has a rope around his neck while all the boys are urgently trying to stop him.

No! No! No! Let me die! I said… let me die! Maybe I will become fat in my next life!” Dai emotionally breaks down in tears.

“ You have to be stronger than this! You think I’m not hurting too!” Genkei tears up while trying to drag Dai down.

“According to my calculations it only takes ten to twenty minutes to die from strangulation… so please don’t do this to yourself! Junichiro pleads while his eyes are wet.

“That looks fun! Jump! Jump! Jump!” Yoko playfully chants like an idiot.

“Where did you get that rope from?” Kaito asks while all the boys are in tears.

Then Kaito just realized something.

“Aaaah! That’s my skipping rope! You can die another day!” Kaito panics.

Kaito snatched back his skipping rope which Dai accidentally fell off the table and landed on the ground.

“ If this is accurate, it cost a 2.4million yen for a funeral.” Junichiro kills the mood.

“Damnn, I can’t even afford to die.”  Dai gets depressed.

Lucky majestically approaches Dai and he stretched out his hand to him.

“Son, what is your name?” Lucky softly speaks.

“Dai Hagimoto… Daddy.” Dai responds weirdly and is aroused.

“Don’t call me that again… but anyway, fellow brethren please state all your names too.”

“Genkei Watanabe.” Genkei responds

“Junichiro Kondon.” Junichiro responds.

“Condom? And what about you brother with the muscles.” Lucky making sure is the right name.

“Kaito Okamoto,” Kaito responds.

“Don’t give up hope yet. If someone like him can get a girl like that, then don’t you think someone like you handsome brothers can get any girl you want in this huge place of a campus.” Lucky gave a heartfelt speech.

Lucky’s words rang through the hearts of all the boys and they wiped their tears and puffed out their chests like soldiers who are ready for war.

“That’s what I like to see boys!” Lucky yells like a general.

At the speed of light, the angry woman dished out powerful punches to the boys for their stupid behavior. They all ended up with bruises and swellings.

Disclaimer: This is pure fiction and comedy, please don’t bite my head off, I’m just the narrator. Teehee.

“Jeez, you numbskulls are too silly! Since you already started the intros, I might as well introduce myself. My name is Ren Masaki, and I will be the cook for this accom (accommodation), but you all have to pitch in for ingredients, that’s how it works!” Ren gives off a blazing introduction.

“AND I’M YOKO!! HOWDY!” Yoko jumps with static energy.

“Hi, Yoko! I think we should do an icebreaker question to get to know each other properly, what do you guys think.” Ren suggests.

“Oh, I know! I got an ice breaker question to ask!” Lucky jumps like a kid.

“Go on Lucky,” Ren said.

Would you guys suck d**k for a billion?”

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