The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants

Chapter 26: Chapter 65 – In Free Fall

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I checked my phone and saw an email from Professor Markel. He finally got back to me about my favor. Now I just needed to find the right time to bring it up to Irapesha.

She was looking a lot better in the following days after we delved into her dream. According to Cresta's accounts, she hadn't been stirring much in her sleep anymore. We did get a hefty, military commander-like scolding from her after waking up. She really didn't like that we disobeyed her command, even if it was just a dream.

Hopefully, this would be the end of her nightmares.

Long after dropping Tamara off at school and Cresta had gone to work, I figured it would be a good chance to clean the communal bathroom. However, as I began mopping the ceramic floor, a door opened and slammed shut from the other side.

The dragonewt walked in with nothing but a towel around her neck.

"Damn it. I put a sign outside to prevent this from happening!" I yelled, covering my face.

She stood there dumbfounded. "Oh, that was to tell me not to enter? I thought it was just an obstruction, so I moved it." 

"You know what? I can just clean later. You go ahead and do your thing," I said, but in trying to shuffle past her, Irapesha moved to block me from leaving.

"I was actually hoping to speak with you alone. Perhaps you can help me brush my scales as we do? It's hard for me to do so with one arm," she said.

I was struck with a strong sense of deja vu.

The large, imposing woman casted a long shadow over me. Outlines of rippling muscles and old scars carved into her deep, red scales which decorated her skin like badges of honor. Pristine crimson hair, unblemished by her career in battle, draped down her back and front like a curtain. When it came to raw size, she had Ange beat.

Truly a feast for the eyes.

Fortunately, I'd been with Ange long enough not to be easily stimulated by just nudity. Right. I was a good boy.

"A-Alright, but… It's not like I want to help you wash or anything," I replied, trying not to stare.

For something like dragonewt scales required a heavy duty brush. I broke out one of the new packs of hard-bristle brushes used to really get the grime out of the floor. Never would I have imagined using it to help wash someone.

Scrubbing Irapesha's scales was actually no different than how I usually cleaned. The way each plate glistened in the bathroom light made me want to polish them to their max potential.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked while moving on to wash her tail.

"I understand that many of my fellow dorm mates have found purpose with their life in this new world. I wish for the same," Irapesha said.

"Normally, we want you to spend at least a few months acclimating so you get an idea. You don't want to just relax for the time being?"

The dragonewt shook her head and unintentionally whipped her tail. I barely leaned back far enough to avoid getting bonked.

"I feel myself getting weaker, both in body and mind. Playing games with Remmy is… Well, she can be quite passionate, but I don't find myself sharing the same sentiment. I require stimulation," she said.

"S-Stimulation?" I gulped.

"Something to get my blood boiling, stir my loins, and bathe me in sweat by the end of it," she said.

My head was spinning with an indecent imagination running wild.

"I like where this is going, but I feel like I'm terribly misunderstanding what you're trying to tell me." I violently shook my head to fling away the naughty thoughts.

"Remmy helped me look up several things that might fit. Among them were UFC, MMA, and boxing. I would like to partake in such bouts," she declared.

As the puzzle pieces fell into place, the worst possible scenario flitted through my mind. I saw Irapesha stepping into a cage match. On the other side was a trembling human being, wondering if their million-dollar payout was going to be worth losing their life over. Then Irapesha would throw the first punch and end her opponent's life in a spray of blood like Kurosawa film.

"There's no way! You're actually going to kill them," I retorted. "First of all, those sports are all human participants. It's like pitting Cresta up against me!"

"There would be much glory to be had in such a match." She nodded to herself.

"Drop the letter 'L' from glory and it would be closer to being correct! I'll grab a tomato from the kitchen and put it in your hand. That's pretty much how a fight will look," I said.

Her shoulders slackened in disappointment. "There are no worthy combatants in this world then?"

"You and Cresta are about the only ones who can fight each other without one-sidedly slaughtering the other. But there's no need to give up that easily. It doesn't have to be fighting. We just need to find something that interests you," I suggested.

After I finished cleaning the bathroom and scrubbing Irapesha squeaky clean, we decided to research potentially hobbies or jobs for her.

However, once we got to my room, Ange was already on my computer doing her own thing.

"What are you up to?" I asked, peering over her shoulder.

"Remmy helped me set up an account and webcam on this streaming website. In less than two hours, I already have hundreds of thousands of viewers. I had no idea people were so interested in just watching me sit here." Ange giggled, waving into the webcam and causing a stream of donations to flood in.

When I looked at the computer screen, I realized quickly it wasn't some gaming stream. The layout and UI, donations pouring in, and all the comments asking for nudes— this was a camgirl site.


Some of the donations were as high as a grand each.

The comments were going incredibly fast, but I managed to catch some of them.


[User: this is why god gave us netherfolks]

[User: show pssy pls]

[User: Holy shit irl succubus camgirl?]

[User: do u have a fat cock]

Maybe it was best not to read anymore comments.

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"I've been giving a lot of thought about how best to apply my qualities as a succubus in this world. Since I'm in a committed relationship now, I cannot be a prostitute and sleep around. This is my next best option, providing people relief simply by showing my assets," she explained.

"What is a camgirl?" Irapesha asked, also leaning in to investigate. "Is it something I can do?"

Comments went crazy for the second time, seeing a dragongirl in the room. Now they were asking for threesome action and for Irapesha to put a shoe on her head.

"A camgirl… streams sexual content of themselves to other people," I explained.

Irapesha went wide-eyed and cheeks took on a shade of red like her own scales. 

"I… I see… So it is work best left to a succubus." She cleared her throat awkwardly.

Ange grabbed my arm and squished it between her breasts.

"Is it alright if I do this? Please?" the succubus asked, fluttering her eyelashes.

Hundreds of thousands— possibly millions of people around the world were going to see Ange naked and simp for her. She had the advantage of being a real succubus, a fantasy for most men and women to begin with. I was already feeling sorry for the sex workers currently in the industry, because she might bankrupt them all just by existing.

"If my girlfriend wants to make countless people around the globe cum without touching them, who am I to deny the coomers?" I shrugged.

"Thank you, dear." Ange smiled, then drew circles on my chest with her finger. "Some of my fans are already asking for B/G content. You will have to help me with that."

I covered my face in embarrassment, regretting giving my blessing for her to do this sort of thing.

As Irapesha and I left the room, Remmy peeked out of hers and stared.

"You're welcome," she said.

"Don't treat this like a favor to me!" I fired back, causing the slime to retreat back to her room.

I fixed something for Irapesha to eat downstairs while she mulled over her interests.

"I feel lost," Irapesha began, swirling the small glass of water in her hand. "I've only known the skies and war, but nothing else. Coming to this world has revealed to me how much I had clung to that. I can no longer fly. There are no wars here. This is an unpleasant feeling."

She sighed at the plate of omelettes I handed her.

"If I had my other arm, I wouldn't need to put my cup down. Playing games with Remmy also frustrates me. I need one hand on the mouse and another hand on the keyboard, which is impossible for me."

There was little I could say to console her. After all, I wasn't an amputee or the like.

"I… I actually had an idea if you're willing to try it?" I swallowed my fears to suggest.

"What is it?" she asked.

We were maybe ten to fifteen thousand feet in the air. My legs were shaking, my head was blank, and I might end up pissing myself.

"We're dropping in two. Get ready!" a soldier shouted over the beating winds and turbines.

I did my best to give them a thumb's up with my shaky hand and received a heavy pat on the shoulder. Meanwhile, Irapesha was perfectly fine, if not eager.

"This is incredible. I haven't been so high in ages," Irapesha said, a wide grin on her face was evidence of the joy she was having just being here.

We were given specially-designed black suits woven with enchanted threads from Weyera. I was assured they would fly on their own at a certain altitude and several other infantrymen would be diving with us just in case, but that didn't ease me from being scared as shit.

"Aren't I supposed to be strapped to someone? You know, as a first timer!" I screamed.

"Not with these, you don't need it. You're in good hands, trust me!" the same soldier said, then threw open the door.

The incredible height and battering winds made me nauseous.

"Oh, god… I'm going to die… Why did I come up with this?" I muttered.

"Go, go, go!"

Several of the soldiers who were with us jumped out first. When it was finally mine and Irapesha's turn, my feet became glued to the floor.

"I'll go ahead!" Irapesha said, diving out of the chopper.

I peeked over only to have someone push me off.

"Oh, shit— aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

I was free falling towards the ground. My life was flashing before my eyes, and I thought of Ange coming to rescue me last second.

Irapesha drew close and clasped my hand. Suddenly, our suits glowed and the descent slowed down. The dragonewt spread out her wings and shut her eyes. Although I was still scared shitless, having her nearby was a load off my mind.

"I've missed this," she said with a smile as we drifted slowly like feathers in the wind.

The clouds began to part, and from them emerged the sun, enveloped in a sea of puffy cotton. Irapesha opened her eyes and watched on without a care about ruining her vision.

As we landed gently on the ground, the magic from the suits fading away, I fell to my knees and was thankful for gravity. Irapesha let go of my hand and scratched the side of her cheek.

"Thank you for that. I am astonished you would face your fears of height to accompany me. You could have easily sent me to go on my own," she said.

"I couldn't possibly do that. I'm your caretaker. But man… That's two free falls we had together… no more," I pleaded.

A powerful dragon's hand pulled me to my feet. She grinned so wide, I could see all her sharp teeth.

"Done already? That's too bad. I was hoping we could go for a few more jumps."

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