The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants

Chapter 27: Chapter 66 – Sheep Friends

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Instructor Elaine walked Tamara up to the car, who hopped into the passenger seat, blowing into her hand for warmth. Her oversized puffy jacket made the small girl look like a walking marshmallow. Another day of school had just ended, and she appeared to be much happier without any of the bullying happening anymore.

"Cold?" I asked, turning on the car heater a little higher, and then realizing that she only had one mitten on. My eyes flicked over to Elaine accusingly. "What happened to her other mitten? Did a bully steal it?"

Tamara shook her head, tousling the fluffy mane. "I let my friend borrow it! All I need to do is gather my hair to the front to keep my hands warm. Like this!"

The sheep girl gathered a large amount of curly hair to the front and buried her hands into them, giving the appearance of wearing a light blonde hoodie. She could make an entire clothing line with all that hair of hers.

But… one mitt?

"She has been making a lot of friends at school lately. I mean… a lot," Elaine said from the passenger side window, emphasizing the second time more strongly. She brushed the bangs from her face and smiled at her student. "In fact, I think she may want to have a word with you about that."

Tamara fidgeted nervously in her seat, unable to hide her smile.

What was this feeling? It was like I was about to be told my daughter has a boyfriend. My little Tamara was growing up? I wanted her to stay small forever!

"I… I was wondering… if it's okay… for me to have a sleepover at my friend's place?" she asked sheepishly.

"A sleepover?" I echoed her words curiously. It honestly sounded like a great idea, especially since this was a chance for her to get closer to her friend.

Although, Professor Markel might not be okay with that, given that it would be beyond my supervision. The biggest risk was that we didn't know her friend's family. If these things were constantly okayed, something was bound to go wrong with someone with bad intentions.

Cresta getting a job and Tamara going to school were very different things. The government heavily screened Rocket Burger and this school down to the grime in the bathrooms. A stranger's house was another thing.

"Is that a no?" Tamara's ears went limp.

"I'm sorry, Tamara. What if your friend comes over to the dorm for a sleepover instead? The professor will be more than okay with that rather than the other way around," I suggested.

"Really?" Her ears perked right back up and reached across the car's center console to hug me.

"I had a feeling it would turn out like this," Elaine said, pulling out her phone. "While you speak with Professor Markel, I can talk to the parents. However, before this can all happen, I will have to make a visit to your dormitory as a faculty ensuring the well-being of my students."

"It just sounds to me like you wanted an excuse to visit the dorm." I narrowed my gaze.

She cleared her throat and glanced away. "Of course not. Don't be silly." 

As soon as we got home, Tamara raced up to her room to tidy up even though nothing was set in stone. Professor Markel, like I had predicted, was completely against letting Tamara stay the night at another person's home. The liability was too great. On the other hand, letting her friend stay over instead and giving Elaine permission to tour the dorm was alright. So long as the necessary protocols were taken anyway.

"Tamara said she was busy and refused to elaborate, then rushed into her room. She never ignores me like that. What was that all about?" Ange asked, floating downstairs dressed in a black sports bra and dolphin shorts.

"She's excited about having a friend come over for a sleepover, and… why are you wearing that when you don't even work out?" I raised a brow.

Ange curved her ass in my direction. "My viewers wanted this. I've been taking donation requests at increments of $100,000 on the promise of new outfits. The next twenty happen to be very risque."

My mind went blank.

"Did you say twenty?" I choked on my water. "By 100 grand each… Doesn't that mean you've made two million in donations?"

The succubus nodded.

Netherfolk cam girls were too powerful in this world. It had only been a few days since she began camming and made that much.

"Your simps have deep pockets. I have to say, I'm kind of jealous," I remarked.

"How does it feel? I'm the virtual girlfriend of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of viewers out there. Yet you're the only one who may partake in the pleasure of this honeypot," she said in a teasing manner.

I gulped so hard that I must have swallowed my uvula.

"S-So, uh… Elaine is planning to come by later to inspect the dorm…" I replied, hoping to steer the conversation elsewhere.

However, my topic of choice proved to be a big mistake.

Ange's golden eyes glowed brightly with interest, like a predator having caught the scent of its prey.

"I see. It seems I have my own preparations to make." She grinned with devilish intent before returning upstairs.

That was the most obvious sign I needed to keep an eye on Ange when Elaine visited.

Instructor Elaine Yvans, still dressed in her professional attire even outside of school, arrived the following Saturday in a fancy red convertible. She had quite the mature fashion sense for how young she was.

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"I'm only in the parking lot, but I have to ask— You take care of this entire place by yourself?" Elaine asked me.

I scratched the back of my head and humbly replied, "Well, I get some help around the house from the tenants."

"I can't wait to show you my home!" Tamara grabbed her teacher's hand.

Elaine marveled at the interior when we led her in, wowing in each room but keeping herself subdued to appear professional. I felt like a real estate agent showing off a new house to a prospective homeowner. Just the same, she scrutinized the living environment like some detective investigating a crime scene.

"You're making me uncomfortable… It's like you're about to tell me I missed a microscopic stain on the counter," I mumbled.

"I care about my students' well-being. After realizing I didn't do enough for Tamara, I understood that just being an educator isn't enough. Your home, though, I am quite impressed with. As long as I know Tamara and her friend will be well-looked after here, everything should be fine. Now to see what your fridge is stocked full of…" Elaine swung open the fridge to a stack of ingredients to make burgers with.

She glared at me. 

"I can explain that… Cresta— one of our other tenants— is a burger fanatic!"

"Akira makes all sorts of salads and fruit bowls for me. I'm never hungry when he's around!" Tamara beamed.

Bless your heart, Tamara.

Elaine was about to close the door when a slimy tentacle whipped into the fridge to grab a gallon of milk.

"Oh, my—"

I caught her from stumbling into the counter. The poor teacher clutched her heart as the tentacle slinked its way back upstairs.

"What was that?" she asked in panic.

"Our… resident slime, Remmy. She mostly keeps to herself playing games in her room, and comes down to grab milk from time to time… like that," I answered.

The woman, finally realizing she was in my arms, quickly pulled away and recomposed herself.

"Playing games as in video games? Is that all she does here?" she asked.

"W-Well… She's a pro gamer— H-How about we go upstairs and show you Tamara's room?" I suggested.

Tamara skipped upstairs with Elaine following close behind. That was when Ange suddenly exited my room and locked eyes with the instructor.

"H-Hello, Angeline. It's n-nice to see you again. How are you?" Elaine stammered, her voice rising a pitch higher and face turning red.

The succubus purred, her smile curving wide. "Why, hello there. I'm just camming. Doing the usual."

"Camming?" the instructor zeroed in on that word with the precision of a laser-guided missile.

"She means streaming! You know, online? Vlogging, webcamming, et cetera. That stuff is all the rage with the younger generation!" I interjected. 

"Huh…" she muttered unconvincingly.

"What are you guys waiting for?" Tamara peeked out of her room and beckoned. "Come here!"

Elaine cleared her throat and shuffled past to follow Tamara in.

"I want to tie her up and fuck her so bad," Ange said.

"Keep your horniness in check! Elaine's making sure the dorm is fit for Tamara's friend to sleepover. Let's not ruin her chance."

Once Elaine checked out Tamara's sheep plushie-filled room, she had seen enough. I walked her out of the dorm, not feeling confident that we passed her inspection.

"I give you a barely passing grade. Your dormitory has slime tentacles creeping all over the place, the fridge is filled with fast food, and an… an o-oversexualized succubus lives there— in your room of all places! What kind of influence and example is this setting for Tamara?" she scolded me with the viciousness appropriate of a teacher.

"Does that mean it's a no?" I hesitated to ask. "I want Tamara to be happy, and I think she deserves to have a normal life. If we keep treating her differently, that's how she's going to think of herself as. Different."

The instructor glanced past me to the dorm entrance, where Tamara— with Rakka on her head— waved enthusiastically and waited for me to return with the answer.

"I'm treating her the way I would any of my students. How about we compromise? Tamara may have her sleepover, but I will also be staying over to supervise," she bargained.

I opened my mouth to protest, easily seeing how badly this could turn out knowing the one person who wanted nothing more than for Elaine to be in close proximity with.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad since I was there.

I reluctantly held my hand out and said, "S-Sounds good."

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