The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants

Chapter 32: Chapter 71 – Ange’s Horny Request

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My relationship with Ange was anything but normal. I gave up what 'normal' was to be with her and accepted all that entailed to being with a succubus. It was pretty obvious from the get-go that I alone wouldn't be able to satisfy her lust, which led to us being in a somewhat open relationship.

Ange did promise that she wouldn't sleep with anyone without my permission, and made it explicitly clear the same people she became sexually intimate with extended to me. It was how Ines and I got into a friends with benefits relationship.

However, after Elaine Yvans entered the picture, Ange had become… kinkier as of late. One example being her trying to push a foursome between us.

Sure every healthy man's dream was to bang whomever they liked without repercussions or strings attached. I was extremely flattered and having multiple partners sounded like a lot of fun.

The problem was…

"I'm only one guy, you know?!" I complained to both Ange and Ines, who had me sitting down on the bed in front of them in their tenth attempt to convince me.

"Awww, but it will be so much fun." Ange knelt down at the foot of the bed and massaged my inner thighs. "Imagine the three of us between your legs—"

"Okay, but before that… I don't think my legs can spread wide enough to fit three people," I interjected, trying to open my legs to show how poor my flexibility was.

"Come on, you've seen the videos Ange recorded for you. Doesn't it look fun?" Ines asked.

As a byproduct of this hypersexual arrangement, Ange had taped every encounter she had with Ines and Elaine— with their blessing, of course. When Ange and I wanted to get freaky, we would put on one of their videos to watch before doing the deed. One video in particular was a hardcore lesbian threesome between Ange, Ines, and Elaine, where the former systematically broke the latter two's minds.

I expected nothing less of a succubus. They also gave me some nice fapping material.

"Okay, if I have to be honest, there's no denying what my dick wants. However! I want to keep my relationship with Elaine professional because she's Tamara's teacher. Maybe eventually, but not right now," I said firmly.

Both of them sighed like I had cockblocked them.

"What kind of guy rejects girls throwing themselves at him?" Ines rolled her eyes.

"In case you haven't noticed, I'm a glorified babysitter to six tenants and have a whole dormitory to clean!" I retorted in defense of my manhood.

"Oh, I believe you are making excuses. You used to never turn down my requests no matter how deviant," Ange teased, batting her eyelashes at me.

"Alright, fine! If you two are sooo horny right now, then bring it on!"

Ange and Ines dragged me naked into my personal bathroom to have me bathe together with them.

I sat in the bath with a raging boner and red up to my ears. To make matters worse, Ange had me on her lap with my back to her chest. Ines relaxed into the waters with her eyes shut in front of me, all three of our legs intertwined beneath the water's surface.

All three of us being in here was only possible because of the renovations I had made before moving in.

"Y-You know I have work to do, right?" I asked them.

A pleasurable shock ran down my spine as Ange massaged my ears.

"You can afford to unwind a little," the succubus said, sending me into ecstasy with the massage.

I never knew having my ears rubbed would feel so nice. I could almost fall asleep like this.

Ines leaned forward with her hair dripping wet and smiled. Two hands sunk into the water and in the next second, gripped the base of my member. She then submerged her head, where the sensation of her hands were replaced with supple lips.

Enveloped by both Ines' mouth and the hot water generated by Ange's magic, my entire body succumbed to a shuddering orgasm. The college girl emerged from the water and wiped her chin.

"Looks like it will take a lot more work to bring it down," Ange purred.

"Oh, I think so, too." Ines licked her lips.


They brought it on alright.

Both of them snoozed blissfully on either side of me after the intense threesome.

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"Damn it… I let them goad me into it again and wasted the entire morning," I groaned.

Like magnets, the two of them ended up in each other's arms once I hopped out of bed. Ange really had taken a shine to Ines and Elaine, and it was sweet how they respected one another's boundaries.

"If only they respected my boundaries, too." I sighed.

At the same time, it was really cute to see Ange grow more comfortable around people. To think she went from sexually assaulting an employee at a clothing store, to acquiring consent before turning a teacher into her masochistic pet.

What a world I lived in.

I went to check my emails as I routinely did and found one marked as urgent from Professor Markel.


You will be receiving a new tenant by next week. Sorry to spring this on you, but it appears to be beyond my control. I'm currently trying to work out the details. Whoever this is must be a very important figure, enough to bully High-King Tarcosa and make him sweat bullets.

I'll keep you informed on any updates as I can.

  1. Markel."


Someone that can bully the strongest being in all of Weyera? That sounded like a handful whoever they were. 

Ines suddenly snapped awake with a start.

"Oh, shit! I forgot I have a term paper due today!" She dashed out of the room without even picking up her clothes.

"Serves you right!" I shouted after her.

Ange, awakened by Ines' raucous exit from the room, came over to the computer with nothing but the bed sheet to cover herself to check on what I was reading.

"Is this a new tenant?" she asked, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Yeah, but I can't make heads or tails of it," I said.

Her eyes squinted first, then went wide in shock.

"This… sounds familiar…"

"Do you have an idea who it is?" I asked, rereading the email in case I missed something.

"No, it must be my imagination. I'm sure the demon lord wiped them out before the start of the war…" Ange mumbled, shaking her head.

We headed downstairs so I could get started on preparing lunch for when Cresta and Tamara get home. Irapesha was in the living room, quietly taking online courses to become a firefighter. One of Remmy's slime copies kept her company, helping the technologically inept dragonewt in using a laptop.

With Ange helping me around the kitchen, it was really beginning to feel like we were a married couple.

"Akira, try this," Ange whispered, holding up a ladle of broth.

I was about to taste from it, but at the last moment, she pulled the ladle away and kissed me instead. She returned to stirring the pot, and I was left completely red in the face.

"Ange… I can't concentrate if you—"

The succubus snuck up to seal her lips on me again and giggled. I had to cover my own face in embarrassment. When I peeked out between my fingers, Irapesha and Remmy were staring at us.

"Even as a dragonewt, I can feel the heat from here," Irapesha remarked.

"I bet they'd bang like in doujins if they were alone." Remmy snickered, revealing herself to be the manga addict now that I saw the small stack of comics next to her.

"Don't mind them." Ange intertwined our fingers and squeezed my hand. "I love seeing you embarrassed."

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