The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants

Chapter 33: Chapter 72 – The Seventh Tenant is a Dark Elven Queen?!

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"Alright!" I finished furnishing the room for our new tenant after spending the entire morning putting the pieces together.

If anyone ever told me assembling IKEA furniture was easy, I'd slap them. Their diagrams and instructions must have been written by an intern technical writer or something. I had better luck eyeing everything and building from there instead.

"I brought the bedsheets!" Tamara trotted in with a stack of sheets, and Rakka followed close behind with a pillow on her head.

"Thanks for the help, you two. I'll make sure to let the new tenant know you guys had a hand in putting her room together."

"Hehe. I can't wait to meet them," the sheep girl said, bouncing with joy.

Tamara was always eager to meet and befriend new people. From what Elaine told me, she went from being bullied to the most popular kid in school.

When Ange entered the room to check on its progress, Tamara raced up to her and both of them knocked their horns against each other. Never did I wish more at that moment to also have horns and do the same. It was apparently what Tamara's race often did to show affection, and Ange was more than happy to be on the receiving end.

"I see you have put in more effort into this room than when I arrived," Ange said.

"Cresta would beg to differ," I replied, recalling her reaction when I was dressing nicely for Ange's arrival.

"So have you received word when they are to come?" she asked.

"Still no word from Professor Markel. I'm wondering if they got stopped by paperwork or something. But it's only been two days—"


Speak of the devil. An emergency notification reached my phone directly from the professor.

Tamara and Ange crowded around me to read it.

The text was short and drew more questions than answers.

"My condolences," it read.

"Wait. What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I asked myself.

Cresta popped her head into the room. "Guys, look outside!"

The four of us plastered our faces against the room window. Several helicopters and military soldiers had formed a perimeter outside the dorm.

We raced out to the parking lot just as a grand chariot pulled by four horses with obsidian fur and burning manes rode in. Ines, Remmy, and Irapesha joined us. A few of them seemed to already know who it was.

"Oh. It's her," Irapesha remarked curtly.

"I suspected as much, but I had hoped to be wrong." Ange sighed.

A black sedan entered not long after, and Professor Markel spilled out of the vehicle in a panic and cursing to himself. He was about to open the carriage door when it was kicked open and smacked him in the face.

From the carriage came a woman with deep cocoa skin and pointed ears. She donned a purple dress with black accents and golden embroidery. Jewelry adorned every finger on both hands and earrings decorated the length of her ears. So haughty was the elf's demeanor that her nose was perpetually angled to the sky as she looked down on everyone.

"This is to be my new home? It doesn't look like much. Several hundred times smaller than my castle, but eugh… This shall have to do. And where is my so-called caretaker?" the elf asked.

I snapped out of it and stepped forward.

"R-Right here! I'm Akira. It's nice to meet you," I said, extending a hand and surprised that she wasn't much taller than me.

She squinted at it, as if appalled that I dared think she would ever shake hands. I awkwardly retracted the hand back to my side.

"Someone introduce me already," she ordered.

Professor Markel came around, rubbing his nose after getting smacked by the door.

"This is Queen Valeanor Messier of the Kingdom of Altoria, and she has strong-armed her way into this world… whether we like it or not," he grumbled towards the end.

"Y-You put royalty into my dormitory?" I exclaimed, then cleared my throat and knelt. "Your Majesty."

"Yes, finally! Someone who understands how to treat a queen," Valeanor said, puffing out her chest.

The professor sighed. "Well, we haven't knelt to kings and queens in almost 250 years. You're in for a big surprise if you expect the same treatment you had back in Weyera."

"Er… I don't need to kneel?" I asked, glancing up and accidentally catching an eyeful of Valeanor's panty in the split of her dress.

"She's yours to deal with now, so have fun." He started heading back to the car. "I'll prepare a dossier for you as soon as I can. This was far too sudden."

The special task force pulled the horses and carriage away as they left.

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"My subjects! I am your queen. Worship me as I should deserve," she declared.

Remmy and Ines rolled their eyes and returned to the dorm.

"Hey, don't just ignore me!" Valeanor stomped the ground.

"I see you bullied King Tarcosa to clear a way through here," Irapesha said.

"Oh, Irapesha!" Her voice rose several octaves to an annoyingly patronizing pitch. "How wonderful it is to see that you aren't dead. The little king owes me so much, this is the least he could do." 

Tamara, with Rakka in her arms, approached Valeanor to introduce themselves to her.

"I'm Tamara, and this is Rakka. I hope we can get along!" Tamara beamed.


Valeanor fell to her knees and wheezed. "Y-You're so precious!"

"Stay away from the strange dark elf, little one." Ange pulled Tamara away like a mother defending her child from stranger danger.

"Demon. I was told a succubus lived here, but I didn't expect you to be so…" The elven queen's eyes fell to Ange's chest which was astronomically larger than her less bodacious build.

"M-Maybe we should take this inside? I can show you to your room, Valeanor?" I suggested.

"Queen Valeanor to you! And yes, show me to my bedchamber," she said, striding past us.

"I kinda like her. I think she's going to fit right in!" Cresta exclaimed excitedly.

"You really think so…?" I sighed.

When I showed Valeanor to her room, she stood by the door and stared into it with disgust.

"How do you expect someone like me to sleep in such… paltry accommodations?"

"P-Paltry?" I repeated in exasperation after spending the whole morning making it look nice.

"Where is your room?" she asked.

"My room?" I made the mistake of showing her because she took greater interest in mine than the other one.

"Still not large enough for my likings, but I shall take it." The elf entered with her arms folded, inspecting every inch of the room.

"Now hold on a sec—"

Ange hugged me from behind and smirked.

"Are you sure?" she asked. "This demon and human have soiled the bed countless times with our very wet, sweaty lovemaking sessions."

Valeanor choked and staggered out of the room. "E-Excuse me?! How… How obscene! Why wouldn't you tell me such a thing? Oh, gods… I'm going to be sick… You foul monsters, committing such indecent acts!"

"Okay, let's try not to traumatize the new tenant right off the bat." I broke away from Ange to calm Valeanor down. "How about this. I'll make some renovations to combine two rooms together to make a larger one. If it's alright, you can use my room for now, and I'll change out the bed sheets so you don't feel so icky about sleeping in there."

"Th-That shall suffice," she stammered, blushing and unable to meet my eyes.

What a handful.

I moved my personal stuff— with the exception of my computer— into Ange's room to sleep with her until the renovation for Valeanor's larger room finished. The queen had no shortage of demands. Furniture had to be rearranged to her specifications, she preferred candles to electrical lights, and sheets had to be of the silken variety.

When I got back to the dorm from a quick shopping trip to get the silken sheets, I found Valeanor sitting at the desk in front of the computer. Cresta and Ange were next to her, pointing to the screen in what was a very deja vu moment.

"As you can see," Ange began. "You dark elves are this world's most sexually fetishized race."

"They like showing that your ears are the most sensitive parts!" Cresta bellowed with laughter.

"Why are you guys showing her porn?!" I screamed.

Valeanor gasped and covered her ears as I entered. "You… You beast! Don't come any closer to me! I know what your kind wants to do to an elf such as myself!" 

"Oh, good grief…"

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