The changewing queen

Chapter 4: Upgrade

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[Astrid's POV]

'What is going on?' I looked around confused. Then the giant changewing appeared out of nowhere. "Hello human" "You can speak?" I asked him. I never heard or read about a dragon that can talk. "We dragons have our own language but for this we are in your dreams so it's only natural that you understand me"

This honestly made me more confused than I already was. "The member of our pack who brought you here said, he could look into your soul and felt the same despair that our ancestors had. You were the only one in your home who was different from all others or at least everybody thought you were different. And this you went as far as abandoning you homeland and fleeing with the high chance of death."

I was silent. It felt like this dragon knew more about my life then me. "And when you were brought to our nest you cared about the parent less hatchling who would die without somebody caring for them" 'They really had no parents?'

"And so, I want to ask you human, do you want to become part of this pack and take care of these hatchlings like they were your own family?" I was stunned. "Is that really possible?" I asked him. "Yes, although there is a catch. If you accept, you'll lose your ability to communicate with humans" He finished.

'Would be ok to accept?' I asked myself. In my home everybody was happy without me and the only person who would miss me, my father died a year ago and my mother... she's busy throwing herself on other men. "I accept!"

"Well then. But be warned. It may cause some pain to you..." The giant changewing vanished into the darkness and I was alone again. 

"What kind of pain?" I asked but no response. I felt a bit tingly on my head, face, and brain as well as some other parts of my body. "What is this?" my vision went black without any warning and my eyes started to burn. I fell on the ground. "What is happening?" While lying on the ground in pain an extreme headache kicked in and my whole skin started to feel like I was being frozen alive. 

"AHHHH" I rolled on the ground. Tears of pain came out of my eyes. "Please! Make it stop!" But it didn't stop. The words of the dragon rang through my head like a giant bell. "You felt the same pain as our ancestors did" My heart started to hurt. 'What in Tors name did the poor dragons do?' I asked myself. 

I breathe faster and faster and clench my eyes to somehow shut the pain out of my mind, but it didn't work. 'When will this stop?' I was sure I couldn't endure this for much longer. 

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And just half a second later it ended. I lied on the hard floor heavily breathing. "What just was that?" I looked up to the roof of the nest and noticed a puddle right next to. So, I sat up and looked at myself. "Wow..." My braided blonde hair turned into pure white hair which reached almost to my ankles. 

'It's soft...' I looked into the puddle again and noticed the change in my eyes. My previously blue eyes turned into silver ones with dragon like pupils in them. I felt something pointy inside of my mouth, so I checked it out and found two vampire like fangs. My skin, which became way paler than it already was made me look even more like a vampire.

"You look way better than before" I was completely lost in my world, so I was surprised by someone talking to me and flinched. And suddenly my pale skin started to turn into a rock like color resembling the floor I was sitting on. "This is cool" I watched my arms as my skin was slowly returning to its pale color.  

"I guess no other human would recognize you that way...." "I guess so...." I looked in the puddle one last time and realized that indeed nobody would think of me as the Berkian Astrid again. 'Not even father could recognize me if he was still alive...' "So, I guess welcome to the pack?" I looked up and just now noticed the talking changewing right in front of me. 

"Wait... you can speak too?" The dragon giggled. "No, but you can understand us now" he said. "So, whatever he did it really worked..." I was stunned. "Have you ever listened to yourself talking?" "What do you mean by that?" I asked him to think it was just him making fun of me, but I realized that the sounds coming out of my mouth weren't normal human sounds. They were way more dragon-ish.

"Big sis!" I turned around trying to find the source of the sound until I noticed the small hatchlings jumping behind me. "Don't tell me you're hungry again!"

They looked at me with puppy eyes once again. "They know you have a weak spot for that" the adult changewing said. "Ok, om you won. But first, I think I should give you names so I don't have to call you all hatchlings all the time.

"Yay names!" they jumped happily and the adult changewing laughed.


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