The changewing queen

Chapter 6: Snoggletog

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[Astrid's POV]

As I arrived in the nest, I noticed that all the dragons seemed to be gone. "Is it that time of the year already?" Granny walked up next to me. "Yes. And apparently our pack is going to get a lot bigger" she said. All the dragons have retired to their caves to focus on caring for their eggs.

"So tell me... Why exactly aren't you going with the other dragons?" I asked. I only experienced it once as I was on berk, but one day all the dragons suddenly flew away. According to Hiccup they all flew to one island to lay their eggs. Granny made her story telling face and started.

"You know, as you were integrated into this pack, the alpha told about the pain our ancestors felt. A long time ago, our species lived in harmony with the other dragons. But after the first alpha dragon appeared and forced everybody to work for him, we were the only ones who could hide from him, which made the others jealous.

"So after they fought the alpha they forced us to leave... which included to ban us from entering the dragon island to lay our eggs, so we have tot do it in our nest." I could feel their pain in my heart. I didn't really experience the same as them. I was forced away because nobody understood me, but they and me were banned away by the people we knew and maybe loved. 

"Thanks for telling me..." I looked at the roof, lost in thoughts, as I heard a panicked scream. "My Eggs!?" I was ripped out of my thoughts and started sprinting to where the voice came from. I was the first one to arrive. A female changewing sat in her cave looking around, panicking. "What happened?" "They were here seconds ago, but then suddenly..."

"Wait! Be quiet!" I said loudly and everybody present went quiet. "She's lost her eggs, don't tell her to..." I stared the annoying dragon in the eyes, and he shut up. Everybody was silent. Then... "€HiÿB»õØ*ô" There was clearly somebody saying something, but I couldn't understand"

"Why are they hurrying?" I looked at the dragon. "You understood that?" "Yeah... It's just human speach isn't it?" I facepalmed myself. I completely forgot about that. "Shadow, come with me! I want to know where this is coming from!" And soon after we both ran through the woods following Shadow's smell.

"How did they get on this island?" I asked while running. "I don't know" "We really should tell the alpha to change the patrol plan." I complained. "The plan is good, but everybody is inside caring for their eggs" 

"These idiots knew this for sure!" I clenched my teeth. After a few minutes of running, we arrived at the beach. There were clear traces of a boat being pushed out in the water. "How were they so fast? We just heard them in the nest!" "Uh... you know that your ears also got better, so they might've been a little further away than you thought."

"We have no time for sarcasm!" "Sorry!" Shadow slipped his head beneath me and threw me on his back. I was already used to this, so I hold on tight, and he shot off. "Can you see something?" I asked him, but he didn't answer, what I took as a no. "They can't be that far!" Shadow said frustrated. "Sis?" I didn't answer.

I was thinking... "Maybe they didn't want to get away from the island..." "What do you mean? Even the stupidest of humans should know that after they pull off such a thing, they should flee as far away as they can!" "You're right. But what if the eggs of a single dragon weren't enough?" Finally, he understood and made a sharp 180° turn. 

"I swear if you are right I'm going to pour acid over them until they're nothing more than skeletons" "If you'd do that there probably wouldn't even be the skeleton left anymore." Shadow grinned. "Count me in!" I said.

We were flying along the coast. "Is that a boat?" I asked rhetorically as Shadow started to fly upside down and dove right down. "Let's vanish" we both merged with the sky becoming nearly invisible. "Be careful, I want to scare them" Shadow giggled. He landed as quiet as he could on the back of the boat, and I slipped off his back. 

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"Sis?" "Yes?" "Do you sometimes have the feeling of something coming right off your throat, but it's not puking?" "What do you mean?" "Just try!" He said and grinned. "What do you mean, you mischievous reptile?" I really had that feeling sometimes, but I always gulped it down. I always thought it would just be indigestion. 

As I concentrated, something tasteless came up my throat and accumulated in my mouth. "What is this?" As I spoke, some of the stuff fell on the wooden floor and a sound like hot metal being dipped into water could be heard. Then the liquid burned its way through the wood and a hole appeared. 

I looked up to Shadow, who was grinning like a three-year-old who was getting presents. "You are not only acid proof, but also..." "Why did nobody tell me about this?" "Well, you're kind of the first to..." "YÃ?" Somebody stepped on the deck, looking around. "ž·>IOŽ~óü±?uJéS؆„Ú–µÉ[$"

'You're looking directly at me, you idiot' I said, but he didn't see me. "Maybe just birds" the man walked back. "He is damn chilled after just stealing eggs" Shadow said. "We don't know for sure yet!" I said to him. "¨ÍÕÌðíùáÂÿèå±?pJé“aV¤XÀÅ®A£²Îª}Ö2ßÏ" I could hear a voice through the hole beneath me and as I looked down I saw the missing eggs. Shadow had to hold back his laughter. 

"Can you get your siblings here?" I asked him. "What are you...?" "You think you can let an entire boat vanish?" He rolled his eyes. "Did Bloodcloud give you that idea?"

He flew off. 'It's time' i thought. Luckily I've always trained hard and with the "few" extra benefits I got I easily managed to climb down on the side of the ship and slipping gin through a window. There were the eggs lying on the table. "€HiÿB»õØ*ô¦×"8pV8þö¸ó±¿" There were four men standing around the table drinking. 'Why did you steal those eggs?' I asked myself. 

This was the first time in 2 years that I actually regretted not to understand humans anymore but in exchange for getting a loving family I didn't care. "ÎN8ÊhÍuµé!" somebody outside screamed and the four men nearly tripped over each other as they tried to get on the deck as fast as possible. 

I ran over to the eggs and grabbed them. I put them in every possible pocket and made sure that they were save and warm. 'oh shit! I can feel them moving already! We need to get them back as fast as possible!" A scream came from the outside. I ran on deck and saw one of the men lying there covered in acid slowly melting into his death. 'Bastard'!

I jumped off the side off the ship and landed on Shadow's back. "Can you make this ship disappear?" I asked the other four siblings and they nodded. "We'll need to get back as fast as possible." Shadow hurried to the nest. "Sis you were right! Another dragon was missing her eggs to. She managed to kill one of the humans but the one carrying the eggs escaped. 

"You'll bring these eggs back and I'll take the others. Hurry!" We split up.Shadow was flying to the other side of the nest while I ran to the dragon who first noticed that her eggs were missing. Silent cries and comforting words could be heard from the cave. "Out of the way!" I screamed and all the dragons were irritated. 

But as they saw the eggs in my arms they cleared the way. "Here... they are already moving"I placed the eggs right next to her and covered them with their wings. I was completely out of breath. The female dragon looked behind me. "Wha.?" I turned around and saw all the dragons staring at her. 

"Hey, If you're not her mate out! I'm sure your mate is waiting so go!" As they heard me they left the cave. Caring for their mates should be more important than watching a dragon mother suffer. 

Shadow landed next to me. "I had to force all the gazers out of the cave" he said. "Me too!" I said and we both laughed. I lied on the floor of the nest closing my eyes. In the distance the first sounds of breaking egg shells could be heard...

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