The Chosen

Chapter 10: Chapter 9: Sightseeing

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As we walked through the city, I watched the Asgardians go about their day. There were theatres, restaurants, bookshops and many other buildings that one would typically find in a city. It was certainly interesting to see that even a long-lived and magical species has these little comforts. 

Through eves dropping and listening to random snippets of conversations, I heard many familiar names. Though they were names that I had never seen in Marvel movies. I heard of Höðr, the blind warrior, of Hermóðr, the messenger god and even of the apparently deceased Baldr, the supposedly invincible god to all but the mistletoe. 

Still latched firmly onto Syn's arm, I leaned in and urged him to bring me to his home.

" Syn, bring me back to your house! I'm sure your mom will love me."

Though not completely flushed, the young god still sported a little blush.

" Alright, it's almost night anyway."

" Ah... Right. How does the day, night cycle even work here?"

I ask as I look around for the sun or any celestial object in the sky. Syn, unconcerned simply explained it to me.

" It is an enchantment made by the all-father. Apparently, it helps make people more productive."

Hearing his explanation, I nodded. The day-night cycle acts as a reference point for time. With an existing concept of time, people would need to complete certain tasks between certain time periods. 

Soon, we arrived at a relatively large two-story house. Walking through the nice little garden, we reach a metal door. From what I have seen, all buildings use this metal in some way, so I was not surprised to see that a house uses them for its front door.

Syn put his right palm on one of the symbols on the door and pushed the door open.


As we step in, I take a quick look around. I found a normal-looking living room, with a sofa in the middle of it. A kitchen near the back and a staircase to the second floor. On the sofa sat a relatively tall brunette, presumably Syn's mother.

" You're back? Oh! A girl! Syn, introduce her to me."

She got up the moment she spotted me.

" This is Amber Harper, she is a goddess of fate."

Surprised, Syn's mother's eyes widened.

" Is she Vanir? She is quite beautiful."

I nodded to the woman in greeting and answered.

" No Ma'am, I am not Vanir. I am an unaffiliated Goddess of Fate. My, I know your name?"

" Ah, I see. My name is Astrid, Syn's mother. Seeing that it is late, are you staying the night?"

I nodded.

Gesturing to me, she turned around, walked to the stairs and asked me to follow her.

" Come, come, I will show you the guestroom."

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" Thanking you, Ma'am."

Syn's mother laughed.

" Stop that! Just call me Astrid."

" Then, Astrid, thank you for allowing me to stay over. I am honestly quite tired."

" Don't you dare fall asleep young woman! You need to have dinner with us."

Giggling a little, I follow her to see my room. Looking into the room, I find a relatively empty room with a small bed in it and a drawer. Knocking on the walls a few times, Astrid looked at me.

" Don't worry about your privacy, the walls are quite soundproof."

She smiled while giving me a thumbs up. Amused, I return a thumbs-up of my own.

" Ah, Astrid, I will lie down and wait for dinner time then. I was not kidding when I said I am tired."

" Alright~ Make sure not to fall asleep!"

I closed and locked the door the moment Astrid left the room. Sitting down cross-legged on the bed, I take a few deep breaths and channeled my mana into my arms fingers and back muscles. Then, I began. I began pulling the strings of my own fate. Specifically, strings that influenced my past. I made it so that I was destined to take the path I took. No time traveller shenanigans will throw me off my path, no seer will influence me and no mind reader will force ideas into my head, for my destiny was to become a draconic goddess of fate.

Each colourless string I pulled was dyed a dark shade of silver, the colour of my energy, and would disappear, running back to the past to wrap around past me. While most gods of fate severed their destiny upon ascension, I did not. I intentionally left mine. However, I spin my own fate. As a sort of paradox, I am always covered in my own strings of fate. Covered with the beginnings of plans that I have not even made.

Yes, I could empower my past self. No, I did not do it. I could just use my primary and painful method if I wanted more power.

I had a rule, and that rule was not to mess with the future. The distant future, specifically. 1 second in the future? No problem. 10 minutes into the future? Try not to. 10 years into the future? No, never. The experience of being a near 3 millennia old Goddess of Fate from the series of books had put me off messing with the future and prophecy. It had also given me a sense of disgust for time users and seers.

One of the main things I attained from my last power-up was-

" Never mess with the future," I whispered under my breath as I shuddered.

A trauma of sorts, but a reasonable one.

Yes, the future was a no, no... The past? The present? My toys.

The strings that were always around me, represented my fate. Yes, including my future. However, I never touched them. Sure, if I did, I would most likely learn of my future. But, no. Bad idea. Never. Never ever, even if I am threatened. N-e-v-e-r.

As I manipulated my fate, I made sure to add in an insatiable urge to always update my path. My insurance against time travellers, time users, seers and other fate users. By setting my path, no one else can.

I smiled at my obviously flawed, yet apparently flawless logic. How complicated and paradoxical of me.


Anyway, it took me a mere half an hour to complete what was essentially my life journal. A short while after, it was dinner time.

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