The Chosen

Chapter 11: Chapter 10: Dinner

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Sitting at the table with Syn and his mom was weird. I was used to eating alone. Specifically, eating a hamburger in three minutes, doing my business for 5 minutes, cleaning myself with magic in 1 minute and returning to my books. Speaking of my book-

" So, how did you two meet?"

I smirked at her question. What a mom thing to ask Mama Astrid. Being the "enthusiastic reader of many stories" and the "creative" person I was, I had already thought of what to tell her. However, unfortunately for Syn, I wished to see him struggle. Sending a quick and sharp glare at Syn, I got to enjoy the sight of him flinching.

Of course, Astrid noticed me staring at Syn and nodded.

" Hm... You're right, Amber. I should not be asking you that. Syn?"

Yes, talking with one's eyes works.

" Yeah, darling! Don't you remember how we met?"

At this point, I was smiling so wide that my cheeks hurt. (The smile wasn't very wide.) I intentionally bared my teeth too. I probably looked like I was trying to intimidate him rather than smile... but what-e-v-e-r~ 

I thought in a valley girl accent.

Astrid stared at her son expectantly, while I tried my best to smile less intimidatingly.

" Syn?" The two of us asked at the same time.

Syn looked like he was about to shit himself, he was never good at lying back in school. I doubt an extra 100 years or so of "Asgardian" life would do much to help him with lying. Just look at Thor! A perfect example of what happens when you live in the jaded land of Asgard.

" I, we- we met at school."

" School? But you said she wasn't-"

" No, I mea-, ah... I mean a school. In... I mean, on, you know... Midgard!"

Syn forced a smile and stared at me for help. I nodded and considered whether to make the situation worse or to take over the conversation. Nodding with my eyes closed for a few more seconds, I decided to take over.

I looked at the suspicious Astrid and continued with the story.

" Yes, Astrid, Syn and I met when I was still in school on Midgard. Back then, I was still a mortal!"

Of course, I was omitting several details, but Astrid didn't need to know that.

" He was so charming~ walking through the hallways like he owned the place..."

I kept my deadpan voice to confuse Astrid. You can never tell if a monotone person is being serious or sarcastic. My monotone yet admittedly slightly too high pitched voice was a perfect mask for lying. 

Well... at least, when lying to strangers. Not sure if it will work for everybody... According to my experience? My memories? My knowledge? One of those things. Super important stuff, that stuff.

Hm... Speaking of memories I shoul-

" So, how long are you staying over?" Mama Astrid asked.

" Not for long... I will stay for the night and leave tomorrow. There are some things I need to do back on Midgard."

" Ah... What things?"

" I plan to travel around Midgard on foot. Maybe start a cult for myself while I am at it..."

" A cult? I thought the people of Midgard banned those after Yahweh's arrival?"

I smiled.

" Don't worry, Astrid. I am not going to pit myself against Yahweh. My "cult" won't be doing any demonic rituals or anything. In fact... What year is it on Midgard, now, Syn?"

Syn perked up when he heard his name.

" Hm... 1934 if I'm not wrong."

" Is that so... That I look British enough to not be mistaken for a German?"

I said while pointing at my face.

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" What? Why? How does tha- OH! Is-"

" Mm, world war 2 should happen in about 4? 5? years."

Syn looked panicked. I, however, kept cool as a cucumber. 

" -hould I do... I coul- but no."

I looked at Astrid who seemed confused. Straining my eyes a little, I turned away from her and tried to stare through the wall at where Earth should be. Well, I didn't try very hard, so I couldn't see through the wall. BUT! I did it to make my prophecy look convincing.

" Mama Astrid, I, as a goddess of fate, proclaim, a world war is coming upon Midgard. Make sure not to let your son go to Midgard."

I smile at her.

With a look of concern, she stared into my eyes, probably to ascertain whether I was joking or not.

" Alright, I will tell Heimdall not to let my son onto Midgard for a decade. What about you? You can stay with us if you want."

" Wait! Mom! Don't I get a-"

" No, no son. You are not going to Midgard."

Tuning out, Syn's whining. I answer Astrid's question.

" Don't worry, I will participate in the war. I am going to spectate. And, as I said, I have a few things I want to do on Midgard."

I look at Syn and found that he had given up and was just sulking. What a beta. Such a generic mama's boy comedic extra character. If he weren't my best friend in my old life, I would not have intentionally reconnected with him. 


Wait. Didn't I meet him by coincidence? Hm... I really need to sort out my messed up memories soon and my soul problems.

" By the way, Astrid."

" Hmm?"

" Where does Asgard get this meet from? I don't think there is enough space on Asgard to have farms."
" Ah, trade with other worlds."

" Ah, okay."

Awkwardly, I continued eating my meal without speaking. Standing up, I picked up my empty plate and looked at my host.

" Ah, just leave it on the table. I will take care of it."

Nodding, I set the plate back on the table.

" Thank you for the meal, Astrid. I will be going to bed now."

" Alright, good night."

" Good night, Amber!"

I nodded again and went upstairs to my room. Locking it again, I updated my... " metaphysical life journal" and used the timer spell set for 7 hours instead of the usual 3 hours.

Staring at the ceiling, I make a mental checklist of things to do.

  1. Fix memory problems. Eidetic memory skill not working as it should.
  2. Fix soul problems.

Looking through my body, I see my misshapen barely sticking together soul. Meh, tomorrow. 

3. Fix the bindings that keep the soul and body together.

Sighing, I closed my eyes. Tomorrow, I promised myself.

I did not bother falling asleep naturally and cast a sleeping spell on myself.

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