The Chosen

Chapter 3: Chapter 2: Existential crisis

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The little girl had stopped pulling at her hair. However, her state of mind would make normal, unrelated people laugh and her psychologists cry. Amber, the little girl, was having an existential crisis at the age of 11. 

Though her face did not exactly portray the amount of confusion and despair that little Amber was currently in, she did seem to be on the verge of crying. Tears welled in the corners of her eyes as she stared blankly at one of the many empty bookshelves.

MC's First-person POV


My personality has been tampered with, does that mean I am still me? Am I the elf? The saintess? Amber? David? I have inherited the elf's paranoia, I am certain. 

Laughing out loud, I stared at a bookshelf. In a way, this skill of mine is far more powerful than what I had intended to get. I wanted superpowers, not battle experience or additional general experience.

How else have I changed?

The saintess, Luna, was famous for being kind to all. Do I feel like helping and caring for the entire world? 

I continued staring at the bookshelf and thought about torturing my bullies back from college. Next, I thought about how nice it would feel to steal and read all the books from libraries across the country.


I do not care for the world, what else was Luna like. She loved elves!

I started picturing elves in various poses. Feeling embarrassed after a while I stopped. What else? I stood up and started pacing back and forth. Wait! Pacing when stressed or when thinking is a habit that both the elf and Luna had. Suddenly I started sweating, what habits and personality does Amber have. Why am I thinking of myself in the third person?

" Arghh!" I shouted in frustration.

Looking around with eyes that promised murder, I looked for my teddy bear. After pacing around the library to search for the said teddy bear, I stopped and slapped myself instead. 

My teddy bear? When the hell did Luna's teddy bear become my teddy bear. Besides Micar Jr would be angry if I burned him again...


" Huh?"

Shivering all of a sudden, I decided to walk back to the middle of the library and sat down. Then, I took a meditation pose and began meditating, ignoring the fact that this was the exact pose that the el- Nifediarl always took.

Breath in...

Breath out...



Completing a few more cycles of breathing, I slowly opened my eyes and carefully recalled how this all started. All this insanity stemmed from my supposed death. Filling up the isekai form. Reading a book, extracting the character's powers and... knowledge plus some of their personalities. With a slight- a huge chunk of pain.

Immediately, I remembered my skills, the skill that I had typed out on the isekai form.

One of them was perfect health.

Where is my fucking perfect health?

Looking upon my skinny definitely malnourished body and thinking of my current state of mind. I could not help but wonder how exactly this particular skill worked. I certainly did not feel like I was in perfect health. I had felt better as an obese, short boy, when I was a boy, of course, than I did at the moment. 

Do I need to activate it? Is it an active skill?

Mentally, I attempted to activate the skill and found a mental trigger.

Oh, it is an active skill.

Pulling the trigger, I felt something break within me.,:;-%$^

Still first-person POV

1-hour time skip

Hmm... What was I doing again? No, I was perfecting health! Hmm... that must have been dangerous... WAIT! WHAT ABOUT THE WEIRD NUMBERS! Shut up!!! BUT THE...

Shut! Up!

You are reading story The Chosen at

Huh? Wa-ait... a second, what is ... No, no, we have perfect health. I knew it! It is dangerous!

I felt like yelling. Unfortunately, I was perfectly aware of what had happened.

Don't yell... Why are you narrating anyway?

I feel the need to.

Sighing, I was at least certain that I had control over the body and the disembodied voices were all in my head.

I can cast magic if you want, mister main voice.

Don't do that here, please. Can either one of you take control of the body?

Nope!~ I would love to, it is very dangerous here and I should take it seriously.

Okay, so I am the main voice... Wait I am, Amber what are the rest of you called.



I see...

Sighing, I got up from the floor and studied my body. My skinny bones had magically been filled with flesh. I patted my face and found nice full cheeks.

Told you!

Sighing again, I tried to bring up the topic of those scary eye numbers that were bothering me. Stop narra- Focusing on the number in my peripheral, it enlarged to a size that actually allowed me to read it.

Candidates: 5927

Higher beings: 13

Ah, someone died! Poor guy... Someone? Someone?

Honestly, I understood what Sparkly voice meant by someone. Aww, thanks! However, I did not want to admit it. Candidates. I am obviously a candidate. But for what...

To be a higher being, duh!

Shut up! I was trying to make a sense of suspense! You ruined it! Stop dragging this out, get on with it. I need to get out of this library and find a safer base. We should get more powers! No, you masochist! I agree with Sparkles, I need more power. Hell, no! Why don't you do it? It hurts a lot! I am you! Fuck! Stop making sense! Why are we still shouting!


I sat down and took multiple deep breaths and thought about it logically. I know from instinct that the other 'candidates' could kill me. Easily, from what I feel when I look at the word.

But the pain...

Fine, what character should I choose? Dragon! Fenris, the dragon. 

Gritting my teeth, I mentally psyched myself up to feel true pain. 

Fenris is a stupid name for a dragon! It's a freaking wolf name!

With that, I attempted to use the dragon's breath, a dragon's signature move. Opening my mouth, I willed for a dragon's breath to replace my normal breath.

Third-person POV!


Blowing out hard for no apparent reason, the girl's eyes suddenly widened as she felt pain unlike she had ever felt before rage throughout her small body. She fell forward, throwing her hands in front of her, and she managed to stop her fall.

Then the pain intensified, and claws grew from her fingers digging into the parquet floor. Large dragon wings grew from her back, tearing through the only shirt she owned and scales started to replace her skin. Inch by inch, the poor girl suffered something akin to being skinned alive. Unable to support herself any longer, the girl collapsed face-first onto the floor. Instead of losing consciousness as a normal person would in such a painful situation, the girl was unable to do so. Instead, she continued tearing up the floor using her newly acquired claws. 

Through the haze of brain-frying pain, the girl felt her hips widen a little and an appendage, a tail grew from her tail bone. The tail, powerful enough, added to her pain-induced floor tearing. Definitely known by the girl, her tail continued growing despite the fact that she obviously did not have the nutrients to do so. 

Finally with the pain gone, despite all the energy in her veins, the girl still managed to pass out. The girl had gone through some, more than minor changes. Her skin was now covered in crimson red scales, two 6 inch horns sprouted from the top of her head, her ears became slightly pointy, the wings on her back could reach the wingspan of 5 meters if spread out and her tail now had a radius of 2 inches at its base.

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