The Chosen

Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Functioning as a human

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Having finally finished the book that she was reading. Amber closed it and sent it into her subspace. She sighed in contentment, happy that she had found a relatively nice read.

Suddenly, she felt her senses return to her. Her thighs felt rather warm and wet. Her stomach was growling. She felt parched as if she had not had any water in a whole day. Immediately, a spell of dizziness hit her.

MC's First Person POV


I felt horrible. Miserable. Something-else-erble.

I was hungry, thirsty, tired and soiled at the same time. A wave of weakness rolled through my body. I was close to simply collapsing from exhaustion. However, purely on adrenaline, I was able to stand and start walking around the library. Finally, I found a bathroom near the back of the library and stumbled in.

Quickly, I drank the tap water from the sink. At the same time, I washed my face and hands. Looking at the mirror, I found an unfamiliar face staring back at me. If I had the energy, I probably would have flinched.

" This must be me," I said to myself. I stared at my reflection engraving it into my mind. The girl in the mirror had a light tan, short black hair and soft black eyes. She also had large bags under her eyes and was pale.

I tried to smile. All that happened was a slight curl up of the corners of my lips. I tried to frown and make an angry look. The corners of my lips curled down slightly. I narrowed my eyes at this.

" That's not an angry look..." My voice was quite high pitched but soft. It felt like I was constantly talking through a pillow. I estimated that I would probably be able to hit a high soprano note if I tried.

Then, another wave of fatigue rolled through me. I collapsed onto the ground hitting my chin on the sink as I fell.

I simply lay on the toilet floor while groaning.

" Ugghhh... I-I nee-d to get back to my... books!" I shouted the last word as an idea came to mind. The elf in the story 'The Elf and the Girl' was the greatest mage in his world. He could use his magical energy to create food.

" H-how do I do this?"

I pictured a sandwich forming in my hand and- pain.
"ARGHHHH!" Screaming in pain, I grabbed my chest. Just as quickly, my head started to hurt. It felt like my brain was being fried in oil. I screamed and screamed. 

Kicking and screaming for god knows how long, the pain finally stopped. I lay on my side staring blankly into a dark corner of the toilet. The pain had kept me from passing out.

Somehow, while it had hurt, it had kept me energized. 

It, being, whatever had grown in my chest.

'Magic core... That must be it.' I thought to myself. Although I was completely worn out, and probably on the verge of dying, I could not sleep. I felt too energised to do such a thing. Once again, I summoned the image of a hamburger materialising in my outstretched hand. 

I watched in silent amazement as a hamburger materialised. Not sparing a second, I shoved it into my mouth and started chewing. Once I swallowed the last of the burger, I started thinking of the girl. ' The saintess of healing. The greatest healer in the fictional world.'

I shivered, thinking about the pain that is to come. No doubt, my skill would copy her magic power and enlarge my magic core and engrave all the spells into my mind.

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" H, iel-l crk" I tried to speak only to find that I could not. I could taste blood in my mouth. I closed my eyes and braced myself for what was to come. I curled up into a fetal position and tried to use the saintess' ability on myself. 

Time Skip of 1 day

MC's First-person POV


After the sheer torture that was acquiring powers, I had cleaned up the library. I also cleared the library of all its books. I did this because I was certain that it was my library. There were documents indicating that this library was mine at the reception near the front door. 

How was an entire building owned by an 11-year-old? I had no idea. BUT! My name was on the documents, nobody has the keys to this place but I and nobody came to claim the place since I appeared here.


After the incident, I have developed a spell that would give me a tiny electric zap every 3 hours that would snap me out of my reading trance. With this spell, I could effectively take a break from reading every 3 hours to eat, sleep, relieve myself and do whatever else a human, like myself, would need to do. Surprisingly, this spell had only taken me 10 minutes to develop. In addition, I had also set up divination blocking spells and reinforced my library to ensure my own safety. This took me a few more hours.

After all the fuss about ensuring my safety, I had found that, in the corner of my sight, there were two rows of numbers. Like a tiny interface.

Candidates: 5928

Higher beings: 13

As I stared at the numbers I felt an innate sense of danger from them and my eyes widened. This new and unknown potential source of danger put my mind into overdrive and I started panicking. After 2 seconds of frantic hair pulling, I settled down and thought of a very important question. A question that I had to say out loud to believe.

" Why am I freaking out about dying?" Hearing my deadpan voice was unnerving. However, I asked myself the question once more and properly thought about it. The whole reason why I fell into my reading addiction was to give myself a reason to live, so...

Now... why am I now afraid of death again? 

" The elf... 'The most powerful mage was a paranoid man, who had only ever let one person into his heart.' ' His sister was the only person to have successfully wounded him.'"


Did I gain his paranoia along with his battle experience and power?

With this singular thought, I realised that my power was far more dangerous than I had initially thought. 


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