The Chosen

Chapter 7: Chapter 6: Alone again

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Having completely finished reading the last book of the series, I closed it, sighed and put it back into my pocket dimension.

Hi, it is me, Amber! Completely alone in my mind once more. Perhaps my Perfect health skill fixed me up properly this time? I don't know anymore...

Opening up the interface, I watched the numbers and tried to figure out what to do from now on.

Candidates: 5925

Higher beings: 13

Suddenly, the number of candidates left reduced. At an alarming pace! Finally, it settled down at-

Candidates: 3425

Not a second later, something unprecedented happened. The number of higher beings rose.

Higher beings: 14

I stared at the interface in disbelief. Holy shit! I slumped into the chair I was sitting on and continued staring at the interface. Then, a message popped up in front of me. I jumped in my chair from fright. Taking a moment to calm down, I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. Then, I read the message, no, messages.


Congratulations, you are one of 51 candidates to have indirectly watched

the ascension of the higher being Kahfir!

25 points gained.

Congratulations, you are one of 23 candidates to have indirectly watched

the deaths of 2500 candidates.

25 points gained.



Oh... So... He is the new higher being. Did he... did he destroy an entire planet? No, universe to achieve that?! 

Just as I was about to press the use points button, a new message popped up.


Congratulations, you are the only person to recognise that you have

indirectly watched a universe's destruction.

25 points gained.

Skill {Bystander} gained.



Seeing this, I was completely speechless. Immediately, I pressed use points and was brought to a new, yet familiar, screen.


Points available: 75

Skills: ????????????????|????????????????????????|????????????????????????

Blessings: ????????????????|????????????????????????|????????????????????????

Items: ????????????????|????????????????????????|????????????????????????



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I started typing while speaking out loud.

" Reality breaking luck." Looking at the displayed price, I gasped. 2000 points. 

" What? How the fuck does one even get so many points... Luck skill that evolves into reality breaking luck through continuous pain."

I sighed when I saw its newly assigned price. 200 points. Gulping, I began thinking of a new plan. Currently, I had no direction. Obviously, I could read books about insanely powerful beings and usurp their power. However, I had no idea how doing so would and could affect my mind. Personally, I preferred not to have my body taken over by a fictional character's mind. 

So... how would I know whether or not doing something would be good or bad for me.

My answer was instinct.  I needed to be able to react to any situation I find myself in.

So I typed, greatest possible instincts. A whopping 200 points. Great. 

" Passive instinct skill that slowly evolves into the greatest possible level of instinct through suffering extreme pain... 70 points! Yes!"

I immediately clicked yes. I squirmed a little as I felt the skill settle in the back of my mind and activate on its own. Happy with my purchase, I went to the blessings department and typed, 5 points worth of luck. Looking at the price, I was relieved to see that it had worked. Having spent my remaining 5 points, I clicked the done button and sighed.

The interface returned to its normal self.

Candidates: 3425

Higher beings: 14

As I walked to the bed I had conjured using my magic, I mentally prepared myself to feel intense pain. I planned to gain the power of the goddess that had reincarnated the hero in the 'Jack's Heroics' series. Hopefully, hopefully... the instinct skill will fully unlock from the torture I am about to put myself through.

As I sat down on the bed again, I looked at the interface again.

Candidates: 6987

Higher beings: 14

Ah, new candidates.

Looking on both sides of the bed, I finally find the built-in buckles. Strapping myself onto the bed by the waist, I laid down and took deep breaths trying to calm myself. It was honestly very traumatizing having to experience your skin peeling off and growing scales. At that moment, I was lying on my back in human form. No wings nor tail. I wondered if I should or should not be in my original form but ultimately decided that it didn't matter.

Already feeling phantom pains acting up, I closed my eyes gritted my teeth and attempted to use the power of a goddess, the power of the goddess of Fate, Raikesha.

Immediately, my body seized up and became completely stiff. Instead of panicking at my sudden paralysis, I dreaded the pain that would follow. This time, instead of experiencing the full body and skin aches, the burning started from my toes. Since I could not move a muscle, there was no screaming, no kicking, and no seizures from sensory overload. No, the slow and agonizing burning was by far the most torturous experience I had ever felt. Forget growing and replacing my skin with scales.

Whatever was going on, hurt. It was as if my ability was intentionally making me experience every moment of pain that it could dish out at maximum capacity. So, I lay there in pain cursing and questioning my life choices internally. Slowly the burning sensation moved up my body, all the way to my hair. Somehow, my hair started hurting as well.

Perhaps I was having mental issues at that point, but I swear it was true.

Once the process was over, my body unlocked itself and I melted into my bed. At least, it felt like I did. I did not start cursing like I was in my mind, nor did I start screaming my lungs out. Instead, I simply stayed there staring at the ceiling, seriously considering life choices.

I now had the powers of a goddess of fate. Was I a goddess of fate now? Yes, and I did not care about that. However, getting these powers made me reconsider if- no, how I wanted to live.

Slowly, I unbuckled myself. Then, I conjured a few pillows, sat up and put them behind me to allow me to lean back.

Turning to my right, I find a bald lady sitting there. The Eye of Agamotto housing the time stone hung from her neck. She was sitting on a plastic stool, one of the few things I had conjured.

Nodding to her, I did not bother getting up.

" The ancient one."

She smiled and greeted me by name.

" Greetings to you, Amber Harper. Let us have a chat over some tea." Nodding again, I conjured a coffee table, two teacups and a teapot. Looking at the sorcerer supreme again.

" Do you have teabags?" I asked the women.

" I do indeed." So, I conjured a Bunsen burner and a tripod stand sturdy enough for my teapot and started making tea. All set, I asked the woman.

" What do you want to talk about?" Looking into the sorcerer's eyes, she seemed a little surprised at how accommodating I was. I smiled as much as I could at her reaction.

Seers and their future sight...

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