The Chosen

Chapter 8: Chapter 7: Socialising

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I watched the woman think about my question with genuine interest. Though I did have a few ideas as to why she was here, I did not want to assume. Furthermore, I had a feeling that she was not here to fight. She gave off a sort of motherly vibe, she seemed to see me as a child or teenager that needed care.

It was comforting being in her presence. A type of comfort I hardly got in my past life.

" I would say that I am here to socialise. Hm... Rather I am here to get you to socialise. You are quite powerful and dangerous as is. I think socialising with other people might do you good." The sorcerer said carefully.

" You have seen my future," I stated. I did not bother wording it as a question as to the simple fact that she sat here meant that she had most likely done her research on me.

Looking at the back of my left hand, I find my humanizing magic circle still there and active. With a sigh, I ask the sorcerer supreme the question on my mind.

" How many- in how many futures do I destroy the world?"

Once again, the ancient one blinked in surprise. She then smiled.

" This makes it much easier. I am guessing you know about the Eye and the time stone?" She gestured at her powerful necklace.

I nodded and waited for her to go on.

" Well, though the future is not set in stone, you destroyed the world in about 3 million of those futures."

I grimaced.

" In some, you rampage as a 2000 feet tall red dragon, in some, you destroyed the world in human form while reading a book and in others, you were a Dragonoid and simply snapped your fingers reaping all life on the Earth."

I closed my eyes for 2 seconds, then I opened them with resolve.

" I see."

" Well, since the emergence of the candidates, there have been many 'end of the world' timelines. You are simply the one with the highest possibility of succeeding."

After a short pause, she continued.

" So you know of the other candidates?" She nodded.

" Really I am here as a sort of therapist. Out of the 3 million, you have spoken about your reasons for ending the world only 3 times."
I smiled and glanced at her with mischief in my eyes.

" So what do I want?" I said in a teasing tone.

" Well, from what I can gather, you want peace and quiet."

" Hmm? Not quite right, but close. I want to be able to safely read without having to look over my shoulder for enemies. That. Is my goal. I have concluded that the easiest way to obtain this, is to destroy the world."

The ancient one and I stared into each other's eyes for a minute.

" Is that so? I have seen many futures in which you simply live a quiet life."

" Really? That is good news... I might not have to destroy the world. So, is this moment a turning point in my life?"

I asked the time sorcerer.

" Maybe. It depends on you." She took a sip of tea.

Seeing her do so, I too took a sip. Mmm... chamomile tea. Not my favourite but certainly high quality.

Opening my eyes that I had unconsciously closed while enjoying my sip of tea, I had a sudden and random thought.

Hm... I should go out to the park. I might see something to change my mind about destroying the world. 

Remembering my instinct skill, my powers over fate and my genuinely sharp intuition, I decided to follow up on this thought.

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Putting down the cup, I looked at the ancient one.

" Sorry, but I am going to the park down the street now. Perhaps, the sight would help change my mentality."

The sorcerer blinked a few times again and said.

" You surprised me again! Yes, go, go to the park. A friend of yours awaits you there."

She smiled and got up. I took the hand she offered and got off the bed.

The sorcerer opened a portal with her sling ring and left after waving me goodbye. I, on the other hand, decided to walk out the front door of my library. After locking the door with a padlock, I walked down the road opposite where I fought Dumbledore and where I killed my stalkers.

I had a feeling, that though not dangerous for me, looking for that old man's corpse would be bad for my mental health. Let's not bother.

Looking around the park, I eventually find a young man sitting on a bench with his eyes closed. He turned to me the moment I spotted him, even with his eyes closed, and beckoned with his hand for me to sit next to him.

As I approached, he greeted me.

" Hello, it has been a while, David." He opened both his eyes a little as I walked over.

" Is that you Josh?" I questioned the man with a rather familiar yet alien aura. Joshua nodded and spoke.

" Well yes, but I go by Syn, son of Heimdall, God of Sight." Syn smiled at me.

" I go by Amber now, Goddess of fate."

Syn seemed a little surprised at my introduction.

" L-like the Norns?"

" Yes, like the Norns."

And the fates of Greek mythology.

Taking a seat next to Syn, formerly known as Joshua, my only friend back in my past life. Without hesitation, I hugged his arm, I pressed him against my flat chest and leaned on him.

" You are an Asgardian god? How old are you?" I said softly.

Seemingly flustered, Syn answered.

" Well, I chose to reincarnate. So, I should be turning 124 this year. How about you? How did you become a goddess of fate?"

He seemed to become serious with his question. 

" Secret~" I tried to pour as much coyness as I could into my voice. As the god of sight, I had no doubt that he could somehow see even with his eyes closed. Hopefully, he thinks of me as a woman. Who wouldn't want a handsome man to like them?

" He- Hey, you used to be a guy, David, stop trying to seduce me."

At his statement, I pouted and contemplated biting him.

" I go by Amber now. Besides, I never liked David anyway." Then I bit his arm. Shocked, Syn simply froze and watched(?) as I gnawed on his thick arm. With how weak I was biting, I did not even leave a mark on his skin.

Frustrated, I stopped and started pouting again.

Syn, simply sighed at my antics.

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