The Commoner and the King

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

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Sometime during my sleep, I don’t know when, my rest was interrupted. There was a sudden lurch, and Instantly I went from the calming nothingness of dreamless sleep to a painfully bright white room. The room was so bright that it almost looked like the surface of everything was glowing, and the white color added to the effect.

 As my eyes started to adjust to the surplus of light, I noticed that I was sitting at a table, and there was an older gentleman at the end of the table. he was glowing, brighter than I would have thought possible, but where normally looking at a light this bright would hurt your eyes, this light was soothing, as if so much as a glance could heal all your pain, remove all your worries. he had a gentle smile, and when he noticed my gaze resting on him, he turned my way, and you could see that he cared about me in his eyes.

 “Do you recognize me?” he asked.

“Uhhhh... not really?”

“I thought as such” he replied. “Then, allow me to introduce myself. I am God.”

He paused there, letting the weight of that statement hang in the air for a minute before continuing “I can sense your doubt, child. Worry not, for I expected this. Allow me to show you.”

And then suddenly I knew. There was no explanation, no demonstration of power, there wasn’t even a difference that you could perceive. Not a single thing about him had changed. Instead, it was as if he had opened another set of eyes, a set that I didn’t even know I had, and suddenly I could tell that this man was indeed God.

“I can sense your frustration. You are wondering where I have been so far in your life? Why didn't I stop your family from moving?” God said “tell me. We have all the time in the world, and I am a good listener.”

“But if you are God, don’t you already know all of this? What does recounting the events for you accomplish?”

“It is true that I already know” was his response. “However, I want to hear it from you. And plus, sometimes we all need to share, and to do that we need someone who is willing to listen. You have struggled to find that person, but there is no reason for you to bear the burden put on you alone.”

And so I did. I told him everything, starting with how painful it was to leave my small group of friends when we moved. I talked about how my Dad had said that we would be gaining a better life when we moved, but how it had only gotten worse and worse. The struggle to find friends, the loneliness slowly creeping in, and then the bullies, always picking on me, never giving me a moment to breathe. All of my frustrations, worries, and fears poured out of me, and at the end of it, I felt surprisingly good. It was refreshing to finally be able to share with someone.

It felt like my story had taken hours to tell, but I could sense that only a few minutes had passed. Finally, God spoke.

 “Thank you for sharing,” he said. “I hope that this talk has eased some of your troubles, and lightened your burden, if only a little. It won’t make up for the pain you went through, but if you would listen, I will share some things that us gods rarely share with mortals.

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It began with the book you call The Bible. When writing it, my goal was to give you humans a moral compass, something to guide you. When Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they enabled humanity to tell between good and evil. However, they took it upon themselves to define good and evil, and this sense became useless. The bible was intended to give them definitions of good and evil, so that they could use their sense of good and evil.

Shortly after this, A council of the gods was held. In the council, you can think of me as the CEO. I can do what I want, but if I start to make too many decisions that the council, the rest of the gods, disapprove of, they can all get together to override me. Since the creation of humans was something they were nervous about, I was already walking on thin Ice. The solution we arrived at was to allow the twelve other gods to create their own worlds, so that if one failed, we would have backups. This was the start of the creation of the universe. Since then, all of us have started to create more worlds, and minor gods have been added, and given their own worlds as well. We all work together to keep the universe in working order, with me leading, and the council helping me to manage the billions of minor gods.”

The explanation was astounding. To imagine the number of gods in existence is mind boggling. I only had one question, which I simply had to ask.

“Why are you sharing this with me? I mean, sure, it’s interesting, but why am I learning about the Inner workings of the gods?”

“The answer is both simple and complicated” came the response. “The simple bit is the reason. I have an offer for you. The complicated part is the offer.”

“What kind of offer requires me to know about how the gods run the universe?”

“A one of a kind offer” God said. “Shortly after I inspired humankind to write the bible, I created a second world. A copy of earth, if you will. It was, at the time, Identical to Earth, and it was meant to be a backup, to keep humanity from going extinct if they ever ended up killing the planet. However, it evolved differently. While the plants on it are similar enough for someone from Earth to be able to recognize them, they are also different. They have different tastes, and different characteristics. Such is true about most of the world.

However, there is one more major difference. In addition to the different evolution, when the humans on Earth discovered technology, things like electricity and gunpowder, I foresaw the potential harm it could bring on the world, and so I gave this alternate world, Gliese, magic, to prevent this. However, one specific human on Gliese, King Thomasi, with Lord Tovet’s assistance, has worked to destroy anyone with magic, and has nearly succeeded. The well known mages are all dead, and the ones still alive are in hiding. Unless someone interferes, magic will be removed from the world all together, and the world will be destroyed in a similar manner to what Earth is currently going through.

While Gliese may be headed the way that Earth is, it is tens of thousands of years behind. I want to offer you a place on it. You would get to escape all your problems, and live a life of your choosing. You would be able to do whatever you want. You would be free of the pollution, free of the modern way of Earth.”

“Is there a catch?”

“No. What you chose to do on Gliese is entirely up to you.”

“Then I accept” I said, before my vision faded to black.

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