The Commoner and the King

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

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When I got up in the morning, it was still early. Because I went to bed shortly after dinner last night, I was the first one up, and if I had to guess, no one else would be up for at least half an hour. 


After quickly going to the bathroom and taking a shower, I trudged into the kitchen. I would wait for my Mom to make breakfast, as my attempts at cooking never came anywhere close to what she could do, but I still had to pack my lunch for today. Putting together a PB&J sandwich, I bagged it and put it in my backpack, along with the rest of my school stuff. I still had a bit of time before breakfast, so I grabbed a random book off the shelf and started reading. It was a sci-fi story, about a future where aliens invaded the planet. I’ve read it before, but it still helped pass the time. Before long, Mom was calling me to breakfast. 


Quickly eating breakfast, I then trudged back to my room to grab my backpack, before heading off to school. I walked down the road, like I do every day, and wondered if the bullies would find me today. They shouldn’t, as I intend on taking a route that I haven't taken in a while. Still, you never know, and there are only so many ways  to go from point a to point b. Luckily I made it to the gates without consequence. 


As I entered my first class of the day, Math, I took my usual seat in the far left corner. Away from the front of the classroom, away from the teachers desk, away from the door. Hopefully no one would notice me, and I could fade into the background. 


For context, our school runs on a block schedule. You have all your classes on Mondays, and then courses one, two, three, and four on Tuesday and Thursday. Wednesday and Friday are courses five, six, seven, and eight. Today is Thursday.


During the lesson, I zoned out. I already knew all this, as well as everything else we would learn this year in math. If I could work up the energy to care about it, I would probably be really good at math. However, it would always be easier to blend into the background. I’ve seen how the nerds get picked on. I already have enough people bullying me as it is.


Towards the end of class, the teacher, Mrs. Cull, must have noticed that I was zoned out. She called on me to answer a question, expecting me to struggle to answer it, But after a few seconds to get my bearings, I was able to easily answer it, before zoning out again.


Once class ended, I made my way to science, my next class. It was the same as math, and every other class I have. Sit in the back of the classroom, try not to get noticed, and zone out when people aren’t looking. Before long class was over, and I could continue on with my day.


Before Lunch, I had to get through one more class, art. What persuaded me to select art as one of my electives is beyond me, but has turned out to be one of the only classes I actually enjoy. Everyone in the class is nice, and the class is laid back. You get to draw whatever you want, so long as it falls within some very broad guidelines. Sure, my drawings are horrible, but no one seems to care. Sometimes I even find myself enjoying the class, which is really out of character for me.


When the class ended, I was almost reluctant to leave, as lunch is always miserable. As I made my way to a secluded corner of the campus, I contemplated going to the library. The library is always quiet, and I would be safe from bullies. However, If I start going there too often, I could get pegged as a nerd, and then there would be even more bullies. Decision made, I walked the rest of the way to my corner and sat down. Maybe no one would find me today? Doubtful.


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Just like I suspected, They were on me within ten minutes. Led by Marks, the group made their way around the corner, before spotting me and sauntering over. There would be no escape today.


They gathered around me, Marks at the center. On the left, there was Harry and Frank. Harry was short, and had the mental capacity of a peanut. Despite being a teenager, he was already balding, and had the beginnings of a very red beard. It was only stubble, but it was more than anyone else had. Frank on the other hand was tall and lanky. He liked to tower over his victims, and punch them in the stomach. 


On the right there was Andy. He was about average in height, about five foot five, and very fat. He fancied himself a sumo wrestler, but he rarely had the energy to do much. 


Then there was Marks. Tall, Muscular, and very good at holding grudges. He still hasn’t forgiven me for bumping into him in the hallway over a year ago. They all leered down at me, Marks kicking me in the stomach. I groaned in pain. 


“Check him” Marks growled. “If he has any money, take it.”


His goons rushed forward, Harry aiming a kick at me. I tried to dodge, but I reacted too slowly, And it caught my leg. 


“OUCH” I yelped.


By this point, Andy had dumped out my bag, and upon realizing I wasn’t carrying any money, they trudged off, no doubt in search of their next victim. Groaning, I got up, and started putting everything back in my backpack. I was probably going to have a few bruises, but it could have been worse. I went back to eating my lunch, and when the bell rang, I made my way to English.


During English, I zoned out. I should have paid attention, as my grade was starting to suffer, But I couldn’t get myself to care. My leg hurt, and I was mentally exhausted from today. As soon as class ended, I rushed home, eager to relax and unwind.


Upon arriving home, I said hello to Mom, and then made my way up to my room, eager to get all my homework out of the way so I could relax. I only had a little, A worksheet for math, and studying for a science quiz. I Got both out of the way within half an hour, and decided to take a nap. I didn’t have any more energy left, and I didn’t want to have to deal with life. As I climbed into bed, I fell asleep almost instantly, and entered a nice, dreamless sleep.

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