The Concubine

Chapter 162: A Troublesome Aftermath

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This was where?

In the misty white fog, Meng Yuan didn't know where he was, but just walked forward aimlessly.

He looked down at his legs and found that he could walk freely.

Had his cold poison been cured? He was ecstatic.

What about Ling'er? He hoped that the first person to share this joy with him was her. But where did Ling'er go, why wasn't she by his side?

Meng Yuan looked left and right, but there was still white fog in front of him, and Zhao Ling could not be seen at all.

He was flustered, and he felt that he had never been so frightened before.

"A-Yuan... A-Yuan..." In a trance, he vaguely heard someone calling him.

It's Ling'er's voice!

He used light energy, flew up, and followed the sound to find it all the way.

The surrounding scenery gradually became clear, with mountains and rocks, sparse vegetation, and yellow leaves all over the ground. This was a cliff.

He slowly adapted to the light, but after seeing the scene in front of him, his heart broke and his body trembled.

In the midst of the cold wind, the woman who stood on the top of the cliff, as if being blown by the wind would make her fall at any moment, was Ling'er!

"Ling'er, come here, it's dangerous there." Meng Yuan shouted loudly.

"A-Yuan, you are finally here, do you know that I have been waiting for you." Zhao Ling said to him softly, with a gentle smile on her beautiful face.

"I know, Ling'er, look, my leg problem is cured, I'll take you home." Meng Yuan also smiled slightly, stepped forward and stretched out his hand to Zhao Ling.

"Okay." Zhao Ling replied obediently, moving her footsteps to walk towards him.

However, at that moment, there was a loud bang, and the rock under Zhao Ling's feet suddenly collapsed.

"A-Yuan!" Zhao Ling's face turned pale, and she screamed in panic as her petite body fell like a kite with a broken string, and into the abyss at the bottom of the cliff she plunged.

All this happened so fast that Meng Yuan had no time to react. He just flew forward intuitively, trying to grab Zhao Ling's falling body. But it was still a step too late. When he arrived at the cliff, he saw Zhao Ling float down, like a lithe wild goose, descending rapidly, and then disappeared in front of his eyes.

"Ling'er!" A heart-piercing shout resounded through the sky in the silent cliff, with echoes rippling.

"Ling'er, Ling'er, don't go...don't leave me..."

As soon as Situ Gong, who came to deliver the medicine, opened the door, he heard Meng Yuan's urgent low-pitched cry. He was startled, and quickly put down the tray in his hand and stepped forward to check.

He saw his prince laying on the bed, his two sword brows tightly furrowed, cold sweat dripping from his forehead, and he kept shouting the name of the princess, obviously he was having a nightmare.

He sighed deeply.

Sadly, he really didn't know how he would face the anger of the prince after he woke up.

Seeing that he was troubled by nightmares, Situ Gong was deliberating whether to wake him up, when he heard Meng Yuan yell "Ling'er", and suddenly woke up.

He opened his eyes, turned his head to see Situ Gong standing in front of the bed, and seemed to be at a loss for a moment. He sat up with both hands supported, squeezed his eyebrows a few times to relieve the dizziness that still lingered, and then slowly remembered the whole story.

Hateful, Ling'er. She actually drugged him!

He stared at Situ Gong with burning eyes, and scolded: "Situ Gong, you are so bold! Where is the princess, where is she now?"

Situ Gong knelt on the ground with a "dong", and said in a trembling voice, "Your subordinates are damned, please forgive me! Wang Fei... Wang Fei... She left for Jinyang Pass with the army yesterday."

Started yesterday! With that said, he actually slept for a whole day!

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All of a sudden, anger, worry, anxiety, self-blame and other emotions rushed forward.

Even he couldn't predict how dangerous Jinyang Pass was. Meng Tianluo's conspiracy and He Liancheng's strength were not within his grasp. But Ling'er was alone in danger, so how could he not be worried.

He stared at Situ Gong with a livid face, his eyes were like knives, his tone was icy, and he said word by word: "Situ Gong, you cooperated with the princess to prescribe medicine to give this king, so that the princess went to danger alone, you... what should I do with you!"

Situ Gong's heart froze, and he felt that the prince was really angry this time.

He had been a mansion doctor for more than twenty years in Xuanwang's mansion, and it literally meant that he grew up watching Meng Yuan since he was a child. Because of this, Meng Yuan had always respected him on any given day, and he had never spoken to him in such a tone of voice.

Based on what he had known about Meng Yuan over the years, the more calm his lord was, the more he spoke word by word, that was when he was so angry that he couldn't add anything more.

He quickly lowered his head, took out a letter from his sleeve pocket, handed it to Meng Yuan, and said calmly, "Please calm down your anger, my lord. This is the letter the princess left to you before her departure, please take a look at it."

In Situ Gong's eyes, this is not a simple letter, but his life-saving charm.

The princess said that if the prince woke up and got angry with him, he should take out this letter and give him. Dead gods, he didn't even know if it would work or not.

Ling'er also left a letter for him? Although Meng Yuan was still angry, when he heard that this was a letter from Zhao Ling to him, he immediately took it from Situ Gong and spread it out to read.

The white letter paper still carried the scent of ink, and the graceful small letters on the hairpin were his familiar handwriting, and the anger in Meng Yuan's eyes subsided slightly.

From beginning to end, he read the letter word by word, only to feel that his heart was gently caressed by Zhao Ling's slender hand, and he was moved to the extreme.

She said that she had regarded Xuanwang Mansion as her own home, and everyone in Xuanwang Mansion as her family.

She said that she would wait for him at Jinyang Pass, wait for him to heal his leg illness, urge the horse to speed, and take her home.

She said that after he took her home, they would get married and travel the world hand in hand from then on.

His slender fingers stroked the graceful font on the letter lightly, and tenderness in his eyes grew.

His Ling'er was so considerate, always thinking of others. He must have left this letter because he was afraid that he would blame and punish the servants of the Xuan palace, and that he would chase after her regardless of what he woke up.

Thinking of this, Meng Yuan's face gradually softened, and he asked Situ Gong in a deep voice, "Where's the medicine?"

Hearing this, the big stone hanging on Situ Gong's heart finally fell to the ground. It seemed that the letter from the princess was really effective, and the prince seemed to be relieved a lot.

He immediately got up and handed the soup medicine.

Meng Yuan took the medicine bowl, raised his head and drank it, and asked, "How long until the end of the treatment?"

Situ Gong bowed and replied, "There are fifteen more days."

Meng Yuan frowned and ordered decisively, "In five days at most, this king will set off for Jinyang Pass, so you go and prepare."

The dream just now was so real that his heart was still trembling slightly, no matter what, he was not at ease to let her stay alone in Jinyang Pass for so long. If he could, he really wanted to set off immediately and chase after her.

But Ling'er's intentions, he couldn't live up to it. There are more plans in his heart, which made him want to cure his leg affliction urgently, and stay together with Ling'er for the rest of his life.

*Ling'er, as long as you stay at Jinyang Pass for five days, I will join you after five days.*

Situ Gong looked distressed. The prince's meaning was obvious, he wanted to give up the last course of treatment.

Although this will not affect his ability to walk, it will affect the effect of the treatment more or less. And what kind of effect it would be, he had no way of knowing.

He wanted to persuade him with a few more words, but sneaking a glance at Meng Yuan's face, he really didn't dare to disobey his prince's intentions, so he could only helplessly lead the way.

It seemed that he had to think of a way to make the treatment as effective and complete as possible in the last five days.

Just when Situ Gong was thinking hard and Meng Yuan was calming his anger, Zhao Ling followed the army all the way, day and night without stopping, speeding towards the Jinyang Pass.

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