The Concubine

Chapter 163: Into The Cold, We Ride

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When the autumn came, the scenery was different, and the geese in Hengyang went about without paying attention, and the sounds from all sides were heard.

Thousands of mountains, long smoke and sunset, the lonely city was closed.

It was late autumn, and the further north they went, the colder the weather became. Zhao Ling was sitting on the carriage, and it was obvious that she felt a chill of her surroundings.

From a very young age, she longed for the feeling of a prancing horse galloping in the sky. Later, she got to know Yuan Lie and learned that there was a big horse farm in his home, so she visited him from time to time. 

Under Yuan Lie's teaching, her riding skills have become increasingly impressive. Although not as good as Feiyunqi and most men, but among women, she still thought of herself as not weak at all.

When she came to Jinyang Pass this time, she really wanted to experience the feeling of riding a horse, but unfortunately, in order to accommodate green bamboo, who could not ride a horse, she had to choose a carriage.

"Miss, do you want to add more clothes?" Lu Zhu next to hee took out a thickened satin-colored cloak with a mink fur collar from her bag, intending to put it on her.

Zhao Ling waved her hand, "No, it's not too late to get off the carriage and put it on again." Seeing the tired look on Luzhu's delicate goose egg face, she asked aloud, "Are you tired of traveling all day long?"

Green Bamboo quickly shook her head. "I'm not tired, I'm not tired, your servant is very sturdy, not tired at all. It's you, my lady. Your body has been weak since you were young, and this servant is really afraid that you won't be able to bear the pain." Luzhu's little face was full of worry.

Zhao Ling smiled indifferently, "Don't worry, your young lady is no longer the ill young lady she used to be, it's alright."

"That's right, the young lady is becoming more and more surprising to the slave maid. The slave maid thinks that there is nothing that could stop the young lady." Lu Zhu's big black and white eyes flashed and looked at the Duke's daughter with admiration.

For convenience, Zhao Ling and Luzhu were both dressed as men. Zhao Ling tied her head full of blue silk with only a ribbon, just like the ponytail she often tied in modern times. She was dressed in a simple light blue dress, with no other accessories on her body. Such as jade, her bearing was calm, and her demeanor was indifferent, showing her unique charm of beauty and gentleness.

Lu Zhu looked at the young lady she had been with for more than ten years in front of her. She should have been familiar with her, but she felt like a stranger.

In the past, the young lady didn't even dare to take a step beyond the gate of the Duke's Mansion, but the current young lady was bolder than a man, not only could she do autopsy and solve cases, but now she even dared to enter the battlefield.

Although she didn't understand what was going on, there were rumors in the capital that the young lady was possessed by evil spirits, but so what, even if the young lady was possessed by evil spirits, she would always be her own young lady.

"You girl, your little mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter." Zhao Ling smiled when she saw her look of admiration. This girl was really sincere to her.

Originally, she didn't plan to take Luzhu with her, but when this girl heard that she was going to the battlefield, she pestered her to the death, and waited at her door with two bags before dawn, which really made her laugh and cry. She persuaded her that there were big men in the barracks, it would be better to bring her with her, so she agreed.

In the past few months, she had gone through a lot of things with her, but this girl was a lot calmer and bolder, and coming out this time could be regarded as an experience for her.

The sun was setting on the long river, and the sky was about to turn into twilight. The eighty thousand army hastened through the mountains at a neat pace while the horses neighed all the way.

"Luzhu, ask Xue Hao, how long will it take to get to Jinyang Pass?" Zhao Ling said lightly with her back on the carriage.

"Yes." Luzhu responded, lifted the curtain, and asked loudly outside: "Xue Xiaowei, may I ask, how long will it take to get to Jinyang Pass?"

Since Xue Hao protected Zhao Ling last time, he was punished by Meng Yuan for dereliction of duty, and after clearing out the dark guard team, he returned to flying cloud riding experience again. After a few months, this young man has worked hard and performed well, and now he had been promoted to the post of captain.

Wen Renyuan ordered him to protect Zhao Ling along the way. He rode a horse, followed by the carriage, and was paying attention to the movement around him. He suddenly heard Lu Bamboo's question, and turned his head to look subconsciously. When seeing the beautiful face and bright eyes of Green Bamboo, an imperceptible blush appeared on the young and handsome face.

After a light cough, he pretended to be serious and said, "Miss Green Bamboo, this place is not far from Jinyang Pass. If there is no accident, we can reach it before dark."

"Oh, thank you very much." Luzhu thanked him and turned back to convey Xue Hao's answer to Zhao Ling.

Seeing her blushing flushed, Zhao Ling seemed a little too shy to retreat, and her heart moved.

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Could it be that this girl had feelings for Xue Hao?

Xue Hao, a young man with clear eyes, a dignified appearance, and a self-motivated spirit, was generally good. He was also a good match for Luzhu. It would be a beautiful thing if the two of them could get along well with Qin Jin.

As her mind churned, she was about to test Luzhu with a few words, when she heard the louder neighing of war horses from outside, and then the carriage shook and stopped.

"What happened?" Zhao Ling lifted the curtain and looked out of the carriage.

Xue Hao got off his horse and reported from outside the car: "Princess, there are several deserters in front of us. General Wenren caught them and is asking them questions."

Deserters? Zhao Ling frowned slightly. Could it be that the Jinyang Pass garrison was really so bad, or maybe this He Liancheng really used troops like sands and was not easy to deal with?

"Go ahead and have a look." She instructed Xue Hao lightly.

"Yes." Xue Hao took the order and ordered the driver to drive the carriage to the front of the group.

Zhao Ling heard Wen Renyuan's solemn and righteous rebuke from the carriage. "You guys, since you are the guards of Jinyang Pass, you should do your best to defend the pass, but now you are running away like a coward, aren't you afraid of military law?"

Seeing Zhao Ling getting off the carriage, Wen Renyuan turned to give her a salute. "I have seen the princess."

Zhao Ling nodded at him and saw three soldiers in armor kneeling in order in front of him. They were gray-faced and couldn't see their true faces. At this time, their heads were drooping. Probably because of Wen Renyuan's aura, they didn't dare to raise their heads.

Hearing Wen Renyuan's salute, the three of them raised their heads subconsciously and quickly glanced at Zhao Ling.

Their eyes flickered, showing glimpses of faces layered with sinister and slippery thoughts, and she knew that they seemed to be hiding something. They were not loyal and kind warriors. Zhao Ling glanced at them lightly, and came to a conclusion in her heart.

Her psychology and micro-expressions were not for nothing. There was more to the suspiciousness of these three men than what they were trying to convey.

If they were deserters on the battlefield, why only their faces was dirty, but the armor on their bodies were intact, it seemed that the true faces were deliberately hidden.

And she didn't think that Jinyang Pass' food would be so good to show on the soldier's body. The soldier in the middle was obviously a fat man, and he didn't look like a soldier who had been fighting on the battlefield for many years.

"Who are the three of you, why did you pretend to be border guards and escape from Jinyang Pass?" Now that she had come to a conclusion, Zhao Ling asked sharply, without giving them any leeway.

The three of them shivered when they heard the words, and then they shouted in unison, insisting that they were only soldiers guarding the border. It was only because the war was tight and Jinyang Pass was in an emergency. And several of them had families, parents, wives and children who need to be taken care of, so they just wanted to escape from there on impulse to save their lives.

The three warriors cried out. 

It was almost sad for those who heard it, and tears for those who saw it. However, Zhao Ling just smiled coldly and said to Wen Renyuan, "General Wen Ren, the soldiers are fleeing, what should be done according to the military law?"

"To be beheaded." Wen Renyuan spat out the three words majestically.

Zhao Ling nodded, "The three of you fled before the battle, which caused our army to lose heart and lose the opportunity before the battle. It's a heinous crime. General Wenren, just follow the military law and deal with this on the spot."

She didn't believe their words, and since she couldn't force them to reveal their true identities, she had to tell general Wen Renyuan that. Now, she waited.

"Subordinates obey." Wen Renyuan was about to order the deputy beside him to take the three of them down and behead them on the spot, but there was a quickened cry from a distance behind him. 

"Wait, Princess Xuan, please be merciful!"

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