The Confessions of Cassidy Cain (Grandmaster of Theft #1)

Chapter 23: Chapter 23: Already Mine

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The sun sailed off into the horizon as we made our way to Cain Manor.

The pool should be exceptionally lovely tonight, I reasoned.

My family’s indoor pool featured a circular skylight which bolstered the room’s allure. The moonlight would bathe the water in silver. As for the pool itself, my father decorated it to mirror an oasis. The actual water was contained in an oval while shrubbery and plants furbished the surroundings.

It was the ideal place to take Becca.

I tried to mentally prepare myself on the way over, though partway through, I found it unnecessary. My fingers throbbed and I appraised her repeatedly while we chatted about the film. I can’t recall too much of our conversation as my mind remained centered on my scheme. Or, I should say, my lack thereof.

What am I doing? I wondered. Just how far was our night going? Were we going too fast? Was I misreading the situation? What if my previous concerns were correct?

“Hey Cassie,” Becca said midway through, “sorry to shift gears, but there’s something eating at me. What was Rae and you whispering about? Why couldn’t I listen, but Rae said you could tell me?”

I chewed on my inner cheek while debating how to answer.

If I told her of the investigation, she could’ve theoretically linked the dots and deduced my identity. If that occurred, my scheme could go off the rail in numerous ways. What if her suspicion tipped Gale off? What if she grew irate because I hadn’t told her already? What if Gale somehow managed to recruit her? The list of quandaries went on and on.

Having said that, if I deceived her, she could’ve deduced it at the moment and resented me for it, endangering the long game. What’s more, I didn’t wish for Becca to feel like an outsider looking in. I didn’t wish for her to doubt our connection or how vital she was to me.

Stupid Rae telling her she could ask afterward, I railed. Stupid Gale for creating this scenario and stupid Grandpa for assisting him and stupid, stupid me for not trusting her to begin with.

“What’s wrong?” Becca asked, frowning.

I sighed. “Do you trust me?”

“Hmm… You can be tricky sometimes…”

“I’m serious.”

“So am I,” she said. “You can be tricky sometimes, and I don’t believe everything you say, but you are the most trustworthy person I know.”

“It doesn’t paint the best portrait of your social network if the person you say you don’t always believe is also the most trustworthy.”

“There are people who lie less than you who I trust less. I might not always trust your words, but I trust your character. If you’re lying, you’ve got a good reason for it. Or whatever you’re aiming for is within acceptable limits. Either way, I don’t worry.”

I gaped as the tension in me evaporated. It was as if she pressed a button which removed all my inhibitions. I resolved then and there to do everything within my power to make her my girlfriend before the night’s end.

I swallowed – my mouth dried from gawking – before saying, “I appreciate that, Becca. I appreciate you. It’s…difficult to put into words how much you mean to me…”

“You mean a great deal to me too,” Becca said, her voice affectionate. “So, what’s all this got to do with Rae? Is it something bad? Or something you can’t share.”

“The latter,” I said. “Though it’s something I can’t share yet. Please, trust me when I say I’ll share everything soon.”

A thin smile formed on her face. “Alright. Just know that I’ll help as best I can if it's anything troublesome. You don’t have to bear stuff alone.”

If we weren’t seated across from one another, I would’ve laid my head against her shoulder. Hearing her say that meant the world to me. And, with that, the question of how far I’d go with her was laid to rest.

By the time we arrived at Cain Manor, the moon had secured its place in the sky and the surrounding constellations glittered. I instructed Wynn to stand guard outside the pool while I honored my wager with Becca. A tense expression began to manifest on his face, but he donned a stony mask and nodded.

Once we entered the pool room, we stepped along the pool’s outer rim. I dipped my hand in and endured its brisk temperature.

Becca clapped. “Alright! Let’s do this!”

“Not beating around the bush…” I said, my face and neck burning.

“There’s no time like the present! Plus it’s not like there’s anything you need to do or get, right? Unless…” Her lips curved up and her eyes deepened into a leer. “…you need a hand undressing.”


“I understand,” she cooed as she sauntered toward me. “Noble women in the past often needed help getting in and out of clothes…”

“T-This isn’t the same!”

Becca clamped her lips together, but laughter jettisoned through regardless. She doubled over while saying, “Your face is so red! Add in your hair and—”

Her laughter swelled as tears leaked out.

I, meanwhile, scowled while considering dragging her into the pool with me. I took a breath before saying, “Actually, there is something you can do for me.”

“What’s up?” she asked as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

“Turn your back to the pool and close your eyes.”

She pouted. “How am I supposed to know you’re actually doing it?”

“My clothes will be lying here, obviously.”

She huffed. “Fine…”

She twisted around and covered her eyes.

I tiptoed over and waved my hand in front of her face. She remained still.

“I can hear you,” she said. “If you try anything, I’ll pay you back twofold.”

Her lips were like petals which had been touched by a light rain. They skewed my grin as memories of her kisses flooded my mind. They were warm, soft, firm. They were a dream.

My heart and hands throbbed. My lips parted. My voice lowered. “You’ll pay me back twofold?”

I looped around her waist and pulled her against her. Becca’s hands flung from her face and her jaw slacked.

“Cass—” she began, but I captured her lips with my own.

Her eyes ballooned as I pressed my lips firmly against hers. Then she flung her arms around my shoulder and plunged her tongue into my mouth. A jolt blitzed through me as her soft, silken tongue slid across mine.

Our tongues lapped with one another while I clung to her. She, in turn, pulled me closer against her, and prickles rippled through me. I could’ve remained in that moment forever…

When we did break from the kiss, we both panted while retaining our embrace. Instead of lips, we latched our gazes onto one another.

You are reading story The Confessions of Cassidy Cain (Grandmaster of Theft #1) at

Becca broke the silence with a girlish giggle.

“What’s so funny?” I asked.

“This! It’s surreal!” She brandished a smile as intimate as the kiss. “This isn’t getting you out of hopping in the pool.”

“You simply wish to see me undressed, don’t you?”


“I’ll let you do more than see if we skip the pool for tonight…”

I’d rather not elaborate on the particulars of what followed. Truth be told, I wouldn’t have shared any of this if it didn’t factor into the tale – and believe me, it factored in. It factored in when I decided we should go somewhere more comfortable – i.e. my bedroom.

As we left, we passed by Wynn, who I instructed to leave us for the night.

“As you wish, young mistress,” he said with a bow before leaving.

Once he was out of earshot, Becca whispered, “What’s up with him?”

“I cannot say…” I said, which I suppose was technically the truth. “I’ll investigate later. For now, it’s of no consequence.” I linked our hands. “You’re the center of my universe.”

Becca brightened up and I led her to my bedroom. Once inside, we resumed activities. Again, the particulars aren’t imperative and, were it not vital to the tale, I wouldn’t acknowledge this portion.

Anyway, when all was said and done, we cuddled in my bed.

“You’ve no idea how long I hoped for this,” Becca murmured. “I could stay like this forever…”


Those words repeated in my head again and again and again before Wynn’s words returned.

This can’t last forever. I’m glad we are doing what we are, but what’s it all leading to? This ends one of two ways: either we end it on our terms and quit while we’re ahead, leaving tons of people in need without help, or things catch up to us and we wind up in jail. Or worse.

I shivered despite Becca’s balmy embrace.

Theft is a gamble. You’ve been fortunate so far if you are indeed The Grandmaster. Still, you’re bound to make a mistake and lose some time or another, no matter how good you are. And when you lose, you’ll lose big. Please, quit while you’re ahead. Consider the big picture. I trained you for a far greater purpose.

I tightened my hold and thought about how I could’ve spoken with Becca if not for the scheme.

“Cassie,” Becca said, “do you love me?”

Despite everything which had occurred, a lump formed in my throat. I swallowed it and said, “I wouldn’t have done this if I didn’t.”

“Say it for me. Please.”

My muscles tensed and a part of me wished to flee – which another part of me recognized as absurd. Old habits die hard, I suppose. Nevertheless, a stronger impulse overpowered my fear. I had to close whatever distance remained between us. If not for my scheme, for myself. I’d live with regret if I didn’t speak those words.

“I love you, Rebecca.”

Her face took on a solemn glow and warmth washed over me.

“You should ask me out,” she said, “seeing as I love you too.”

“Wouldn’t that be a formality at this point?”

“Ask me out.”

I smirked and decided to toy with her a little. “No.”

“Ask me!”

“You’re already mine.”

She rolled her back to me and crossed her arms. “I won’t do this again if you don’t ask me out.”

I slipped my arm around her waist and bumped myself against her sizzling, silky back. “Let’s test your resolve—”

She broke away from me. “I’m serious. I want us to be serious. I want—I need you to ask me out.”

My heart twisted as it struck me how much harm I caused her. The fact she remained by my side as a friend for as long as she did was a testament to her patience. “I’m sorry. I was teasing. I do already consider you my girlfriend in all but title. So, let’s officially give you the title. Rebecca, will you be my girlfriend?”

She rolled over and slung her arms around me in an embrace. Her eyes were wet yet shining. “How could I possibly say no?”

I breathed a tiny, quiet exhale. “Then let’s seal the deal with a kiss.”

She shook her head. “My best friend kissed me plenty of times. My girlfriend has to do something more.”

“You’re a glutton.”

“I’m a gourmet. When it comes to romance, I’ve got a discerning palate and you’re the only one who satisfies it. Also, you’ve left me starving for years.”

“Allow me to make up for lost time.”

I’m not certain how late in the night it was when we settled down. Becca drifted off after having her fill while I remained awake, reflecting on recent events.

If theft is a gamble, I thought, I should approach this as a gambler.

When gambling, the battles you choose to fight are as important as the ones you decide against. What’s more, a good gambler quits while they’re ahead. If they don’t, the house will win sooner or later.

Logically, I should’ve quit then and there. I should’ve heeded the advice I had received. However, surrender sent knots through my stomach.

What did it say about me if I walked away from everything? Was I as selfish as those I targeted? Was I someone who cared until caring became inconvenient? Could I even say I cared if I couldn’t follow through?

I can’t stop yet regardless, I reasoned. Some would continue to suspect me if I failed to alleviate their concerns. If I wished to live without specters, I had to carry out the plan. Controlling the narrative benefited me more than retreating.


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