The Confessions of Cassidy Cain (Grandmaster of Theft #1)

Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Everything is Under Control…

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I didn’t have to wait too long for the next play in the game. I was in my bedroom, reviewing the gala invitations sent and confirming attendance when Grandpa knocked on my door. He asked for a moment of my time, which I granted.

Grandpa settled in on my sofa and said, “I’m continuing the investigation into your claim. I should have the results in a couple of days. However, I doubt it’ll suffice for Gale.”

“Gale seems intent on suspecting me.”

“I’ve come up with a way to sway him away from you. Narcissa must honor your wager in two days, correct?”


“How about we work together on this case? It’s been some time since we solved a mystery together.”

I tilted my head. “Work together how?”

“If The Grandmaster of Theft didn’t try anything on the train, she’s likely to act later. It could be in your best interest to ally yourself with Narcissa in the meantime. She’s a lightning rod for The Grandmaster.”

I stroked my chin. It aligned well with what I already envisioned.

“You raise a good argument,” I said. “However, what happened to you not being concerned with The Grandmaster?”

“I’m not. However, if I had to pick between them and you, the answer is always you. Either way, can you think of any reason against doing this?”

My innards clenched as I realized he wished to see how I responded. “We’ve no inkling of how long it’ll take for The Grandmaster to act. We’ve only so much time we can devote to this.”

“What if we ensnared her?”

“With what?”

Grandpa took a moment, as if he was thinking it over. “You should be able to answer that. Think: what do we possess which would attract both Narcissa and The Grandmaster?”

I pursed my lips and glanced up. “The Sowing Tomorrow Gala.”

“Correct! Perhaps we can use it to attract The Grandmaster.”

I chomped on my inner cheek. Did he know my scheme? If so, was this some form of intimidation? Everything he said could’ve been his way of saying he knew what I was up to, so if I tried, he’d counter.

Why else would he suggest this? I wondered. Based on all information available to him, he had no reason to believe it would work. It was a mirror of the train scheme, which the public believed failed to attract me. Does he know more than he lets on? Feigning ignorance was a skill he utilized and taught.

“How is this any different from the train?” I asked. “The Grandmaster avoided then. Why wouldn’t she now?”

“Then and now are different. The Grandmaster’s reputation wasn’t under attack before. The Grandmaster will show if we increase the pressure on their reputation.”

My expression remained inscrutable, though my neck stiffened. It was a stellar offensive. “What if she doesn’t show? How does this aid us then?”

“Gale will still suspect you, but it won’t do any harm. You’ve nothing to lose.”

“This is true. No harm in trying… though we’ll have to convince Narcissa first.”

“I believe my reputation should do the job.”

The ideal convincer, I thought. Everything aligned so well that I couldn’t help but suspect an unseen trap. It seemed too good to be true. “Alright, I’m in.”

I couldn’t refuse. My scheme aligned with it as is and it would seem suspicious if I did.

After Grandpa left, I reevaluated my scheme while working. There must be something I’m not seeing, I reasoned. But what? Was it his way of saying he discovered my scheme? Did he intend to support me, only to ensnare me at a key moment? The possibility spread ice through my innards.

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My phone jangled before I could dig deeper. I inspected and found a new text from Becca.

Gale visited today, it read. Call me when you have a minute.

My eyes gaped and I stabbed at the call button.

“Hey Cass—”

“Are you okay?!” I asked. “Did Gale do anything?!”

“I’m fine. He just asked a bunch of questions about what happened last night after Rae left.”

My toes curled. I suspected it might come up, but I wished to leave it between us regardless. “What did you say?”

“At first, I told him it’s none of his business. Then he asked about other things, like our past with Andrea. I told him the truth about last night after he warned that you might be The Grandmaster of Theft.”

This is what I wished to explain later…”

“Are you?”

“No,” I said, voice firm. “Gale has descended into being a conspiracy theorist and is trying to construct a case against me.”

“Why you?”

“I ‘fit the profile.’ It’s inductive reasoning, plain and simple. You needn’t fret, I’m contending with him as we speak.”

“How? I’ll help if you need me.”

“I might require your assistance soon, but for now, everything is under control.”

“What are you doing to clear your name?”

I chewed on my lip. “Before I explain, remember that you trust me.”

“…What are you doing?”

“Grandpa suggested we temporarily align ourselves with Narcissa, to prove my innocence.”

“…Are you trying to capture The Grandmaster of Theft?”

“I’m trying to clear my name.”

“Will you capture The Grandmaster of Theft to do it?” she asked, her voice subdued.

I wished to scream no. I wished to confess and say how I did require her help. However, I couldn’t. The timing was essential. “I’ll do what I must.”

Becca said nothing for what seemed an eternity. My breathing heaved and my heart drummed as I waited for her to say something, anything. Anything was better than the silence she subjected me to.

I’m uncertain how long it took before Becca spoke again. When she did, spoke with a flat voice. “I trust you’ll do the right thing when the time comes.”

Her words torqued my heart.

I banged my forehead against the edge of my desk after the call ended. Everything is under control… I reassured myself. Everything would be better once I told her the truth. I simply had to make it through the coming days.

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