The Convergence

Chapter 1: Chapter One : Beginning

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The skies were dark, yet there was a purple hue in the background, almost unnoticeable, but the almost imperceptible energies in the sky was what remained of two universes brushing past wach other ten years ago.

It began as an experiment to interact with dark energy, only the scientist and technicians couldn't have known that doing so would excite all the dormant dark energy, which in turn became so heavy that another universe slipped past our own, causing the world to fracture and shatter, only to reform some time later.

For the majority of people, it was simply a blank period, but for some, their bodies were no longer their own, yet they felt no incongruous effects, as if they had used their new forms their whole lives.

Creatures that existed in fantasy books, elves, fairies, orcs, ogres, dragons, werewolves, vampires, to name a few well known ones and even humans with abilities appeared.

For some, this was the end of the world, with inhuman beings running rampant, or so they perceived the changed people's pleas for help and confusion about what happened to them.

The majority of the populace first response was to round them up for studying, but some of the more understanding leaders helped integrate the Changees back into the world.

For nearly nine years, it had been relatively calm. Those with abilities but were still human were considered heroes while those who had changed were considered Fantastical Creatures.

But the name was so broad it encompassed everything from half human half animal people to completely inhuman beings like a leviathan.

Of course, since most of the Changees were normal people, they didn't cause much trouble, as it would invite trouble on them and those like them.

Arian looked up at the left over excited dark energy, still unable to fully return to it's dormant state even ten years after the Convergence.

Since the dark energy still lingered, some unfortunate soul would be changed around the world at random, so even after the Convergence, the sudden changing of humans still persisted.

To say he felt bad for the Changees was an understatement. Arian had a friend who had been close to him, but one day, she suddenly changed into a kind of creature that most called spirits.

Since they appeared human, but were formed from an element, like water or fire, they were labeled Spirits. Since then, after her family relations grew strained, she left the city after she told Arian she was going to attend the School of Extraordinary Beings.

All the while she was at home, she had been the target of many because, unlike heroes, she didn't have anything in common with humans aside from her appearance, and even that was questionable.

Before her change, her hair was a soft brown, but after the change, her hair was a striking green color, showing her affinity for nature and healing.

Of course, she became more beautiful, a trait all Spirit creatures had, but to Arian, she was still his close friend. Even when his parents started to scold him for hanging out with her, he ignored it.

"If those idiots weren't so curious, everything would be fine and nothing like this would have happened." To Arian, the world had adapted, but only those who were affected actually had to withstand all the pressure from the public.

If a normal person committed a crime, it would be greatly overshadowed if a dragon or a unicorn were to do the same exact thing, ready to make them into the greatest enemies of humanity at a moment's notice.

Now that he had reached sixteen, he understood that some things were unchangeable. Even if those Fantastical Creatures used to be human, they weren't anymore, so humans feared and hated them.

Some didn't, but most did, so it might as well be everyone. Some races like vampires, spirits, elves, and dragons, those had long lifespans, almost incomprehensible to humans, and some humans tried to kidnap a dragoness.

Half a city burned before the dragoness was reined in by a passing Spirit. Of course, humans blamed the dragoness with nonsensical reasons, but deep down, was it truly the dragoness' fault for having a long lifespan?

"This world is ridiculous." Arian shook his head and turned to head back into his room. Climbing out of the window every night had made him believe he was a good ninja candidate.

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When his hand touched the cold metal frame to lift the window up, his vision became strangely disjointed, as if he were looking at the world through a hazy fog that kept surging every fraction of a second.

Then his mind paused, in which he felt something profound and utterly alien to him, but then it passed and he felt no further discomfort or disorientation.

His eyes snapped back into focus, but in the back of his mind, he knew that although his vision was looking at the mirror in front of him, he could sense everything within three meters of himself.

"Wh-" His mouth closed and his eyes widened slightly, almost imperceptibly to anyone who was watching. His surprise was purely internal, and didn't show much on the outside at all.

Unlike his slightly rough but distinctly boyish voice, what he heard was soft and cool. His head looked downward, and what greeted him was a beautifully made dress, looking quite gothic, although instead of just black, the main colors were black and white, almost like a maid's uniform.

He looked back at the window, and his eyes adjusted. The originally faint reflection changed in his eyes and he saw a young girlish being, with alabaster colored skin without a hint of blood beneath.

Unlike humans, there were no imperfections on her skin. In fact, Arian knew it wasn't skin, but something similar to soft vinyl painted alabaster white.

Her face was picturesque, but not with the natural beauty of the Spirits because it was too perfect and symmetrical. Her eyes were light honey gold, but unlike normal eyes, they were devoid of anything with no pupils.

Her joints were covered, but rolling up the sleeves, Arian could see the ball joints, which while looking strange, didn't diminish from the slender arm's beauty.

Although gender changes amongst the Changees weren't rare, it wasn't something Arian had thought about at all. But, with a quick touch, he realized he didn't have anything to worry about aside from the feminine body figure.

He didn't have the parts. Not his old ones, or the ones he thought he had now. It was as smooth as a doll down there. The honey golden eyes stared back expressionlessly, and her face was a mask of calm.

"I changed. But instead of getting something cool or powerful, I'm a doll?" Arian stared at the synthetic hair, reaching her lower calves with unnatural glossiness. 

What should be straight was straight, and what should be curled was curled. Her lips were full, but along with the presence she carried, Arian doubted anyone would feel anything but repulsion or disgust for her... or rather him.

Even if he tried to separate himself from his body, it felt useless. Because, he didn't feel any different, as if he had always been this way, with only his memories to tell him otherwise. 

If he was above average before, being stuffed into the body of an incredibly beautiful doll that was so perfect, it became unnatural, it would he hard to explain anything to his small minded parents.

With a single hand, he lifted the window with so much ease, he wondered if his human self had been that weak. Unlike the ball joints outside for his elbows and knees, his fingers didn't show any although they moved extremely fluidly.

When he entered the room and closed the window, he stepped over a few dirty clothes and looked at himself in the bathroom mirror.

"That saying that says someone's life can change in the blink of an eye was a true saying after all." His eyes shifted, and pupils appeared, only they were formed by a silvery light.

His focus increased several times in an instant, but then his pupils vanished again, leaving placid honey golden pools. Since it was nighttime now, he could wait until morning to inform his parents, but it would be pointless to do so.

His parents were small minded and despised Changees. Even if it was him, he doubted he'd get a word of concern. With a smooth gait, he walked to his bedroom door and opened it.

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