The Convergence

Chapter 2: Chapter Two : Registration

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When Arian stepped into the hallway, his mind was nervous, but neither his face or eyes showed any fluctuations. His heart, or rather lack of one, which would have pumped adrenaline if he were human didn't, so he looked stoic and calm.

When he entered the living room, his mother was the first to see him. Her eyes were confused, but when she saw Arian's face and eyes, her face became filled with disgust and anger.

"Why are you in my house?! I don't welcome nonhuman things like you! Get out!" When his mother's shrill voice sounded, his father came running with a knife in hand, cold meat in the other.

"How did you get in here? If you don't get out now, don't blame me for cutting you!" With him holding the knife at Arian with anger in his eyes, Arian looked back indifferently.

He could reveal who he was, or he could take his chances on the streets. Since he wasn't yet registered as a Fantastical Creature, if he was abducted, no one would know.

"I'm Arian." Although he said his name, he felt no emotion for these two before him. Before, he somewhat grudgingly acknowledged them because they raised him, but seeing their stance, he knew he couldn't stay here long without causing a conflict.

"You want to be my son?! Can you think of a better lie? Get out before I call some people who like to deal with you nonhuman monsters!" His mother screamed shrilly, and his head tilted slightly as he looked at her with pupiless honey gold eyes.

"I'm not lying, and who will you call?" It wasn't a threat, but he wanted to know in case he encountered them. If they would come to fight a Fantastical Creature, then they should have the ability to do so which could endanger him.

"You think you're something because you're pretty? Even a homeless woman on the side of the road is better than a thing like you!" His father spoke as he approached with the knife threatening Arian.

"Are these words what you told Nyra back then? She met with you, but she left the city soon after, but I thought it was others, but hearing you both now, it should be you two right?" Arian asked with a calm voice.

"Nyra? That creature? So what if she's beautiful? At best, she can be a whore or a prostitute. No matter how good she is, she won't ever be a human being!" His mother, who he looked at with the same expression he entered the room with, yelled in agitation.

"I don't get it honestly. As a Spirit, what do you think you can do to her in a fight? She would summon vines to strangle you, and you'd be a dead human, while she would be a living Spirit."

"Even if you don't fight, a thousand years from now, you'd be dust and she'd still look the same, so why are you so high and mighty? Humans are weak, and even weak Fantastical Creatures can beat you into a coma."

"So what? We will never approve of monsters like you roaming the earth. One day, you'll all disappear just like you appeared and the world would be all the better for it!" His father pointed the knife at his face.

"I know that even if I prove I'm your child, your irrational views on nonhuman creatures would make you disown me. However, you can both comfort yourselves knowing that I will no longer be your child. You both make me nauseous."

Although Arian had no digestive tract, when he recalled Nyra's expression that day when she left, the unshed tears and indignation, he wanted to slap these two cheap bastards a few times.

"I should have asked her what happened, but I didn't think you were both such pieces of crap you would tell those things to a fifteen year old girl." With a graceful movement, Arian bypassed the knife and placed his hand on the chest of the man he called father for the last sixteen years.

"I wish you both suffering equal to your crimes." With a light push, a man weighing two hundred and thirty pounds flew out and collided with his wife, who screamed like a shrew.

Although he hated these cheap people, he couldn't kill them. If he did, being pursued would make his life that much harder. Walking out the front door, he inwardly thought about what he was doing and then closed the door behind him.

He would rather take his chances outside than to stay with these idiots. He couldn't understand why they believed humans could disparage Fantastical Creatures because they also had emotions and feelings.

Of course, all humans couldn't be deemed ridiculous, but between a Fantastical Creature and a human, most humans would side with their own regardless.

With evenly measured steps, something he subconsciously kept doing, he took the stairs down to the first floor. While walking downstairs, he came across a woman and a young boy, and walked past them without saying anything.

"Mom, is that a Fantastical Creature like I read about? She's so pretty!" The mother patted her son's head lightly and kept walking, so although the boy wanted to gawk a while longer, he was unable to.

The four story apartment that served as his home for the past five years was no longer his home. His parents were actually worse than he thought they were and he was on his own.

Staying in this city would only raise the chances of something happening, but he had no means of leaving. Although registering would help secure his safety, he would still be homeless and destitute.

But, being homeless didn't worry him much aside from his safety concerns. Neither heat nor cold could trouble him, and the darkness of the night couldn't hinder his vision.

Or so he thought. When he thought about living on the streets, he felt a wave of unease, something he hadn't felt even when the man who used to be his father held a knife to his face.

"Not good. I'm not sure why though." Arian kept the issue in his mind as he made his way to the Fantastical Creatures Bureau. Because of the nature of the people it helped, it was opened twenty four hours a day.

On the street, the number of gazes Arian received was greater than the number he got in the past five years combined. Some were curious, some disgusted, and others sympathetic.

Although he was barely five feet tall, the unnatural beauty and soulless eyes kept most from approaching him, but most wasn't all.

"What's a thing like you doing walking the streets?" A man, probably in college, sneered as he approached Arian with two more men behind him.

Arian looked at the trio for a moment and kept walking. Rather than ignoring them, it was better to say that Arian didn't want trouble out in the open.

But, some people's tenacity was uncharted for seemingly random things. The man approached, walking behind the 'girl' who's beauty was unbelievable, her flawless dress and thighs highlighted by black stockings made him feel a bit heated.

When she looked at them, her honey gold eyes with no pupils glanced at them and she kept moving. Her even steps were uniform and her long blonde hair blew gently in the breeze.

Some people looked over, but most didn't approach. When the man realized her destination was the Bureau, he smiled and walked closer to her with a smile he thought to be handsome.

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"You want to register at the FCB? How about I show you a shortcut? It's faster." When her eyes fell on him again, he felt that he succeeded until she spoke.

"A shortcut to where? I simply look female, I don't have what you want, go away please." Her voice was extremely beautiful but also cold, but when the man heard it, he scoffed.

"So what? Having a maid like yourself would feel pretty good right?" The two men behind him chose this moment to surround Arian, who couldn't help but wonder if these guys had brain damage.

"Then go buy someone who wishes to do something like that." When he turned to leave, Arian felt a hand reaching to grab his arm.

"I said I'll show you a shorter wa-" His voice cut off as a delicate palm pressed against his chest. His body lost in the contest of force and he fell down.

Without waiting for them, Arian kept walking. The sound of swishing of the maid's skirt was soft. After fifteen minutes, he finally saw the Fantastical Creatures Bureau building.

When he entered the lobby, Arian saw a person with scales instead of skin sitting in the lobby reading a book. When the door opened, they looked up and smiled warmly.

Their teeth were sharp, but they didn't look threatening. It seemed he was hanging out because the receptionist desk didn't have any one waiting and had a staff waiting behind it.

She was a brown haired woman with a pair of fluffy dogs ears, an anime lovers fantasy brought to life. Of course, being a 'demihuman' meant she also received the same looks every other Fantastical Creature did.

"Good night, how can I help you?" Her voice was cheerful, a trait most canine demihumans shared. Like their canine counterparts, they were hard to keep down.

"Good night, I came to register myself." When the woman heard that, she noticed Arian by himself and gave him a look of consolation.

"Alright then. We don't ask for records since they become almost useless, but we do need to ask if you have any criminal records."

This was a measure to ensure criminals didn't run rampant, of course, most Fantastical Creatures Bureaus had a person to read the minds or emotions of the new applicants, nothing to deep, just to ensure they didn't lie.

"I don't." The woman nodded and then led Arian to a room to take a picture for his ID. Inside was also a man in a labcoat who seemed human.

"After we get the pictures done, George here will do a few tests to check the basics of your body." When the woman took the picture, the flash didn't phase Arian.

When she processed the ID, she checked through the documents on her side and then looked at Arian with a bright smile as she handed the tablet to him.

"Please sign your name, new or old if you choose here. Gender, species if you know, and age." Since most Fantastical Creatures lived longer than humans, with demihumans living twice or three times that of a human at least, birthdays weren't recorded.

Since it had been ten years since the Convergence, running tests on the Changees DNA, what they could decode at least put most of them higher on the evolutionary chain than humans.

When Arian held the tablet, he looked at the name section and hesitated. Arian was his name before, and now, he could use it, but then it was clinging to who he was before when he was no longer him.

Of course, changing his name wouldn't make him a new person, but doing so would start to push him away from his old self.

His face didn't change much, but his internal changes were like a storm. Although everyone understood that changing was necessary and inevitable, the starting point was often the hardest.

Unlike his new body, he still felt things, anger, panic, disgust. Most people defined human as something with consciousness, but there were many things now with consciousness, so saying humanity was discriminatory.

The woman's ears perked up and she held Arian's hand and patted it supportingly. When Arian looked at her, she smiled with a reassuring look.

"I was a normal housewife before I changed, but after, I was divorced by my husband and had to leave my kids who thought I was different. It was hard, but I got through it, and you can too." She smiled wryly after.

"It does help that I'm more happy and outgoing now of course." Seeing her eyes, which held no anger and only a faint sense of sorrow, Arian smiled faintly in thanks.

The woman who had seen Arian's face never change was shocked. If her face at normal times could be said to be breathtakingly beautiful, then her smile made her dazed.

"Thanks for telling me this." Arian looked down at the tablet and typed a name he felt he could use without causing himself much trouble.

Aria. No last name. Species. Doll. Age. 16. Removing the last letter left it similar enough that he could react whenever someone called. What was left was his gender.

Leave troublesome things for last. Looking at the list, he wasn't surprised. Some Fantastical Creatures didn't have a definite gender, some could choose which they wanted whenever they felt like it, and some just didn't have one.

Being a man didn't necessarily mean he had the bits, but why be a man when it didn't matter much? He didn't have it, he didn't have anything, so he chose Genderless.

When he passed the tablet back, the woman entered the information without any surprise and led Arian over to the doctor in a coat.

"I'll be here if you need me Aria." She left the area with springy steps, her furry tail swaying behind her. When Arian heard her say his new name, he wanted to facepalm.

He wasn't Arian, or even he. They were Aria, and anything could be said, from it to them. Looking back at the woman's departing back, they felt she was far more observant than she let show.

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