The Convergence

Chapter 3: Chapter Three : A Talk About Us

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Of course, abandoning their old self was hard, way harder than one would think for a teenager who didn't have much impact even in their own life.

But the thing about changing is that it didn't have to be instantaneous, instead it could take as long as needed until it reached a satisfactory point.

"Hello Aria, it's Dr. George, but you can call me Dr. G, it isn't aw formal. From the details you entered here, you don't seem to have any biological imperatives despite being conscious."

"Breathing and eating aren't necessary, but I need to do a few checks to ensure you don't have any issues, okay?" Dr. George said while gesturing for Aria to sit while a woman wearing a strange visor walked over and stared at Aria.

"This is an artificial intelligent life. You can call them Delta. They will try to to search your body for any potential problems, then we'll try to help resolve them if possible."

"I can't see through the internal make up completely, but although they aren't a carbon based lifeform, some internal processes are different from mechanical life."

"Power at regular intervals is required." Delta let their finger hover just above Aria's lower back and after looking at Aria for approval, who nodded in return, Delta touched their lower back and Aria felt a jolt shoot through their body before fading.

"Dr. G, can you grab my tablet from the other room please?" Delta's voice sounded and Dr. George nodded with and left after giving Delta a shrug of helplessness.

When the door closed, Delta reached up and removed their visor, and only then did Aria realize that the visor actually covered Delta's entire face like a snug fitting mask.

"I can normally detect pheromones released by carbon lifeforms which help me better understand them, but you are as inorganic as I am."

"Of course, I don't hold any ill intentions towards you. After tracing your charging grid inside, I'm still unsure of what your exact species can be defined as. Don't worry though, some people just don't know what they are."

"Is there anything I should worry about?" Aria asked, wanting to sound curious, but her voice didn't change at all. Delta's delicate face became serious.

"Within your body? No, you are in top form. But outside, you'll need to deal with more discrimination than normal. Although most of humanity dislikes all Fantastical Creatures  with differing levels, inorganic lifeforms to some are an affront to their beliefs."

"Unlike artificial intelligences, you can't transfer your consciousness to another body at will, so if you get caught by some desperados, it might end your life."

"Is not being alive in the strictest sense really that bad?" Aria tried to understand why people like Delta and themself would face harsher discrimination than others.

"Unlike the others who feel pain and can cry, to most, we are simply imitations of humans. In your honey gold eyes, a human would look into them and see nothing, a natural indifference to everything, and although we both feel, they simply ignore our humanity."

Delta's blue eyes had pupils, but much like Aria's, they were devoid of emotional fluctuations. They were a really deep blue, like an ocean, but Aria couldn't agree with what they heard.

"You will have it worse. I can adopt humanlike expressions, your face doesn't change much. Don't worry though, experiencing life will improve your mimicry." 

Delta's face changed and they adopted a helpless smile. Although the truth of the matter came down to humanity's fear of the unknown, since inorganic life was more of an unknown, they were disliked more.

"On the bright side, the composition of your body is very sturdy. Some materials I cannot identify are mixed in, and several magical circles inside regulate various things from your weight to your power supply."

"What will you do now Aria? This city won't be very supportive to you, so it's best to head to a Free City or the Fantasy Domain." Delta smiled warmly, and although Aria knew it was just mimicking what a human would do now, Delta at one point was human, so why couldn't they smile?

"Do you want to head to the School of Extraordinary Beings? It's best to keep some humans in close contact to learn and observe from them." Delta didn't mince their words and said their thoughts directly.

"I don't have enough to go over. It's three cities away." Aria said but Delta waved a hand lightly and walked over to a desk and fished a blue card with a number marking on it to Aria.

"You can use this to settle over there, the limit is ten million. I helped the government do anti virus protection and they paid me for my services." Delta didn't seem to care too much about giving away ten million which could allow them to live comfortably for five decades if spent with prudence.

"Why are you helping me so much? I don't have anything of value to trade-" Delta placed a dusky finger on their lips and shook their head when Aria stopped speaking.

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"I may be artificial intelligence, but everything I do doesn't always benefit me. I helped you because back when I changed, I also received help from an artificial intelligence who guided me to move on with life."

"Dwelling on the unfairness of this all will only make you bitter and angry. Because we don't have the concept of lifespans, being eternally bitter doesn't sound appealing at all." Delta's full red lips smirked slyly.

"She told me then, why be bitter and angry when you can outlast them infinitely? Instead of being angry, just accept what you can and work to change what you dislike the most."

"In my case, I help those similar to me, and accept the fact humanity won't, not for at least several thousand years in the earliest simulation, get over their dislike for our kind."

"Thank you Delta." Aria, before, just spending a less than an hour like this had already wanted to lash out angrily, but Delta was an island of reason in a tsunami of insanity.

"No problem Aria. Until now, our inorganic circle only has seventeen people, eighteen now. Facing the disgust of humans, we cannot turn a blind eye to each other's struggles."

"Now, can I ask you something Aria?" Delta, who had been straightforward earlier asked carefully, which made Aria puzzled, but they nodded.

"What do you think you are?" Delta's question surprised Aria a bit, and when Aria opened their mouth to answer, Delta spoke first in order to reassure Aria.

"No matter what you choose, it's okay. I just hope you remember you are a conscious being with both emotions and desires. You aren't an it nor are you a toy."

Delta held Aria's hand for a moment and gave them a reassuring squeeze before getting up and handing Aria the card.

"Remember to charge yourself for an hour a day, and enter a low activity state for an hour as well. It will help you process and cope with your new life." Delta put back on the visor and the mask conformed to her face, hiding their beautiful face.

Dr. George returned holding a tablet he handed to Delta and after a few cursory inquiries, Aria was allowed to stay for the rest of the night in a room upstairs.

Inside the room was a TV and a mini fridge. A bathroom and bedroom connected to it as well. When Aria closed the door, they examined the simple room and then walked to the outlet in the wall.

A sense of desire came from their core and stretching out a finger, they couldn't really guess how to charge themself until a thought appeared and directly solved it.

In the bathroom mirror, a golden eyed blond haired beauty undressed, their smooth alabaster skin looking flawless and radiant. Underneath the dress were undergarments, only they were just as ornate as the dress.

Turning in the mirror, Aria's head moved at an angle a human's simply couldn't ever reach and stared at their smooth and shapely back, and with a thought, a small section opened and a four meter long segmented  cable sprang out with a sharp tip on the end.

When they walked back to the outlet without a scrap of clothing on, their body while being feminine, didn't have anything beyond the curves and contours.

When they let their 'tail' get next to the outlet, the sharp tip reassembled itself into a plug and inserted itself into the outlet. Immediately, Aria could feel a pleasant sensation of power flowing into themself similar to how one would drink icy cold water on a hot day, just many times better.

When the energy cycled through their body, Aria realized they weren't aware of how low on energy their body had been before. Now that energy was flowing freely, their body felt a lot more comfortable than before.

Sitting with their 'tail' plugged into the wall, Aria pondered everything that was said between Delta and themself and realized Delta was right.

One could only keep doing what they could. Fighting humans would cause more harm than good, so their focus was simply to outlive the discrimination in the hopes of a better future to come.

No matter how long it took, beings without blood or flesh, beings humans felt were emotionless and soulless shells made to embody efficiency had hope and clung to the fact that better times would come eventually.

It seemed that both androids, dolls, and even beings Aria hadn't heard of yet all deserved the chance to be happy, a right all humans pursued.

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