The Cougar’s Lair

Chapter 8: Chapter 8 – The Stage Is Set

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Chapter 8 – The Stage Is Set

Jack was nothing if not a gentleman, so it makes sense that he waited to shove his entire length into Natasha until after she had started to wake from her last orgasm-fueled dreamland. 

Natasha, for her part, managed not to pass out again.

The first round of carnal rutting they shared on the couch was a passionate one without any commands or expectations. Just two people united in their feelings of affection and the strong sexual energy that bound them. 

It was both desperate and intense, with both sides clinging to the other and letting out exclamations of ecstasy. 

Jack brought Natasha to her peak more than once and, when he was ready for his own, she locked her legs around him in their missionary position and refused to let him out. She promised she was on the pill and then begged him to finish inside her.

What was a man to do at such a deliciously desperate demand?

Jack came, hard. Probably more than he had ever done before. He did his best to fill her to the brim and then added some more just to be safe. 

When he was done, Natasha hummed in approval and finally released his waist with her legs and ankles. Jack slumped back onto the now sweaty couch, taking deep gulping breaths and wiping the moisture from his face. 

Jack looked back down at Natasha and gave a small gentle smile as he moved the strands of sweaty hair out of her face. 

'God, she is beautiful.' He thinks, tucking a strand of dark blue hair behind her ear.

Natasha felt like she was glowing. 

'This is much better than my expectaions...No, my expectations just couldn't possibly match up to the real thing. He was so assertive and powerful with his movements, but he was still an attentive and dedicated lover as well. Definitely worth the wait.' She thinks as she stares right back up at him with misty, sparkling eyes. 

His smile turns more into a smirk as he leans down closer to her. His hand moved from her forehead and cheek to her neck as he squeezed very lightly. 

"Did you enjoy our first time together, Nat?" Jack asks, his black eyes smoldering and piercing into her very soul. 

"Y-Yes." She manages to stutter out. His hand wasn't blocking her windpipe or stopping her ability to speak, he held her throat more as a symbol of his command than anything else, but she was too mesmerized by the way he looked at her to form a cohesive response.

"Good. You have 10 minutes before we start your punishments. Rest up." Jack says as he lets her go and stands up. He turns his back on her and walks into the kitchen to retrieve two glasses of water.  

Natasha takes deep breaths to calm her wildly beating heart. She looks down at the torrent of Jack's seed spilling out between her legs and doesn't even mind that it is spilling onto her couch. That is why she bought a leather couch rather than a fabric one. Easier to clean up afterward. 

'Enjoy it? I doubt I will ever be able to have sex with another man after it! Nothing will ever compare...' She thinks with certainty.

Natasha was over 30 years old. She had explored her sexuality completely and been with many partners, but...

'None of them were White Mask. None of them were Jack. He was the king of porn for a reason, after all. From the interviews I read by the actresses he worked with, they never had to fake it; Not once. He was just that good. And now...I can't help but agree...This just proves that my plan is worth pursuing.'

She is interrupted from her thoughts as Jack returns and hands her a glass of ice water. She downs it without hesitation, feeling terribly thirsty in more than one way, and looks back up to him as he finishes his own glass. 

He takes her now empty glass and puts it on the coffee table.

'The coffee table slick with my juices...' Natasha realizes as a pang of shame and embarrassment assaults her again. Because he had not given her a second to relax, she had nearly forgotten what he made her do.

To her surprise, however, it looked like Jack had cleaned up her mess before she woke up. In fact, as she stared, he also started cleaning her and the couch with some tissue papers he grabbed from a box on the very same table. 

'Sexy and thoughtful.' She practically purrs internally in delight. 

"Alright, Nat. I want you to go grab a riding crop, a blindfold, a vibrator wand, and a pair of handcuffs from your room, understood? I will respect your wishes and not go in there again." Jack orders after he has cleaned most of what spilled out of her. 

'Today is the best day of my life!' Natasha squeals internally as, seemingly, every action Jack takes fuels her little subby heart with delight.

She answers Jack with a simple, "Yes, Master," and moves quickly to do as he asked.

* | * | *

The next 3 hours were filled with amazing sexual torture for Natasha, heading well into the early morning of the next day. 

She was blindfolded, bent over the couch, and teased with a vibrator as she was whipped periodically by the riding crop. 

She was forced to stand completely still and completely naked in front of an open window as Jack continued to whip her and fuck her, without the blindfold this time.

Lastly, she was handcuffed with her hands behind her back, blindfolded once more, and made to sit on the vibrator, which was nestled between the cushions on the couch, as Jack ignores her entirely. 

As amazing as these actions were, they were legitimate torture for her. 


Because Natasha wasn't allowed to cum. 

For 3 hours. 

She had been stimulated to the max and was not allowed relief once.

Though she enjoyed it, they definitely were still punishments. 

She begged and screamed for him to let her get there, but each time he said, "No," with a cruel smile.

He was watching her too, so anytime she tried to do it anyway, he simply stopped whatever pleasurable action he was doing and waited a couple of minutes before continuing.  

Not only that, but he would goad her as well. 

"What's wrong, Nat? You're shaking like a leaf..."

"Aww, that's too bad, isn't it?"

"You can cum soon, but not now. Deal with it for now."

"You are looking rather pathetic, my little slut. Did I do something mean to you?"

Over and over, for three hours this continued. 

By the end, Natasha was nearly delirious. Her entire body was wound so tight she felt it might snap. Her mind was foggy and the only thing she wanted was a release. She didn't care what she had to say or do, she just wanted, no, NEEDED to orgasm.

And yet...She was blindfolded and forced to sit still. 

Jack wouldn't even talk to her except to say "No" as she pleaded for her completion.

He did turn the vibrator off at several points, an agony of its own, and gave her some water to drink, but, as soon as she was done, it went back on and he went back to ignoring her. 

Despite what it might seem...Natasha was enjoying every second. 

This was a true master at work and he was playing her like any virtuoso would play their instrument. 

Though he pretended to not care and was thorough in her torture, she could tell that he was watching her closely. Looking for any sign of going too far or needing to stop.

He was taking care of her needs completely without giving into his own. 

That was what separated a Dom from an asshole. A true Dom took pleasure in the pleasure they gave and focused on their partner's enjoyment. There was always a fine line between play and abuse, and the better a Dom was, the closer they could ride that line. 

Natasha had heard horror stories of people trying this for the first time and it ruining their relationships or friendships. She had heard of Doms that kept their subs dependant on them; No longer playing the Master and slave, but forcing it into reality. She had heard of Doms continuing past the safeword and doing what they want for their pleasure.

That was not BDSM, that was abuse. 

Natasha had never personally experienced it, but she had met more than a few that had.

'Some of them might even be working for me soon...I need to do a thorough evaluation...' She thinks as she steps out of the play for a moment. She quickly focuses back, however, and immerses herself once more.

Jack was the king of BDSM. He knew the game so well that he could spend these 3 hours on just her and still make it new and exciting for them both. He knew what lines to cross and which not to, and he was always watching and always learning.   

So it was not a surprise to Natasha that he caught her brief moment of leaving the play session.

The vibrator stopped. "Are you alright, Natasha? Do you need a break?" He asks, his voice soft and concerned. 

'Maybe I went too far for this first session? I need to check on her.' Jack thinks.

"I-I'm fine, J-Jack. R-Really, I p-promise." Natasha says between gasps and shudders. Her body was tingling all over and she felt she needed only a slight push to reach a truly epic end. 

"Hmm...Well if you're sure..." Jack says, a bit unconvinced. 

The vibrator comes back on, and Natasha lets out a piteous moan.

"Still, it is getting late. We should probably wrap this up."

"C-Can I cum now, Master?" Natasha pleads hopefully. 

"No," Jack answers mercilessly. 

"Please, Master? Please, please let me cum..." Natasha nearly cries from the pent-up sexual frustration. 

Then she is lifted into the air and feels Jack's strong arms supporting her thighs. 

She has no time at all to question it, as Jack pierces her with his throbbing cock once more.

She screams out a moan, more of a guttural grunt than anything else, and continues to make these noises as Jack pistons into her. 

"Where do you want me to cum, Nat?" Jack whispers into her ear, one of his arms sliding her lower onto his forearm as his hand starts to trace circles on her clit. 

"Inside! Please, Master! I have earned it! I've been a good girl!" Natasha whimpers out.

"You have, Nat. You have been a very good girl. Cum for your Master." Jack says heatedly as he continues to thrust into her while holding her in the air.

Natasha needs no further instructions and, like a taut bowstring loosing an arrow, she orgasms violently. 

Her entire body locks up for several seconds, squeezing tightly on Jack's cock, then shakes and shudders as she once again squirts all over the place. She cums for a solid minute straight and is unable to even see the mess she makes due to the blindfold. 

Then, just as she starts to experience the aftershocks of her powerful orgasm, Jack fills her with his own. The warmth of his seed filling her sends her into another one, and Natasha passes out on the spot. 

The last thing she remembers was the sounds of praise and chuckling from Jack as she fades into the abyss. 

* | * | *

Natasha wakes to the sound of the alarm on her phone. 

Gentle sunlight leaks in from a window and softly illuminates her surroundings. 

She is in her bedroom, tucked into her bed.

She reaches around her but feels only empty sheets.

In a daze, she sits up and looks around. 

Everything is exactly as it was before, the only new addition is a note on her bedside table and the toys from last night in the bed beside her. 

Natasha works a hand through her bird's nest of morning hair as she reaches out to pick up the note. 

She smiles down at the note and pulls it close to her chest, hugging it to her. 

"Oh, Jack...You were just as wonderful as I imagined."

Her eyes then sharpen and take in her undisturbed room once more. 

The toys she had used last night were laying beside her in the bed. 

She picks up the riding crop and runs a thumb over the monogrammed golden plate at its base.


You are reading story The Cougar’s Lair at

Those letters are stylized and made to press right up next to one another.

To symbolize their connection. 

'How he didn't put that together is beyond me...but then again, I doubt a reasonable person would assume his boss would make new brand of sex toys with their names...'

She then looks over to her desk. The manilla file with applicants was still there, unopened. 

If Jack had opened them, he would have seen some scandalous pictures as well as full bios of her potential employees. One of the photos even peeked out from the top from when she had casually thrown the file there.

Again, Jack had missed this. 

Lastly, she stares at the stack of papers on a clipboard with several yellow sticky notes attached.

The papers were his employment contract and the notes were a strategy she developed to get him to sign them all without issue. 

'They even have his name written on them, for fuck's sake...' Natasha sighs at her own carelessness. 

That Jack hadn't seen or realized anything or that he hadn't looked them over while she was sleeping was a miracle beyond belief. 

She had put her and her company's nearly 3 years of planning in jeopardy for one night of passion...

And she honestly thought it was still worth it...

'I need to focus. No more mistakes. No more close calls. We are almost there and then it won't matter.' She thinks as she gets out of bed. 

She holds the note up and kisses it softly. 

"He will thank me in the end. I can deal with him hating me until then." She whispers to herself.

A mantra that she really hopes will come to be true. 

* | * | *

6 Weeks Later

Jack arrived at the office's side door and used his badge for entry. 

The badge system was only set up a week ago and the installation and facilitation process had been tiresome. He had to fire the first company for sexual harassment against a few employees. Natasha was already working on a lawsuit. 

Still, it just proved the need for such a system in the first place. 

This office was filled to the brim with unimaginably sexy women, and, while he couldn't blame the technicians for appreciating the employees, he still couldn't believe they had grabbed the asses of not one but 3 women while they were there for 5 hours! 

What was this, the 1950s?

The women were taking it rather well, almost as if they were used to it, but Jack wasn't going to stand for it. He had a company set up cameras across the building and outside the property in his first week, so he had it all on video. They could rot, for all he cared. 

Why the three women refused to press charges was beyond him.

Whatever. It was done. No use thinking about it when everything had been handled or was being handled. He had way too much work to do anyway.

Jack entered through a solid metal door on the side of the first-floor reception area and greeted the receptionist there. 

The office was a 5 story building in Buffalo, New York. The first floor had white marble tiles, potted plants, magazine concept art hanging on the walls, black leather and dark oak furniture, and a large granite desk situated in the back middle of the room. On either side of the desk were large doors with metal detectors and a clear glass wall separating the front entrance area from the back employee area. In order to get through, you had to have an escort for a meeting.

There hadn't been any guests yet, but Natasha had loved the idea for privacy and security reasons when Jack had suggested it. It was one of the first things they had set up along with the cameras. The receptionist, Erin, had a set of buttons on her desk that would open the entries or disable the metal detectors as needed. Employees could enter through the side door and skip the process entirely, as the security was there for the employee's protection and they were already vetted.

"Good morning, Erin. How are you doing this fine Monday?" Jack asks, juggling his coffee and briefcase in one hand as he put his wallet with the badge into his back pocket once more.

Erin Schneider was a tall woman at 5'11" with the most ridiculous bust Jack had ever seen. Like, seriously, how she could deal with those without throwing out her back daily was beyond him. She was 29 and had long, straight purple hair that curled at its tips and matching purple eyes. She wore a simple white business blouse, a black pencil skirt, black stockings that highlighted her legs that seemed to go on forever, and black heels. Erin was one of the models and worked as a receptionist while she wasn't doing shoots. She was a very sweet and timid woman who would always worry over other people, and her high-pitched voice was soft and reminded Jack of a Disney Princess'.

"Oh! Jack! Good morning! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! I am doing well, and am excited for the shooting to finally start!" She answers in her usual bubbly tone.

The Cougar Club, the name they went with, was officially launching in 2 months and they were starting to do shots with all the models. Jack was happy for her to finally do something other than sitting behind that desk all day. He just knew she would be a killer model; Apparently, she had been out of the business ever since she had a kid in her early 20s. 

Erin then looks down with a blush on her cheeks. "Thanks again for that thing last week...I didn't mean to cause any trouble for you..."

"Erin, they caused trouble for you! I just did what any decent human would do when they saw a woman getting harassed. No need to thank me." Jack says as he walks up behind her desk and pats her shoulder. 

"You're a really good guy, Jack," Erin gushes as she looks up at him with a blindingly bright smile. 

Jack just smiles back and gives a wave at her as he heads up the stairs towards the 4th floor, where his office was. 

The building had an elevator, but he prefer to use the stairs to keep active. 

The 2nd floor of the office was a standard call floor with cubicles, computers, and phones. Setting up the computers, their security, phone connections, and the greater office network had been something Jack worked on with outsourced help for the 2nd and 3rd weeks he was here. Of the 23 current employees, 11 of them worked on that floor. 

The 3rd floor was the modeling studio. It was separated into 4 sections and all of them were currently under construction to get fitted with cameras, lighting, and the set pieces they would be needing for shooting. This was the one aspect of technology Jack was not involved in as Natasha had hired a team of 3 camera women, a director, a lighting specialist, and a set designer for the modeling aspect of the business. In fact, he hadn't even been on this floor since he was given a tour in his first week.

The 4th floor contained Jack, Hannah, and Gwen's offices as well as the server room on one side of the building. On the other was a large breakroom with couches, 2 fridges and freezers, several tables and chairs, 4 different vending machines, and a large TV mounted on the wall. Jack, Hannah, Gwen, and Jack's assistant, Stacy Hensley, all worked on this floor, though Hannah and Gwen were usually overseeing the operations on the 2nd and 3rd floors most days.

Lastly, the 5th floor consisted of Natasha's office, her secretary's office, and 2 large meeting rooms with long wooden tables and a multitude of chairs. There was a wall between the rooms that could be retracted into itself so that both rooms would become one giant one if needed. Every Friday the entire office would meet at 3 pm in this room for a happy hour and lunch paid for by the company. Natasha really wants this to be a family-like setting and so everyone joins these meet and greets until 5 pm when they either continue the party by hitting up a bar or club together or go home.

Jack makes his way to his office on the 4th floor and opens the door. He takes a deep breath and sighs in contentment at what he sees. 

6 borderless monitors mounted on the wall join together into one giant screen on one end of the room next to a closed and heavily draped window. The screens can be joined together or separated into extended windows by a control switch on the desk and Jack uses this all the time when he needs to multitask. Under that is Jack's desk with his expensive keyboard, mouse, and office chair. On the adjacent wall to his monitors is a 50" TV that plays the security camera feed in 6 separate alternating boxes. Jack also acts as security for the time being, so this is the best place for it.

On the other end of the room, across from Jack's desk, is his assistant's desk. The heathen prefers three 42" sideways (long ways) monitors to Jack's borderless monitor setup, but other than the desks are nearly identical in layout. 

The monitor-turning heretic in question is currently absent from the room, either out working on something or otherwise coming in later, so Jack has the place to himself for a while. She was his assistant, but she had her own tasks to do as well, so he wasn't worried.

The office hours are extremely flexible. 

Need a day off? Take it. Need to come in late? As long as someone doesn't have a meeting with you, you are free to do so. Hell, you don't even need to work 8 hours in the day! If you get everything done in 4 and want to go home, you are free to do so. 

The only thing that is required is that employees complete their work; However, they accomplish that is up to them as long as they don't miss meetings or major deadlines.

It is, simply put, the best place Jack has ever worked for...Even if he doesn't actually have office experience. 

Jack puts his briefcase down, downs the rest of his coffee, and logs into his computer.

No sooner had he hit enter on his keyboard than there was a knock at his door. 

"Yes?" Jack calls back, quickly flipping through some email subject lines before turning to see Liz, Natasha's secretary at the door.

Elizabeth Ellis was another tall woman, they pretty much all were here, at around 5'10." She had brunette hair tied into a bun behind her head and dark brown eyes behind thin-rimmed glasses. Like Erin, she wore a white blouse with a black pencil skirt and black heels, but unlike Eris, her stockings were a light shade of purple in color. Her figure was astounding and she had that sort of "Bad Teacher" vibe about her. She was always serious and she had a sharp way of speaking that was quick and to the point. 

"Mr. Richards, Ms. Sutherland would like a word with you in her office. She has another document for you to sign." Liz said shortly. She then gave a quick nod and left the room, not even waiting for Jack's reply.

Groaning, Jack stands and chases after her. "Liz, I have said it before, you can just call me Jack. You always get upset at me for calling you Ms. Ellis, so you have to call me Jack. It's only fair!"

"You are in a higher position than me, Mr. Richards. I believe in proper etiquette at all times...Though I don't mind calling you 'Sir' if you would prefer?" Liz says, stopping and turning to face Jack fully. 

He knows she is fucking with him. He knows this because every time she turns to look at him after making him chase after her for saying some silly thing, the corner of her lip twitches upward. 

It reminds him of those Brats he used to have to put in their place. Always doing whatever they could to get under his skin...

Only this was work, and he didn't think spanking her ass or pulling her hair would do anything other than get him arrested. 

So, instead, Jack sighed and bowed to her, gesturing the way to the elevator with his hand. "No. That is not necessary. After you Liz."

She turns on her heels and opens the elevator for him, and Jack swears to God he heard her giggling under her breath. 

He ignores it. He had shit to do.

'Another document to sign...' Jack thinks with an eye roll.

That was one big thing that he hadn't thought of: Paperwork.

As the head of the Tech Department, Jack had to sign 4-5 papers a week authorizing this or that. 

In the beginning, during the first week, he had taken the time to read through the documents he signed. First was his employment contract, insurance info, and 401k, then were his official duties, his department budget, and a list of assorted needed tech. After that, he had to sign off on all of the people he outsourced, and the equipment he bought, meeting documents, hiring and personnel documents, etc. into infinity. 

Jack had stopped reading the documents he signed halfway into the second week. There just wasn't enough time! He would be in the middle of something and Nat, Hannah, or Gwen would pop out of nowhere and need him to sign some new document about something or other. He wasn't able to step away when he was instructing contractors or working on the network systems, so he would just sign them and promise to himself that he would read them all over later. 

Spoiler alert, he never did. Again, he just didn't have the time! There was so much to do!

So situations like this one weren't new. Though, usually, Liz would have just brought the document for him to sign right then and there. 

Jack knew that Nat probably wanted to see and talk to him too, however, as she had been busy the last 2 weeks and they hadn't been able to talk much.

In fact, they hadn't been able to talk or fuck much outside of work either, and that was getting Jack down a bit.

The first two weeks were nuts, and they went at it every night like rabbits. Hell, when things started getting busier, they had even shared some kinky times in her office! 

He was really enjoying his sessions with his new girlfriend...

But he couldn't be selfish. 

Running a brand new business couldn't be easy and if he was busy, Jack couldn't imagine how hectic Natasha's schedule must have been.

So Jack was very much looking forward to this meeting. 

When he got off the elevator, he waved goodbye to Liz and made his way to Natasha's office. He knocked twice and entered when he heard her say, "Come in~!"

Jack closed the door behind himself and then was practically tackled as Natasha wrapped him in a hug and pulled him into a passionate kiss. 

Jack laughed and smacked her butt, something he felt comfortable doing with her at least. She looked so good in her work clothes...

"Miss me?" He asked with a smirk.

"Desperately." Natasha answers. 

Jack notices that she seems antsy. Uncomfortable even.

His smile fades and he takes her hand as he asks, "What's wrong, Nat?"

"Ugh! Where to start. This lawsuit on top of everything else is driving me insane...But business before pleasure. Can you sign that document there?" She waves to a paper on her desk facing one of the two chairs she had across from her own. 

Jack watches as she paces the room and rubs at her temples. 

His girlfriend needed him, so he barely looked at the document as he signed it. He just wanted to hug her and tell her everything would be alright.

Jack looked up at Natasha and expected to see her nervously pacing like before...

Only, she wasn't.

She was standing perfectly composed before him, smiling beatifically at him.

Everything had been leading up to this moment.

A plan 3 years in the making was about to come to fruition.

"Finally. You're mine now, Jack."


And just like that, the final lock was in place.

Jack sealed his own fate without even having a clue that he had been manipulated all along.

With that last signature, Jack belonged to Natasha...or more specifically, The Cougar Club. 

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