The Cougar’s Lair

Chapter 9: Chapter 9 – The Grand Reveal

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Chapter 9 - The Grand Reveal

"Finally. You're mine now, Jack." 

Jack looks up at Natasha's beautiful smile with confusion.

"What do you mean, Nat?" He asks.

She chuckles and sits down in her chair across the desk from him as she explains. "With this last paper signed, all your new hire paperwork is done! You are officially past the training period and are a complete employee of The Cougar Club now~!" 

Jack quirks an eyebrow. "I wasn't officially hired yet?"

Natasha laughs again and pats his hand as she slides the signed paper to herself. "Didn't you read your contract, Jack? You were on a probationary period for a month and a half. We gave you a lot of responsibilities, so it only makes sense that we make sure you are the right man for the job. Congratulations on passing, though I had no doubt in my mind you would." She finishes as she rips the attached yellow version of the paper off and stacks it on top of several other yellow sheets. The white one, the top one Jack actually signed, is put into her desk's filing cabinet. 

"Oh! Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Thanks, Nat." Jack responds back to Natasha with a genuine smile. 

They did hire him for a rather vague position, so it made sense to make sure he was actually capable of the job. 

Natasha's smile falters somewhat as she binds the yellow stack of papers with a paperclip, and she takes a few deeps breath in and out.


"Mhmm. And with that done, we can finally talk more about your other two responsibilities." She responds looking back at Jack.

Jack tilts his head at that. "Other responsibilities? You mean for my Technology Manager position?"

Natasha and he had decided to call the position he occupied the "Technology Manager" for now. As the company grew, they would probably need to change that, but it worked fine for now.

Natasha giggles again and slides the stack of yellow papers across the table over to him.

"No, Jack, not that. You are doing a fantastic job with that position, by the way. I have heard nothing but compliments from everyone about you...Though, I suppose that is to be expected."

"Uh...thanks?" Jack says quizically. He couldn't put his finger on it, but something about this conversation to him. "What are the two other responsibilities then?"

Natasha looks up at Jack and interlocks her fingers. 

"Yes, let's go over them one at a time. First," she explains as she motions to a manilla folder in front of Jack on the table, "We have your modeling assistance."

'Huh? What is she talking about?' Jack wonders.

" you mean helping with the tech stuff for the modeling shoots?"

"No, silly, I mean you will be our main male model," Natasha answers with a bell-like laugh. 

Aaaaand this is when Natasha lost him. 

'What? Modeling...Me?' Jack thinks, flattered at the offer, but the request came completely out of the left field. 

"What?" This is all he can think to say in his bewilderment.

"Modeling, Jack. You will be our lead male model...Well, actually, you will be our only male model." She finishes, motioning to the folder again.

"Wait...What is this about, Natasha? I can't model...I have never done that before!" Jack tries to reason as he leans back in his chair, waving his hands through the air.

She slightly frowns at that. "Didn't you read the contracts you signed, Jack? It was all laid out plainly in them. We needed a male model for some photoshoots, so we offered you the position. You accepted and signed the contract for it...The whole thing is wrapped up in your overall position at the company now..."

Had he messed up?

Jack sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. 

If this was something they asked him to do, he didn't remember it. Still...he did sign the document approving it, apparently. 

"Nat...Is there any way you could get someone else for it? I...I'm not sure I am comfortable with that." Jack tries one last time.

Now Natasha is frowning openly with her eyebrows scrunched up. "Jack...You signed the contract and agreed...We already started work on the promotional material for it. We need you to do it or we will be out hundreds of thousands of dollars..."

'Fuck. Yeah, I had royally screwed up.' Jack realizes. 'This is why I should have read those damn papers I signed!'

"Alright, Nat. I...I'm sorry. I didn't realize what I was getting myself into when I signed that. Just...what do I need to do and for how long? I can't promise I will be great at it, but I am a man of my word and will give it my best." Jack says after a few seconds of hesitation. 

Natasha's smile returns in full force. "Thank you for that, Jack. You scared me for a moment there...As for what you will be doing, please check out the folder on the desk. We have some concept art for a sample magazine spread there."

Jack nods after taking a deep breath and flips open the manilla folder.

And freezes completely. 




A long silence fills the room as Jack stares down in shock at the "Concept Art." 

"Nat...What...What is this?"

"It's exactly what it looks like, Jack. It's what you will be modeling."

Jack looks across at Natasha. Her smile is gone and a blank expressionless face has replaced it. 

"This is all BDSM stuff, Natasha." He says quietly.

The folder was filled with images of different BDSM scenes, toy ads, story columns, and advertisement space. It was the concept for a porn magazine targeted at older women and focused on BDSM.

"That's right, Jack. You will be the star of the new magazine that we will be releasing soon after our main one launches. We are calling it The Cougar Club: After Dark. It will target the same audience as the regular magazine, but it will be focused on adult concepts. There are a lot of thirsty MILFs out there, as I am sure you know, so we think it will perform quite well. Remember those JN brand toys we have had fun using? Those were prototypes for this magazine's toy product line. We are looking forward to seeing the reception~!"

"Natasha..." Jack says almost pleadingly. "I am White Mask...I can't do this...They will find me out!"

"Don't worry about that, Jack." Natasha brushes away his concerns with a wave of her hands. "We can remove your scar in post-processing and we never intend to show your face. You will simply be the idyllic male body that does all the horribly delicious things those MILFs truly want~!"

That...That did make him feel a bit better about it all, to be honest...But there was still a problem.

"But then, won't everyone here realize who I am?" He deduces sensibly.

"Well, yes. There is no getting around that, but all our models and staff are bound by NDAs and they will not be able to tell a soul. Rest assured, your secret is safe with us."

Jack sighs heavily. 

'This was my fuck up. I need to own up to it. At least she is keeping my privacy in mind.' He thinks, already dreading being under those hot stage lights again.

"So, I just have to pose half-naked in BDSM positions or in costumes?" Jack clarifies.

Natasha laughs once more, though there doesn't seem to be any warmth to it any longer. "Oh, heavens, no, Jack. You will be performing the full acts as intended on the models completely. We want to capture real reactions, not fake or posed ones. You will be fully naked and perform full penetration on all of the models." She finishes, and her face is set in a look Jack never thought he would see on her...

A sadistic smirk.

The floor seems to drop out from under Jack as a truly horrid realization strikes him.

Jack wasn't stupid. He was tolerant and understanding to his Girlfriend/Boss, but he wasn't stupid. 

If it smells fishy, looks fishy, and tasted fishy, there was a very good chance it was a fish...And this situation was fishy as hell. 

"You...You planned all this...Didn't you?" Jack asks Natasha in almost a whisper. 

In his heart, he pleaded for it not to be true. He had really enjoyed their budding relationship...Was it really all fake? Was she truly just using him because of who he used to be?   

Natasha leans back in her chair and crosses one leg over the other. She leans her elbow on the armrest of her chair and cocks her head to the side as she smiles at Jack slyly. Her dark blue hair was up behind her in her usual messy bun, and her yellow cat-like eyes shined like a tiger who finally caught its prey.

"Yes, Jack. I have."

Jack's world shatters.

"No. I will not do it." He growls out between clenched teeth.

"Yes, you will. You signed a binding contract, Jack."

"Natasha! I gave up that life. I am not doing that again!!!" Jack yells as he stands up from his chair, making it fall over backward in his rage. 

Anger and betrayal burned at his insides and the room seemed to be spinning, making him feel a bit queazy. 

She frowns once more and stands to walk around the desk. She leans on the side closest to Jack a crosses her arms. 

"Yes...You did, didn't you? Much to the dismay of millions of women across the world. I can't say I understand it much, going from a Sex God to fucking tech support agent...But then again, it doesn't matter. You signed a contract, Jack. You will be doing it. You belong to me now." 

Jack balls his fists and clenches his jaw in fury.

"How long...?" Jack seethes quietly.

"What was that? You will have to speak up, Jackie." Natasha asks with a playful smirk. 

"How long have you been planning this!?! How long have you known I was White Mask!?!" Jack roars out in rage.

"Oh...Since the very beginning, I suppose..." She answers tapping her lips with a finger in mock thought. The sadistic smile never left her face, however. "I mean, come on Jackie. What company would hire a 'Tech Guy' at your salary with no experience to speak of? You didn't have connections and you never questioned the fact that an employer, who didn't want you, now suddenly recommend you? You are smarter than that, Jack." She tsks at him as she waves a finger disapprovingly - All of it an act as Jack can see her smile only growing wider.

"You were blinded by greed and my tits, and I used that to my advantage. Planned for it, even. If something seems too good to be true, then it probably is, Jack. I would have thought you would have known that after your incident in Madam Gerken's Ladies Club." She answers with a haughty look of superiority.

Jack is struck speechless. 

She knew everything. Everything!

After a pause, Jack snaps back even angrier than before. "I trusted you, Natasha! I thought this was my chance...My chance to get away from all that shit!"

"And my mother and I trusted your father, see how well that turned out for us?" She answers back coldly.

That comment chills Jack to the bone. 

"So...What? This is some kind of sick and twisted revenge?" Jack demands as he waves one hand around in the air as if illustrating the outrageousness of this ploy.

Natasha sighs and a look of true sadness comes to her face. 

"No, Jack, it is not about revenge. Your father's sins are his, not yours. Believe it or not, I am doing this to help you, not hurt you. I want to show you that you were perfect just the way you were. That there was no reason for you to change. I want to make you realize your true potential." She explains with a look of conviction.

"Bullshit. How could this possibly help me? I spent 3 years getting away from all that. I will not let all my hard work be trampled over like it was nothing!" He states firmly. 

"Oh? And is this your true purpose, Jack? Managing websites? That is bullshit." She says with genuine anger. "You were the best, Jack! The best Dom in the world! Women bowed down at your feet and begged you for more! No one could beat White Mask, no one! You were the God of BDSM and you gave it all up for...for THIS!?!"

"That is my choice to make!" Jack screams out in indignation.

Natasha glares back, her anger turning into cold indifference. 

"Not anymore, it's not." She answers simply.

"What?" Jack laughs mirthlessly, "You think this shitty start-up is going to stop me from pursuing my goals? You think that your contracts scare me, bitch?"

"They should." She answers simply and grabs the stack yellow of papers she slid over earlier. She flips to a specific page and hands the papers over to him.

Jack rips the papers from her hands and scans the page. "What is this? Do I have to pay a penalty or something? I've got money. You don't scare-"

"100 Million."

Jack stops short.

You are reading story The Cougar’s Lair at

"That is the cost of breaking the contract you signed with us. 100 Million USD. Legal and binding by no less than 4 separate documents you signed of your own free will and under no duress. Thanks to you, we even have video evidence of it. It is not our fault that you didn't actually read the contracts before you signed them."

"That..." Jack tries to come up with something to say but he fails miserably.

He didn't have that much money. Not by a long shot.

Natasha snatches back the stack of papers and flips to a new page before handing it back.

"Next is the NDA. If you leave, we announce White Mask's true identity to the world."

Like a hammer blow to his heart, Jack falters once more. 

"I...I..." He tries desperately to think of something he can do to get out of this, but nothing comes to mind. In fact, his mind is going completely blank.

"And lastly," Natasha says, a winning smirk on her face as she points a remote to the TV in the room. "A sexual assault charge."

A video plays.

One of the times they were intimate in Natasha's office. 

This particular time was one session they did where Natasha asked Jack to come into her office at a random time of day and force himself on her. She would 'play' like she was resisting, but they were actually just doing it for fun. It was all planned out beforehand and was protected by the safe word. She had only to say the word for everything to stop.

...But anyone watching the video wouldn't have known that. Instead, all they can see is Natasha begging Jack to stop and him forcing himself on her. In 20k definition, no lessJust as a reminder, this is set about 100 years into the future..

All the color drains from Jack's face as he falls to his knees in utter defeat. 

Natasha stares down at him with that same sadistic smile for several long seconds, before waving to the chair he knocked over previously and moving to sit down behind her desk again.

"Now, sit your pretty ass down, shut up, and listen. We are not nearly done with your new responsibilities." She orders and...Jack follows her order. 

What could he have done? She had him monetarily, socially, and criminally fucked if he didn't do what she wanted. 

She was right. He was hers now.

'There's no way out...' Jack thinks and feels a part of himself die inside. 

"As I was explaining previously, you will be doing prepared scenes with our models for our new magazine. I want to be clear, however, that you won't be doing them for free, and you won't be forced to take part in anything you are uncomfortable with...Within reason."

Jack looks back up at her in confusion.

"For each scene you participate in, the amount of money needed to cancel your contract with us will reduce by $250,000. You will also be paid a bonus for each magazine you are in equal to 5% of the total gross revenue the magazine makes."

"...Why would you do that?" Jack questions, not at all understanding.

Natasha sighs. 

"Because we want you to perform your best, Jack. I have no illusions that I can hold you forever. Giving you an incentive to do a good job only benefits everyone involved...However..." She says and then looks at him gravely before continuing, "If you purposefully sabotage a shoot or if one's quality is not up to what I know you are capable of, I will, instead, increase your contract buy-out by 10 million."

Jack gulped. 

'Carrot and stick approach...I can't say I am not interested in it...Anything to get me out of here faster...' He thinks.

"We can go into specifics at a later time, closer to the first shoot, but I want to make sure you understand the stakes. Do you understand, Jack?" She asks, raising an eyebrow at him. 

"Yes." He says simply, but he can't stop his glare of hatred towards her, nor does he wish to.

"Excellent. Now, onto your last responsibility, and, admittedly, this will be your primary job from now on. This is the real reason we hired you, White Mask." She says with a wide, toothy smile as she pulls another folder from her desk and slides it over to him. 

Jack looks down at the folder and takes a deep breath before opening it. He had no idea what this was, but he was already dreading it. 

Inside were 3 sheets of paper. Each one had the name of an animal and a few lines of text.

Jack stared at the papers in confusion. 

"Natasha...What the fuck is this?" He demands, looking to where she sat smiling knowingly at him.

"Your new primary job, Jack. I think it's time for a confession." She leans forward onto the desk on her elbows and rests her head on the palms of her hands.

"You see, this entire business, everything, was made for you and you alone." She announces that bombshell with a smirk.

"" Jack is too bewildered to even comprehend what she is saying.

"That's right. More specifically, it was made because almost every single woman here wants to fuck~ you~."

Dead silence in the room.

Natasha laughs at Jack's stunned face.

"Of the 21 employees here, excluding you and I, 17 of them have paid for the right to be here. They have paid for the chance to fuck White Mask."

"W-What? You...You hired me as a prostitute!?!" Jack stammers out, his mind, once again, blank and unable to comprehend.

Natasha scoffs. "Oh, boo-hoo. Poor Jack. The mean witch Natasha has brought together 21 of the most beautiful women on the planet and all 17 of them want is to drain your balls dry. I am such a horrible person..." She says with dripping sarcasm.

"I-I never asked for that!" Jack protests.

"Tough. That is your job now. If you wish to call it as such; Congratulations, you are now the sole worker for the most prestigious brothel in the world." After another sigh, she continues with a stern expression. "I am not asking you, Jack. I am telling you. Don't forget the situation you are in." 

He grits his teeth but doesn't say another word. 

"Good boy. Now, to explain it all a bit more, the women here didn't join the company just to have sex with you. If they were only interested in that, then most of them are powerful enough to have you kidnaped and force you to do whatever they wanted whether you liked it or not..." She explains, waving a dismissive hand at the idea.

'Well, that's an absolutely fucking terrifying piece of information to find out. The women I have been working with...are actually that powerful?' Jack thinks as sweat starts to bead on the back of his neck.

"But where's the fun in that?" Natasha continues with a conspiratorial smile. "Women want excitement and a thrill when it comes to romance and sex, more so with those who love BDSM. They love the chase and the challenge of it all. So, to match their expectations with the huge sums of money they paid us to be here, I have devised a game that you will all be playing."

She points to the folder and the papers once more before continuing, "The game is fairly simple, and 17 of the 21 women who work here are currently playing it. All you need to do is match the animal to the woman, confirm she is the animal you suspect, and fulfill her fantasy. Easy right?"

Jack had no words. This was all so ridiculous. 

"You will be given 3 at a time, just as you have been given now, and each time you guess right and do the deed as they liked, you will get a new animal to add to your pool. The fun of the game comes from discovering who is who. You will need to get close to all 21 women here and be sure of your choice before you ask them if they are the animal you suspect them of being." She then chuckles. "But don't think the women are going to make it easy on you. They paid a lot to be here, so be prepared for a hard challenge."

"Also, you need to be absolutely sure you are correct before making a guess. If you guess correctly and fulfill their fantasy, you will be rewarded. Each correct guess reduces your contract buy-out by 5 million, and if you can guess all 17 of the original women here, I will delete the video I am using as blackmail. I will even give you full access to my accounts, emails, and cloud drives to confirm it is gone."

That got Jack to focus. 

He didn't believe her for a second, but if he could get access to an unedited version of the video, then he would be able to show the part after the supposed "Sexual Assault" where he provided aftercare and they talked about the sessions they had in detail. Details like Natasha saying she was glad she suggested it. It would make the video she had against him worthless, and he had to get it.

"What happens if I guess wrong...and what about the 4 women not playing?" Jack questions as he now was giving Natasha his full attention.

Natasha leans forward even further, making sure their eyes were level with one another. "You will get three strikes, Jack; Just like in baseball. The first two will have no consequences whatsoever, but If you guess wrong a third time your contract buy-out will be reset completely at 100 Million. Do. Not. Make haphazard guesses and hope for the best. If I see you are not truly trying and are putting this entire company, and subsequently our lives, at risk because of it, I will not hesitate to cancel your contract myself and release the info and the video to the public. Am I understood?"

"Yes." Jack hisses through his teeth. 

"Good. As for the 4 not playing, the whole point of them being here is so that you can never be 100% sure who is and who is not playing this game. It makes the game more challenging and fun. They will have no idea what you are talking about and will be counted as a strike if you guess them incorrectly. So long as you don't reveal the game to them, there should be no problem, and you will probably just get a weird look for calling them an animal name." Natasha says simply. "Keep in mind, however, that those playing will probably act the same if you guess wrong. Only by guessing correctly will they reveal their true colors."

"Alright. Anything else?" Jack asks, his anger has cooled now that he has come up with a plan of escape. 

"Yes, actually. If at any time you decide that you are enjoying this, and truly mean it, we can end the stakes completely. Don't forget my true goal, Jack: Making you realize your potential and worth as the God-like Dom you are. In order to prove it, however..." Here Natasha smiles widely at him, "You will need to marry me."

"That will never happen, so don't get your hopes up. Oh, and in case it wasn't clear already, we are done, Natasha. I never want to see you again...but I guess I will just have to suck it up for now." Jack says and smirks right back at her.

Natasha flinches and looks down at the table for a second before taking a deep breath and smiling back at him professionally.

"Yes, well, that brings up our last point of discussion. I am the only one here who knows who all the animals are. I have talked to them about their fantasies and have worked out with them exactly how they want to be performed. So, once you have guessed correctly on one of them, you will need to do a practice run to make sure we are fulfilling exactly what they want. A practice run with me, Jack."

"Fuck off and die." Jack retorts immediately.

Natasha laughs hollowly again. "You don't have a choice, Jack. All of this is in the contracts you signed and is part of the game. We are running a business here, and I intend to make sure our customers are fully satisfied...Oh, and don't think you can half-ass it with me. The same stakes apply when you are doing a practice run as when you are doing the real thing. I expect your best at all times."

"Are we done?" Jack asks petulantly.

"Yes, I think that covers everything. We can discuss more details later or as they come up." She pauses as she pats down her clothes, "Why don't you take the rest of the day to cool off and think about it? We will start your new responsibilities tomorrow."

"Gladly. I think I am going to be sick if I have to stay here with you any longer." He practically spits at her.

"Make sure to take the folder and your copy of the contracts with you. I suggest you actually read them this time~." Natasha finishes with a professional smile.

Jack doesn't wait any longer, grabs the folder and the contracts, and heads out of the room slamming the door behind him.

Natasha sits perfectly still for several long seconds.

Then her eyes start to water and her lips starts to quiver.

She unceremoniously crashes down onto her desk and begins to sob uncontrollably.

"He...He will thank me in the end...He...He will..."

Natasha Sutherland, orchestrator of everything that has and will happen, cries alone in her office for the rest of the day.

* | * | *

Jack stands in his shower, the hot water running over him and steam filling the room completely. 

He clenches his fists so tightly that his nails dig into his palms drawing blood.

"Fuck!" He roars in pain and agony.

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!" He punches his shower tiles mercilessly, not caring at all for the damage it is doing to his hands.

With ragged breaths, he collapses and curls up into a ball to cry.

The anger...The hatred...The betrayal...The hopelessness...

All these feelings and more claw at him as he lets the warm water wash away his tears. 

He sits there for several long minutes...but Jack Richards isn't a man to give up.

Jack has been through bad times. He knows how to deal with them.

He knows he can overcome them.

"Fine." He says in little more than a breathy whisper.

"Fine." He says louder, standing up and looking to the ceiling.

"Fine!" He roars out in determination.

"You want to do this to me, Natasha? Fine. I'll play your fucking game. I'll be the best Dom you want me to be. I will capture those women body and soul. I will make them feel like queens and make you believe I am growing to enjoy it. Then, just when you think you have me; Just when you think I am yours, I will abandon all of you and disappear into the wind. I will make all those bitches dependant on my cock and then throw them away like the garbage they are." He screams this into his shower, making a vow to himself.

He then lets his face fall into his neutral, natural scowl.

"Especially you, Natasha. I will make sure to destroy you completely. I will ruin your life entirely."

And as the neighbor next door to Jack bangs and shouts about the noise, Jack smiles cruely and looks forward to the days to come.

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