The Deal with a Vampire

Chapter 1: Prologue

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It was the eve of River Youngblood’s fifth birthday. The next day she would be able to unlock her powers. Ever since River had been born she was treated as if she was a princess. She was the daughter of the leader of the Crescent Circle. She was going to be the next leader of the coven and even at the age of four, she had very high expectations that she was to achieve. 

She was given the best teachers, the best clothes, the best playmates, everything that she wanted. It was said that at a young age witches should begin the training of their powers so that they can be strong. River was of course excelling at all of her classes except for the fact about her gift. The one power that she was able to excel at. When the day of her fifth birthday rolled around she would be able to discover her powers and be able to begin her training to become a full-fledged witch.

The dawn of Rivers' birthday began like any other day. She got up, did her training sessions, and helped her parents out. After the tasks of the day had been completed and the sun had set the Crescent Circle were all outside preparing to celebrate Rivers's birthday. River was in her room putting on a small black dress with black shoes. Her hair was in an elaborate braid and she looked up at her mother Lilith. Lilith wiped a stray strand of Rivers' hair behind her ear and smiled. 

“What if they don’t like my magic mommy?” River asked as she looked up at Lilith

“They will love it darling,” Lilith said as she leaned down, pressing a kiss to River's temple, and held a hand out for River. River took her mother’s hand and started walking down the hallway where her father Thayer Shadowmend was waiting and looked at them both. He kissed Lilith gently and kissed his daughter's forehead.  “Are you ready?” He asked as he looked at them both. 

Thayer took Rivers' other hand and opened the door for both of them. They all walked out of the house into the village where all the people in town cheered as the family walked down the street towards the podium in the center of town. The whole town had been decorated with the help of magic. As soon as they got to the podium they stood and watched as everyone gathered around. 

“Today we are here to celebrate my daughter River’s fifth birthday and the awakening of her powers!” Thayer said as he addressed the people before him. The people cheered as they looked at Thayer. River was looking around nervously at all of the people who were looking at her and was hiding behind her mother slightly. “Our coven was created many centuries ago and has faced many challenges but we have conquered all of them. This is why today is such an important day. It was on this day three hundred years ago that we decided that we would eliminate all of the threatening clans.” It was obvious that the words that Thayer was saying held importance and meaning. No one dared to look away from their leader as he looked out at all of the people.

“On this day my daughter River will get her powers that will help protect our coven from future threats and protect the generations to come,” Thayer said as he looked over at River and nodded at her. River would look out from behind her mother slightly and went to stand next to her father. He knelt and grabbed a cup that had been filled with his blood earlier that day and held it out to River. “Drink.” He said as he held the cup out to her. River hesitated, then took the cup and drank half of it. “All of it,” Thayer said to her and River would finish drinking the cup of blood. 

“You are of my blood,” Thayer said as he looked at River. “Potestates intus huic loco occultatae sunt. Ostende te” Thayer mumbled as he closed his eyes and put his hand gently against Rivers forehead. RIver felt warmth leaving his hand closed her eyes waiting for something to happen. Thayer looked at River and smiled slightly as he waited for River to do some sort of magic. Something that wasn’t basic. Something special.

River looked at her father, her eyes tearing up.  Minutes later nothing had happened and Thayer's smile faltered as he looked at River. His eyes darkened and clouded over. Lilith reached a hand out to touch her husband's shoulder gently. “It’s okay..Maybe her powers aren’t ready yet.” Lilith said quietly as she looked at Thayer. “No. All of our powers develop at the age of five. On our fifth birthday. She has nothing.” Thayer said as he looked at Lilith. The people in the crowd started to disperse and go back to their own homes. 

“Let’s go,” Lilith said as she held her hand out to River. River nodded, wiping her tears away, and walked with her mother back to their house. “Please go to your room, River,” Lilith asked quietly as she kissed her daughter's forehead and nodded. River ran off to her room, her mind overflowing with thoughts. Was she not good enough? Was she just an average person? River shut the door to her room and ran overlaying on her bed pulling her knees to her chest. 

“She’s useless. Worthless.” Thayer said as he looked at Lilith. 

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“She’s not worthless. She’s powerful. She still has something that she can do.” Lilith said as she looked at Thayer.

“No, she can’t! Don’t you get it, Lilith! She has no powers which mean that she can’t do anything in this village. Everyone uses their magic for their tasks but she can’t do anything.” He snapped.

“There needs to be something she can do.” Lilith was pleading now. She knew what happened to those who were born without powers. She was not going to allow that to happen to her daughter. She would do whatever she could in her power to keep her daughter safe. 

“You know there isn’t. It’s too dangerous for her in this community.” Thayer said as he glared at Lilith who shrank away from his gaze. 

“Please…don’t do what you did to others. Let her live..we can hide her. No one will know that she doesn’t have powers.” Lilith said quietly.

“We can’t Lilith. Everyone knows who she is. If we don’t do what we do to those who don’t have powers, what would they think? We have a reputation to uphold.” He said as he turned away from Lilith running a hand through his hair. 

“Then we need to do it..” Lilith said quietly looking down. She was tearing up. She wasn’t ready to let go of her daughter but if it was the only way to keep her from suffering in a community full of magic she knew it would be the only way. 

“What if we got someone to watch her all the time? Someone who would protect her.” Lilith said as she looked over at Thayer. 

“Who? Who would spend all their time watching our daughter who is too weak to protect herself?”

“I know someone who would. It might take a little bit of convincing but he’ll do it. He owes me a favor.” Lilith said as she walked over to the window and looked outside determined to find the one who would help protect her daughter.

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