The Demon Venerable's Wistful Desire

Chapter 10: CH 10

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Time seemed to pass extraordinarily slowly, as Chi Muyao built his Foundation.

Xi Huai was still ignorant while building his Foundation. However, he had open access to the Qing Ze Sect’s bountiful treasury, as well as a top-tier Foundation Building Pill. Of course, he consumed a lot of other pills as well.

For him, when he entered closed cultivation in his residence, there were even three Nascent Soul stage Heavenly Venerables outside to guard him and monitor any fluctuations in his spiritual energy.

Not to mention his exceptional innate aptitude. He had a single fire spiritual root, and a mutant variant at that. One that was equivalent to a high quality heavenly spiritual root.

For him, building his Foundation was as easy as turning over his hand.

That was far from the case for Chi Muyao.

Chi Muyao had mediocre aptitude. If it wasn’t for the special cultivation method he practised after entering the He Huan Sect, he might’ve not been able to build his Foundation at all. Even the first step would’ve been insurmountable for him.

Xi Huai could help him with accumulating spiritual energy, but there was nothing he could do to help with building the Foundation.

Chi Muyao could only break through this barrier alone, and conquer his internal demons.

But Xi Huai quickly relaxed. What kind of internal demons could a silly person like Chi Muyao possibly have? If he did have one, it was probably from something like him bawling his eyes out after Xi Huai suddenly became an active participant during their dual cultivation.

The thought made Xi Huai breathe out a sigh of relief.

In his meditative state, Chi Muyao felt at last that there was only one barrier remaining in his way. However, it remained just out of reach.

He continued to rush towards that barrier, but a sudden wave of backlash sent him flying.

When he regained consciousness, he discovered that he was tied up with iron shackles around his hands and feet.

Perhaps hearing the chains rattling as he moved, someone nearby asked him, “Awake now?”

It was Xi Huai's voice, but laced with a bone-chilling, arctic cold.

Chi Muyao dumbly looked in the direction of Xi Huai’s voice. He found the man half cloaked in shadow, seated with his long legs slightly bent. A hand covered his nose for show as if he was disgusted with Chi Muyao’s offensive smell.

Xi Huai’s voice was very quiet, “Is cutting off two fingers already too much for you?”

The question made a shudder run through Chi Muyao’s entire body.

Xi Huai wasn’t waiting for an answer either. He stood up and left, just like that. Chi Muyao could only see Xi Huai’s tall, mountain-like silhouette rise and leave. He was now utterly alone.

The chains on his body immobilised him. He could only remain here, imprisoned.

After an indeterminable amount of time, Xi Huai came back and tossed something in front of him. “I don’t know if she was your shijie or shimei. Take a look for yourself.”

The terrifying sight of the bloodstained shirt almost made Chi Muyao’s soul leave his body. Especially since the person this once belonged to could be a fellow disciple from his Sect.

He tried his hardest to scramble back, but the iron chains made it impossible.

“Elder Yao Weng’s already gone mad. I’m surprised you’re still holding on.” Xi Huai stood by the iron cage and toyed with a chain. Chi Muyao could tell that it was probably something his shijie or shimei left behind.

“Please let me go…” Chi Muyao could only cry and plead with Xi Huai.

“Did you ever let me go during those seven years?”

“I did-I didn’t want to touch you at the start. And it wasn’t seven years. I...I’m not him, I—”

“So you’ve become an idiot.” Xi Huai suddenly sneered coldly.

No, you’ve got it all wrong.

I didn’t...

"Chi Muyao, I don't like men. And because of you, I feel sick whenever I see them now." Xi Huai approached and squatted before him.

Chi Muyao’s body subconsciously began to shiver due to Xi Huai’s proximity. 

Xi Huai continued, "But your Sect's female disciples are quite useful. What a shame that they only last a few months. This one just died. I’ll be sure to use the next one I catch slowly. Let’s see how many days she can last.”

"You..." Chi Muyao's eyes widened in disbelief.

Oh, that’s right. The He Huan Sect’s cultivation method could neutralise the Hui Dragon Flames in Xi Huai.

Even Xi Huai himself said that he would come to find Chi Muyao in the future. This was probably the reason.

Siphoning away the Hui Dragon Flames would alleviate Xi Huai’s pain, but kill the He Huan Sect female disciples. Yet Xi Huai wouldn’t care less.

His obvious terror pleased Xi Huai. His laugh was especially content.

Roaring with laughter, Xi Huai rose and left once more.

Chi Muyao despairingly collapsed to the ground. Even death was better than this ‘life’ in captivity. What a shame he couldn’t access his cultivation and sever his own meridians.

The fabled act of committing suicide by biting his tongue was also absurd. It simply wouldn’t work unless the wound was in a location that bled profusely or allowed blood to enter his windpipe, a difficult endeavour.

The days he spent in this place blurred together. It was a life worse than death.

After another indeterminable amount of time, other people came to the place where he was imprisoned. Someone broke through Xi Huai’s restrictions and let Chi Muyao out, chatting all the while, “There’s someone locked up here. Probably a poor soul who crossed that great demonic fiend.” 

“He’s still alive. Wonder if he’s gone mad.”

This was probably the famed righteous Sects invading the Qing Ze Sect.

Chi Muyao’s clothes were little more than rags. He was disheveled and covered with filth.

He looked up and quietly thanked his rescuers. However, he soon discovered that his feet were clumsy and slow to respond when he tried to walk. The other people present were reluctant to help him, probably because of the offensive odour he radiated.

When Chi Muyao stumbled out holding onto a railing, he just happened to find himself in the midst of the main battlefield.

He saw Xi Huai standing at the centre of it all.

This was Chi Muyao’s first time getting a good look at Xi Huai. The man was tall and well built, but not in an overly muscular way. Instead, his body was remarkably lithe and much taller than the surrounding cultivators, who were entrapping him with formations. On his forehead, beneath his long head of ink-black hair, was a dark red dragon horn.

Xi Huai was extremely good-looking. Currently, his sword-like eyebrows pointed up towards his temples. With his eyes coloured blood-red in rage, he swept the crowds with his razor-sharp, and vicious gaze.

Xi Huai had a high nose ridge and lips that were neither thick nor thin. His jaw was smooth and angular, and the corners of his lips radiated a unique fierceness when slightly raised.

He was adorned in black cotton robes with a maroon chiffon outer layer. His robes flapped wantonly as he circulated spiritual energy, making whistling sounds in the process.

Because of his berserk state, he could no longer distinguish between enemies and allies. Attacking indiscriminately and aggressively, the growls of a savage beast ripped out from his throat.

Despite the profound formation holding him down, Xi Huai tore through it without care, using sheer brute strength. All the cultivators surrounding him were thrown back.

When they tried to get back up in their wretched states, they found their bodies immobilised.

Chi Muyao was no exception.

Then he saw Xi Huai walking towards him. 

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Upon closing the distance, the man reached out and grabbed his neck with one hand.

Chi Muyao was lifted into the air by his neck. Xi Huai’s palm was hot and still smouldering with Hui Dragon Flames, which burned Chi Muyao. The hand around his throat exerted so much force that he could barely breathe.

Xi Huai was tall and strong to begin with, much taller than Chi Muyao. At the moment, his feet could barely touch the ground. He could only struggle in vain.

At this time, someone shot an arrow from a distance, which pierced through Xi Huai's back to his chest.

The still struggling Chi Muyao was drenched from head to toe in blood. His eyes immediately widened at the sight of blood seeping out of the corner of Xi Huai’s mouth. Releasing Chi Muyao, Xi Huai turned back to the direction the arrow came from.

Chi Muyao tumbled to the ground. He noticed how Xi Huai’s madness hindered his sense of direction. In fact, he started recklessly setting fire to everything after not being able to find who attacked him.

But Chi Muyao heard it. The whistling sound of the second arrow.

He rose in a split second and shielded Xi Huai with his own body.

The surrounding cultivators were bemused by this scene. Someone furiously questioned, “What are you doing? Hasn’t he been tormenting you all this time?”

“If I...did that…” Chi Muyao answered while staring at the arrow pierced into his chest and the blood pouring out. “Then I...deserve this. I’m the one who should die.”

If he really tormented Xi Huai for seven years, then he deserved this. The one who caused Xi Huai to go mad, was none other than him.

Xi Huai was originally a very pure and simple person. If it wasn’t because of all the suffering he went through, he wouldn’t have become the demon he was now.

It wasn’t Xi Huai’s fault.

The two of them should’ve never met in the first place.

The two of them should’ve never experienced those things.

As he lay on the ground, Chi Muyao saw Xi Huai’s eyes return to normal. However, instead of coming over, the man just tilted his head and looked at him in disbelief.

Chi Muyao returned his gaze. He suddenly began to laugh to the point where his chest was on fire.

The first time he clearly saw Xi Huai, the first time they met each other’s eyes ended up being under these circumstances.

—Xi Huai…

—My part is over, my mission complete.

—You were right. We should go our separate ways.

—I will do everything in my power to not hurt you. I won’t leave you with a reminder of constant torment. I don’t want to be your internal demon.

—But I have no control over the path you will walk from now on. This is all I can do…


Chi Muyao's Foundation Building wasn’t going well, as evidenced by the blood he suddenly spat out.

The sight made Xi Huai jump on the stone bed. He frantically tried to get up, but there was nothing he could do with the chains tying him down.

He noticed how Chi Muyao was still meditating, so he didn’t dare to bother him. He could only continue to wait, but his tension was obvious from the raised veins all over his body.

It was four more hours before Chi Muyao stopped and stretched.

“How did it go?” Xi Huai urgently asked.

“En. I’ve built my Foundation, I guess. But the Tribulation has yet to come.”

“There’s no way to undergo Tribulation in this place. The Lightning Tribulation will start after you leave the cave. But don’t be afraid, I can help you once you lift the restrictions.”

Chi Muyao stood and shook his arms out. He retrieved the Peach Essence Brew from his storage chain and sighed after taking a sip.

Xi Huai laughed at the sight. He urged Chi Muyao, “Quickly, lift the restrictions so I can help you stabilise your cultivation."

But Chi Muyao didn't listen to him. With Peach Essence Brew in hand, he walked over to Xi Huai's side.

Xi Huai seemed to sense something wasn’t right from Chi Muyao’s sudden silence.

A moment later, Chi Muyao leaned over and covered Xi Huai's lips with his own lips.

Xi Huai was taken aback. He quickly realised that Chi Muyao was trying to feed him alcohol. Resisting the temptation, he stubbornly turned his head away with firmly sealed lips.

So Chi Muyao had to swallow the wine himself. Then he stated, “Stay.”

A single word immobilised Xi Huai’s body. He could no longer move or speak.

This was one of the He Huan Sect’s techniques. They used it to control their cultivation furnaces and immobilise them.

This type of control lasted only fifteen minutes before losing effect, but that was more than enough.

This method was designed to restrain the cultivation furnace. It was especially handy for a clean getaway after the furnace discovered their identity as a He Huan Sect cultivator.

In the darkness, Chi Muyao looked at Xi Huai and explained, “I didn’t want to use this at first, since it’s a bit like ordering a pet around, but I really have no choice.”

“I’ve kissed you, Xi Huai. So could you not be angry after I leave?”

“With my poor aptitude, staying by your side would be a waste of precious artefacts and treasures. Moreover, I don’t even have the ability to protect myself when you go berserk. I would actually be more of a hindrance to you. You should leave these treasures to talented members of your Qing Ze Sect. That way, you will have a fighting chance when the renowned righteous sects attack.”

“And if you take me back, you’ll have to explain to everyone the shameful truth, that you were the cultivation furnace of a He Huan Sect disciple. No one outside this cave will know if neither of us bring it up. Of course, you’ll have to find a way to make Elder Yao Weng also keep his mouth shut.”

"I don't want to help you siphon the Hui Dragon Flames anymore. Maybe you and your father can find a way to annul the spiritual contract…Otherwise we seem fated to be a pair of cannon fodder friends. I don't like that.”

“I know you might feel something for me now, but that’s just because you grew to trust me over the last three years. I’m sure those feelings will soon fade away once you get out. You’ll see pretty ladies everywhere and forget all about me. You were always a little playboy, after all. You’ve only mistaken your feelings now for love due to youthful inexperience. Why bother with an old man like me?”

“Okay. I’m leaving.”

Chi Muyao still couldn’t really see. He didn’t know how Xi Huai’s eyes were wide, how they were rimmed with red and filled with despair.

The ignorant Chi Muyao pried open Xi Huai’s mouth and fed him wine. He waited until Xi Huai slipped into a drunken slumber.

With a sigh, he turned away from Xi Huai and broke through the restrictions.

The shackles that bound Xi Huai instantly loosened, and a small teleportation array appeared inside the cave—the way out.

Apparently Elder Yao Weng wasn’t lying.

Chi Muyao turned back and stared at Xi Huai for a long while. He really was identical to his Foundation Building stage internal demon.

Yet sleep softened his features. It was almost a little cute.

"I hope you get the second female lead." Chi Muyao said softly.

Oooh, we’re getting to the ‘no longer stuck in a cave’ bit now!

Just a note – the first part before the scene break is obviously a ‘dream sequence’ of Chi Muyao’s while he’s meditating. I would usually italicise these to help clarify, but because we have quite a few pertinent italicised parts in there already, I decided to leave it as is, and put a note here for anyone wondering what the hokey hey was going on…Though it could be just me who gets confused in these instances and wonders if I somehow missed something… XD

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