The Demon Venerable's Wistful Desire

Chapter 11: CH 11

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Qing Ze Sect, located in the Cloud Scrolling Mist Forest in the Cloudy Outer Heaven...

The Cloudy Outer Heaven was one of the treasured lands with the highest concentration of spiritual energy in the cultivation world. The Cloud Scrolling Mist Forest sat at its peak.

As the name implied, the spiritual energy here was abundant to the extent of condensing into mist. A thick layer surrounded the entire forest.

The Cloudy Outer Heaven’s mountain range spanned thousands of miles, with no end in sight. Its undulating heights and mist-draped abysses made it impossible to estimate how tall or deep everything was.

Ancient trees pierced through the gloomy mist, reaching for the sky. Clouds could cover the sun, but the vibrant, lush expanses of fauna and flora flourished regardless.

Xi Huai's cave residence was located in the most secluded area of the Qing Ze Sect. There, a lone mountain, seemingly plucked from the ground, stood in midair, propped up by spiritual energy. A single set of stairs, without handrails connected this lone peak to the rest.

This lone peak was quite picturesque as well. A waterfall emerged from one of its crevices, sending an unending torrent of water crashing downward and covering the area nearby in a misty rainbow haze.

An open-air roof was faintly visible in the forest a few paces from the stairs. It was surrounded by dark-red brick walls.

It was hard to tell if they were meant to be surrounding a courtyard or a prison.

The entire mountain was silent and cold. Even the front door radiated a chilly, impersonal aura.

After all, a powerful formation lurked within these walls. They ensured that Xi Huai couldn’t leave or set fire to everything when he lost control.

Xi Huai frowned as he struggled to consciousness. His eyes snapped open, only to be greeted by the carved flowers on the roof of his residence.

He could also hear the sound of Song Weiyue yapping his head off. “Elder Yao Weng must have a death wish! How dare he lock the Young Sect Master up for three whole years?!”

"Yes, our investigation indicated that the cave was part of Elder Yao Weng’s territory.”

"I’m gonna burn the Medicine Sect Hall to the ground!” Song Weiyue was so enraged that he gritted his teeth, pulled out his spiritual weapon, Xizhao夕照 - the glow of the setting sun. and immediately tried to rush out.

However, the person he was talking to suddenly exclaimed, "The Young Sect Master is awake!"

Song Weiyue stopped in his tracks. He ran over to Xi Huai and asked with concern, “How are you feeling, Young Sect Master? Were you poisoned? Why did that quack of a doctor say that you were just drunk?”

Xi Huai propped himself into a sitting position and squinted slightly at Song Weiyue. He had been in darkness so long that his eyes became accustomed to it, making the outside world quite painful to behold.

Nonetheless, another issue plagued his mind. “Where is A-Jiu?"

"A-Wine九 (nine) and 酒 (wine) are both pronounced as 'jiu', hence the confusion.?" Song Weiyue was very puzzled. "You want more wine? Were you actually just drunk? I can’t believe you even have a nickname for it..."

Seeing Song Weiyue’s confusion, Xi Huai pushed him aside and looked around. He suddenly sternly demanded, “Why am I back here?!”

"We’ve been looking for you for so long without any success, but we suddenly detected the presence of your spiritual energy today. You were in the last cave in the area we searched. Then we brought you back.”

"What about the other person in the cave?"

"There wasn’t anyone else, but there was a Sound Transmission Talisman left."

"Where is it?"

Song Weiyue seemed very chagrined. “I thought the talisman was left by your captor, so I played it right away. How was I supposed to know it was the lowest ranking variety that disintegrates after one use?”

"What did he say?!" Xi Huai was about to implode from rage. Why did this Song Weiyue never get straight to the point?

"He said he borrowed your cultivator vestments and other defensive artefacts for his tribulation. Oh, and he left his life savings as compensation, that’s all. Here, this is apparently his life savings. I brought it all back.”

Xi Huai struggled to sit up fully, turning to his bedside to see what A-Jiu had left behind.

A hundred or so spirit stones, some low level artefacts, and a few pearls, probably removed from his white butterfly and peach blossom decorated chain.

There was nothing else.

Song Weiyue came over with his hands on his waist. “This pitiful amount of spirit stones isn’t enough to even buy one sleeve of a cultivator vestment.”

To cultivators of their Qing Ze Sect, these life savings were barely better than nothing.

"That dummy, he’ll be lucky to not be blown to smithereens with his shabby skills!” Infuriated, Xi Huai stood and marched in the direction of the door despite not feeling well. “We’re going to the He Huan Sect!”

“T-the He Huan Sect?!" Song Weiyue was shocked.

You’re going to do that right after waking up??

That’s not like you, Xi Huai, ah!

Song Weiyue quickly followed and caught Xi Huai’s arm before he could leave. “Young Sect Master, wait! You’re only in your inner clothes! If you storm the He Huan Sect dressed like this, you’ll be the laughingstock of the entire cultivation world by tomorrow!”

Only then did Xi Huai remember to look down at himself. A-Jiu took his cultivator vestment outerwear, leaving him in only his white inner clothes.

And his Myriad Treasure Bell wasn’t on him either. Unable to remember where he stored his cultivator vestments in the heat of the moment, Xi Huai turned to look at Song Weiyue.

Song Weiyue shivered at his gaze. He frantically refused as Xi Huai advanced on him, “No, please no…”

Alas, Xi Huai still stripped him of his cultivator vestments.

Song Weiyue was a very flamboyant person. The more vibrantly coloured something was, the more it struck his fancy.

A few peacock feathers stuck out of his head, and his cultivator vestments were also custom made. More peacock feathers adorned the lapels, and the belt shone an iridescent shade of green under the sun. Even though his robes were mainly green, his belt was inlaid with a circle of dark red gems. 

Not only did the gems increase his defence, they also increased his raunchiness.

Once Xi Huai put them on, he appeared somewhat wild and arrogant. He was probably the only one who could pull the look off. 

Song Weiyue could only take out another set of cultivator vestments from his cotton storage pouch. He left with Xi Huai after putting them on.

Outside in the courtyard, Xi Huai turned back to look at Song Weiyue again.

Song Weiyue clutched his Xizhao to his chest. “Young Sect Master, you can’t borrow this, ah…”

"Flying artefact."

"Ooohhh." Xi Huai gave Song Weiyue such a big scare that he forgot all about that.

Song Weiyue was the son of the Qing Ze Sect’s Zun Yue樽月 - lit. 'wine vessel moon'.

From a poem by Scholar Su Shi:

'人生如梦,一樽还酹江月' (Life is like a dream, a wine vessel is enough to return to an old moon'.

Palace Master, so he naturally had plenty of treasures on him. He quickly took out a flying artefact from his cotton storage pouch. 

On the way to the He Huan Sect, Song Weiyue secretly shot puzzled glances at Xi Huai. He still had no idea what he was thinking.

Wasn’t Elder Yao Weng the one who imprisoned him for three years? Why was he in such a hurry to go to the He Huan Sect?

And also, who was A-Jiu?

But he knew better than to ask, with how dark Xi Huai’s expression was.

Song Weiyue knew all too well about this dude’s temper. He decided to be smart and keep his mouth shut.


After arriving at the He Huan Sect, Song Weiyue used his spiritual energy to knock on the door.

A He Huan Sect disciple lazily came out and asked, "What's the matter?"

Disciples of the He Huan Sect all wore pink sect uniforms with a white butterfly and peach blossom chain and a silver-white mask outside.

The masks were called Peach Blossom Faces. The top half was an outline of the human face up to the nose, where strings of white beads began. The beaded curtain went all the way down to the chest, occasionally revealing the peach lips and delicate chin beneath.

Disciples of the He Huan Sect often disguised themselves outside, pretending to be normal cultivators to dual cultivate with others.

In order to hide their identity, they would always wear Peach Blossom Faces when dressed in their Sect Uniform so as to not reveal their true appearance.

Song Weiye still didn’t know why they were here, so he stiffly answered, “W-we’re looking for someone!”

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Unfortunately, his one and only fear under the heavens were the female disciples of this Sect.

The reason being that, you could settle disputes with any other sect’s disciples by beating them up until they yield. But He Huan Sect disciples were unconventional and prone to taking off their opponent’s clothes. And if you somehow managed to escape their clutches, they’d actually start taking off their own clothes.

How was he supposed to fight with a fair and delicate body before him?

He Huan Sect disciples were all long since used to this question. After all, many of the men they slept with came to their Sect after coming to their senses. The only thing notable in this case was how exceptional the deceived were this time. After all, people as good looking as them tend to be surrounded by plenty of temptation.

The disciple who opened the door actually laughed at his question. She called to the inside, “They’re from the Qing Ze Sect of the Cloudy Outer Heavens. One even has a dragon horn. Who here was skilled enough to land such handsome catches?” 

The sound of women’s laughter came from within.

Song Weiyue instantly reddened. He half-stammered, half-yelled, “I didn’t sleep with anyone! We’re just here to, to find A-Jiu!”

Xi Huai could barely keep his temper in check and not barge in.

It was rare for him to display such restraint for a Sect he had once looked down upon.

After all, this was A-Jiu's Sect.

The disciple who opened the door was stunned. She immediately stepped out. “Little Shige? How do you know about Little Shige?"

The few He Huan Sect disciples hiding inside also came out. One of them asked, “Have you seen Little Shige in the last few years? Where is he? His lifespan has almost run out, but he still left the Sect for some reason! We haven’t been able to find him!”

Xi Huai frowned. "He didn't come back?"

"No!" The female disciple anxiously said, "It's been three years since we last saw him. His life lamp is still on, but he hasn’t come back. We’re worried to bits!”

Hearing that the life lamp was still on, Xi Huai secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that A-Jiu managed to survive the lightning tribulation.

Xi Huai asked again, "Aren’t you guys hiding him somewhere?"

The female disciple shook her sleeves out and spoke with displeasure, "The He Huan Sect is only so big. You can even sweep the entire mountain range with your divine sense if you want to. Are there any hints of pure yang energy on this mountain other than the two of you?”

Xi Huai really did scan the area. He didn’t find any.

Not only that, there were less than fifty people at the He Huan Sect right now, and none of them had particularly profound cultivation.

After making sure that A-Jiu didn't come here, Xi Huai shook his sleeves out and turned to leave.

That female disciple asked again, "Have you seen Little Shige? When and where was this?"

Xi Huai deliberated for a moment before replying, “I saw him. He was at Elder Yao Weng’s yesterday.”

Technically speaking, that cave was in Elder Yao Weng’s territory.

The female disciple was furious. “No wonder that old man couldn’t keep his eyes off Little Shige when we invited him here to treat one of our shijies. Is that old man a homosexual pervert coveting Little Shidi? Come sisters, let’s go get him back from that old man!”

Another woman tugged on her sleeve. "Shouldn’t we report this to the Sect Master?"

"Sect Master probably can’t come back right now. Let’s wait for Shifu to return.”

They were all at the Foundation Building stage. There was nothing they could really do even if they did pay Elder Yao Weng a visit.

Xi Huai gestured for Song Weiyue to start up the flying artefact once more. “To Elder Yao Weng’s.”

Song Weiyue finally understood this time. He also viciously spat, “Good. Let’s burn down their Medicine Sect Hall!”

Saying that, he sent out several Sound Transmission Talismans to the Qing Ze Sect’s Nascent Soul seniors so they could lend a hand.

His talismans were all of high quality. Each one turned into a ray of light and instantly vanished from sight once sent out.

When the two of them arrived outside the Medicine Sect Hall, the other Qing Ze Sect members also got there. There were even three Palace Masters present, including Song Weiyue's father.

The Qing Ze Sect had long known about the matter of Xi Huai being kidnapped. Naturally, they were furious.

Was their Qing Ze Sect's young Sect Master someone others could bully? Elder Yao Weng’s grandson may have been cripple by Xi Huai, but what of it? As long as their young Sect Master wanted to, even killing him would’ve been fine.

The Qing Ze Sect had always been domineering in their ways. They stormed the Medicine Sect Hall by force and immediately laid waste to everything in sight. Elder Yao Weng’ most precious herb fields, for example, simply ceased to exist.

Elder Yao Weng had anticipated this day long ago. Most of the Hall’s disciples were out training, and only a few disposable ones with trash spiritual roots were left.

The most important items had also been moved into a formation impregnable by outside forces.

Elder Yao Weng was even laughing as he exchanged blows with the three Palace Masters, as if he didn’t even care. He even asked Xi Huai, “How was it, being with a He Huan Sect male disciple? Looks like you really were a pretty good cultivation furnace. You managed to raise him to the Foundation Building Stage in just three years.”

Song Weiyue and Xi Huai had no place in this fight between Nascent Soul Stage Heavenly Venerables, lest they be injured by the turbulent spiritual energies being emanated.

Things finally clicked for Song Weiyue after he heard Elder Yao Weng’s taunts. His already large eyes widening further, he turned with a shocked expression to Xi Huai.

A male He Huan Sect disciple...slept with Xi Huai? He was used as a cultivation furnace for three years?!

No wonder he went to find that guy at the He Huan Sect earlier.

Those He Huan Sect disciples did say their Little Shige went missing three years ago.

Song Weiyue’s brain shorted out at this shocking revelation.

Based on his understanding of Xi Huai, if something like this really happened, he would go berserk for at least three days and nights, tearing that guy to pieces.

Not only that, Xi Huai would target anyone in sight. Even the people from his Sect would have to stay out of his way.

Suddenly, a dragon’s roar resounded through the clouds. A huge dragon bearing a heaven-defying aura suddenly rushed out and attacked Elder Yao Weng.

The black dragon was so large it seemed to block out the sun. Its long, slender body spiralled over the horizon, faintly glinting dark red at times.

The Hui has four legs, with each foot resting on Hui Dragon Flames. Its body was surrounded by fire, the floating flames almost resembling burning clouds.

All three Qing Ze Sect Palace Masters retreated the moment the Hui appeared. After all, its attacks were vicious and it was best to avoid being caught in the crossfire.

Due to his contract with the Hui, Xi Huai could go a round with Nascent Soul Stage cultivators despite being at the Foundation Building stage.

If Elder Yao Weng hadn’t used underhanded means like poison last time, he couldn’t have caught Xi Huai.

Only now did Elder Yao Weng truly panic. He was successively forced back until he finally collapsed to the ground. With terror in his eyes, he looked up to meet the gaze of the Hui. He broke out in a cold sweat.

At this moment, Xi Huai walked into the depths of the flames. There were mutated fires everywhere, burning the Medicine Sect Hall into a hellish purgatory.

Yet Xi Huai alone was unscathed. He strode leisurely through the flames before taking a seat and crossing his legs on the Hui’s black body. He looked down from above at Elder Yao Weng.

Xi Huai has always been prideful. Ruthlessness, arrogance, and a disdain for all danced in his sword brows and bright eyes.

He looked at Elder Yao Weng not with shame, but amusement. The corners of his lips even quirked up. “He suits my tastes. I like him. It’s all thanks to you bringing him to me.”

Elder Yao Weng felt like he had been struck by lightning. He knew Xi Huai would definitely seek revenge, but he had no regrets because the thought of all the torment Xi Huai would endure was enough.

And yet...Xi Huai seemed to have a good time with the He Huan Sect male disciple?

Then he heard Xi Huai speak again, "You must’ve looked through my Myriad Treasure Bell but couldn’t take anything out, right? Pick three things within you find most desirable. Consider it a reward from me.”

Xi Huai's attitude was what pissed Elder Yao Weng off the most.

—Even though I razed your Sect’s hall and herb fields, I’m in a good mood because you brought me something good. Here are a few treasures as your reward.

"You-you..." Elder Yao Weng was so angry he spat out a mouthful of impure blood.

He Huan Sect female cultivator: You’re still thinking about fighting after seeing such a fair and delicate body?

Song Weiyue: What else am I supposed to think about, death?

Rain — Aaahhh Xi Huai’s so cool! As expected of a future Demon Venerable. And Song Weiyue is very cute too teehee.

Sahl — you go get your mans Xi Huai! Take Song Weiyue, anyone who will randomly visit and or threaten sects with you in search of future sister-in-law is a good friend!

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