The Demon Venerable's Wistful Desire

Chapter 13: CH 13

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Xi Huai had asked two people and received two clearly contradictory answers, neither of which he could completely trust or dismiss.

In the end, his mental image of A-Jiu was as vague as ever.

"A scholarly looking, slender youth of seventeen or eighteen years of age, who has just overcome their Foundation Building early stage tribulation. His body radiates a faint hint of Hui Dragon Flames and he has an Earth, Wood, Metal three element waste spiritual root.”

Song Weiyue had quite a headache after listening to that. “There’s at least tens of thousands of people in the cultivation world who match that description of yours. And since He Huan Sect cultivators are so good at fleeing, he’s probably far, far away by now.”

Xi Huai didn't care. He was as persistent as ever. “Then we’ll just have to cast a wider net to find him. I can tell him apart by voice.”

Zong Sichen sighed and shook his head. "I'm afraid that’s not going to work. The He Huan Sect came up with a unique pill that can change one’s voice every time it’s taken with no repetitions.”

Xi Huai was taken aback. "They can even change their voice?”

Zong Sichen nodded.

"I remember he had a unique scent..." Xi Huai spoke again.

Zong Sichen handed over a small bead for Xi Huai to smell. "Is this the scent?"

Xi Huai's expression grew heavy after taking a sniff.

Zong Sichen explained again, "Every disciple of the He Huan Sect has this fragrant incense bead that masks their scent. They’ll smell different once it’s removed.”

Finally, Zong Sichen delivered a finishing blow to Xi Huai. "He was wary of you from the start, since he didn’t tell you his name or let you touch him. I doubt that’s his actual spiritual root either. He may have a three element one, but it’s probably not Earth, Wood and Metal.”

Even Song Weiyue’s lips blanched. “There’s way too many possible combinations then!!!”

In other words…

Even if they captured people who fitted the description, they had no way of determining if they were A-Jiu or not.

If this A-Jiu denied it to his last breath and Xi Huai couldn’t identify him, they could only let him go.

Song Weiyue scratched his head. “So we don’t know what he looks like and his voice and scent might’ve changed. Basically, we have no way of identifying him unless the Hui Dragon Flames come out when he uses his spiritual energy in a fight?”

Xi Huai remained silent. He really had no other clues to go on.

There were just too many people who met the criteria out there. Worst of all, he might walk past A-Jiu one day and not even know it.

Song Weiyue asked despairingly, “How are we supposed to find him, ah?! By touch??”

The more he thought about it, the more that didn’t add up. According to Xi Huai, he didn’t touch any part of A-Jiu. “Oh right, you didn’t touch him anywhere.”

Zong Sichen suddenly smiled a little and whispered, “Actually, he did touch one place…”

Song Weiyue frowned. "Hiss— Are you suggesting he sleep with everyone who fits the description? Should I praise our Young Sect Master for being all-loving or should I bemoan those people for how lucky they are? Too bad some of them will think they’ve been defiled by our Young Sect Master.”

Immediately after, both of them were thrown out of Xi Huai’s cave residence.

They landed in a stream on the mountain before they were able to take out their spiritual weapons and wretchedly fly off.

Xi Huai stood alone in front of the things A-Jiu left for him with fists clenched so tight tendons and veins were popping out. His fingertips were all red and purple in colour.

Chi Muyao hadn’t left his Sect much and he’d left all his stuff to Xi Huai. He must be weakened and penniless after his tribulation. It wouldn’t do for him to run around outside.

I have to find him as soon as possible.

* * *


One of the markets nearest to the Medicine Sect Hall was bustling with activity.

The streets were filled with carts and horses, and the stalls were all crowded with customers.

The vendors delivering goods to and from the market could only hold their goods high above their heads and shout, “Make way, make way!” as they traversed the crowds.

Chi Muyao stood in the middle of it all, looking at the many supplements on sale with glittering eyes.

Half of his body was disguised, and the other half was actually as wretched as it appeared. His appearance was very different from usual.

Chi Muyao could maintain his youth, but he wasn’t skilled enough to freely change his appearance. Thus, he could only affix a fake beard to his cheeks and above his lips, becoming a bearded old man. With the creases around his eyes that made them appear to droop, he really did look quite old.

A cloth was wrapped around the top of his head, and the few strands sticking out were burnt into curls like he had been on fire. Only Chi Muyao himself knew that these were traces of the lightning that had struck him during his tribulation. Many strands of hair had fallen victim, and those were the only ones he let out.

Chi Muyao’s body cultivation was not very high. Even though he took Xi Huai’s enchanted vestments and protective artefacts, he still scraped through by the skin of his teeth. There was even a black mark that couldn’t be washed off on his face, almost like a birthmark.

That trace would probably take a few months to half a year to fade.

The clothes he had on were the ones he usually wore when he went down the mountain to shop, so he didn’t stand out much in the market.

He was also carrying a bird cage. It was covered with a dark green cloth, perhaps to shield the bird inside from the sun.

However, this bird really was too quiet. It didn’t call out once or move despite how long Chi Muyao lingered at each stall.

The supplements merchant enthusiastically promoted his wares. “Please look at this. It’s a knee pad with a pouch for storing medicines lined with mink fur. As soon as youHe uses the respectful you 您. tie it to your knee, you’ll be able to feel warmth hitting the area. It’s very good for the knees and especially useful for fighting off the chill in winter.”

"Ohhh!" Chi Muyao’s eyes shone as he looked at this object. His mouth was wide open in wonder, and he was too overcome to say any other words of praise.

He was very interested!

"Please look at these plasters too. After you apply it, even a broken leg can be reconnected.” Saying that, the merchant took a plaster and put it on a broken bone. When he tore it off again, the broken bone really was fixed.

"Wow! Amazing!” Chi Muyao couldn’t be more excited. After taking a voice change pill, he really did sound a bit like an elderly man.

The merchant saw that this old man was clearly ignorant and an easy target, so he took out something from the bottom of his chest. “This is the Great Ten Complete Nourishment Pill that slipped out of the immortal worlds. It’s the only one I have. Look, it’s still radiating an immortal aura. If you take this, all your aches and pains will vanish and you’ll even be able to have some fun with the missus at night.”

Chi Muyao’s interest all but vanished at the appearance of this ‘Great Ten Complete Nourishment Pill’. Even someone with shallow cultivation like him could see that the pill contained no spiritual energy.

This was just an ordinary pill, probably one with a Yang-boosting effect. It would give people a momentary boost of energy but actually come with a whole host of problems later on.

Glancing at the other supplements displayed, Chi Muyao suddenly had a feeling they were fake too.

He pointed to the knee pads and plasters. "One silver tael for both."

The merchant gave Chi Muyao a look and spat, “And here I thought you were someone with money, based on your clothes. I’m not selling anything anymore. Pay me for the plaster I used on the bone.”

"Then how much do you want?"

"Ten taels!"

This market was frequented mostly by mortals and low-level cultivators, so the primary currency was mortal money.

When Chi Muyao was still at the Logistics Hall, he came out from time to time to buy things, so he knew the prices of mortal goods. A garment made from top-quality silk could fetch a silver tael, which was also enough to buy 50 pounds of ordinary pork.

So his quote of one silver tael was definitely on the generous end.

Chi Muyao took out some copper coins from his sleeve pocket and counted them out, saying, "Here's seventeen wen more as compensation for that plaster.”

The merchant reluctantly handed over his merchandise and took Chi Muyao's money.

Now that the sale was done, he lost all interest in Chi Muyao. He even rolled his eyes and cursed under his breath, "Cunning old thing.”

Chi Muyao placed his purchases into his lapel out of habit before turning around with a laugh.

Cunning old thing?

He was indeed old, but not cunning. He just wasn’t dumb.

Chi Muyao went to the other stalls to buy some more herbs.

He sustained injuries during the tribulation, so he needed to take a medicinal bath to nourish his body.

Since he didn’t have anything to store stuff in, he decided to just stuff the packets of medicine into his lapels too. Eventually, there was a conspicuous bump at his abdominal area.

Now he really looked like a potbellied old man.

With the birdcage in hand, Chi Muyao was leisurely strolling back to the inn when the street suddenly descended into chaos. Some immortal sect disciples had come to look for someone.

Their target was very obvious, for they only questioned young men, especially those at the Foundation Building stage.

One disciple sensed Chi Muyao's cultivation. He shot him an uncertain glance, only to see Chi Muyao approaching him voluntarily. “Young man, what’s with all the commotion? What kind of person are you looking for?”

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He was every bit the stereotypical busybody old man.

"Fuck off. Do you really think this is something someone like you deserves to know?” The disciple pushed him away and continued on his search.

Chi Muyao poked around a while longer before waddling back to the inn with his birdcage. Instructing someone to bring him bath water, he headed back to his room.

There, he took off his outer layer and placed the medicine packets and plasters on the bed.

After the water was brought in, he took the packets and emptied their contents into the bathtub before undressing.

Slender legs were the first thing to enter the water. Chi Muyao was on the thin side, but not to the point of being skeletal. In the water, his fair skin resembled the tender white underbelly of fish.

He sat in the tub and sank down until even his hair was submerged in the medicinal water.

Black hair spread out like a waterfall. If they weren’t a part of his disguise, even cutting off those few burnt strands wouldn’t lessen the volume of his hair.

Remembering something, Chi Muyao rose and reached for the birdcage. A bird was visible within with the cloth removed, one that appeared partially cooked. The bird was sprawled out lifelessly, the feathers on its wings clearly toast.

Chi Muyao placed the bird into the medicinal bath as well, holding it in his cupped hands so it didn’t drown. He whispered, “Do you feel a bit better?”

The bird didn’t answer him verbally, but it moved a bit.

Chi Muyao found the bird after his tribulation had passed. He couldn’t identify its species, but it had clearly been reduced to this state as a result of his tribulation.

So he felt guilty and saved the bird.

Miraculously enough, the bird managed to survive. But it still wasn’t doing well and pretty much looked half dead every day.

After he finished bathing, Chi Muyao first placed the bird back into its cage before wiping himself down. He walked into the inner room draped only his outer layer and sat on the bed.

After sitting down, he took out the plaster and put it on his knees, rubbing the areas for a long time.

Those years of cultivating have taken a real toll on his knees. He needed to take good care of them from now on.

Doing it in the ‘cowgirl’ position for three years really hurt the knees.

After putting on the plasters, he laid back in bed. However, he shot back up just before drifting off. He retrieved his middle layer from the top of the screen and put it on.

He kept forgetting to put on pants after living in a cave for three years. That was something that had to change.

Lying on the soft bed, Chi Muyao rolled back and forth, humming with satisfaction.

This was clearly the best kind of bed to sleep on.

With a wave of his finger, he snuffed out the candles without getting out of bed.

* * *

The next day.

Chi Muyao disguised himself again and put on the new set of mortal clothes he had bought before heading out with birdcage in tow.

There was a building being constructed at the edge of the market. Apparently it was supposed to be a watchtower of sorts to improve security.

With little to do, Chi Muyao came over ever so often and sat on a nearby stone step to watch them build, day after day.

Many of his fellow viewers were little kids, the majority boys. They all watched the builders work without blinking, like a group of passionate and loyal fans.

The watchtower had four floors with a cross ridge on the triple eaves. Chi Muyao and the little boys were all astonished the day the treasure gilded roof was brought over. The workmanship was really superb, with amazing detail in the curves of the ridges and the life-like carvings of the divine beasts. 

Even Chi Muyao was impressed by Ancient Chinese architecture. He came to watch, rain or shine for two whole months.

On rainy days, he would stand at a distance with an oil paper umbrella to see how they worked in the rain. Then, like an unworldly country bumpkin, he would sigh and praise the genius of the ancient people.

Over time, he became familiar with the workers. One even asked him, “Old man, you were handsome when you were young, weren't you?"

Chi Muyao smiled out of embarrassment at the question. “No, no. I was born with this birthmark on my face.”

"Your eyebrows are very good-looking. What a pity."

"Sigh. I doubt anyone would disagree with you.”

Chi Muyao's eyebrows were so good-looking that he looked like a fairy from heaven.

He had a pair of almond eyes and double eyelids that were the perfect shape to exude innocence. His inky lashes ended in a slight upward turn.

His nose ridge was tall and smooth but not overly so. The tip of his nose was small and his lips were somewhat thin and naturally ruby red.

He possessed a gentle, intricate sort of beauty that radiated an immortal aura. After all, he appeared to be a fairy from heaven every time he smiled.

Now, despite the green-black trace marring his face and his aged makeup, people still felt like Chi Muyao’s features were pleasing to the eye.

Beauty was ingrained into his very bones.

The worker looked at him again. "Why does the birthmark on your face look so much lighter than two months ago?”

Chi Muyao laughed dryly. "That's because you've grown used to seeing it after all this time.”

Actually, he had grown careless...

The traces left by the tribulation slowly faded until they weren’t as obvious now.

* * *

While Chi Muyao was idle and eagerly watching a tower be constructed…

Xi Huai was going insane and looking everywhere in the cultivation world. He even increased the search area several times, not knowing that Chi Muyao had never left the vicinity.

After another month, Chi Muyao estimated it was time for the cultivation world’s disciple selection.

No ordinary cultivator would pass up this chance if they wanted to enter one of the renowned righteous sects.

But Chi Muyao didn't go. He stayed in the market and continued to watch the construction, browse the stalls, raise his bird, and occasionally go to the teahouse to drink some tea or go to the lake to fish a bit. Time passed in a very leisurely, comfortable fashion for him.

He knew that the male lead would’ve entered the Nuan Yan Pavilion by now.

Located in the Jin Se锦瑟 - it's the title of an ancient poem? Mountain Range, the Nuan Yan Pavilion was the leader of the renowned righteous sect and the largest one as well.

The male lead would create big waves during this round of disciple selections. He would save the day and also leave a good impression on the second female lead, the first of many times he would stand above the rest.

That’s why Chi Muyao didn’t want to go. He would just be dragged into things as cannon fodder if he did.

He didn't go, but Xi Huai did.

In search of him.

Chi Muyao: To be honest, I can spend an entire day watching excavators at work too.

[Don’t worry, the trace on his face can be removed.]

[My entire body is swaying after delivering this second update. Please give nutrient fluid la~]

[Leave a comment for a chance at one of 88 red pockets]

Note 1: The value of one tael of silver is referenced from “宛署杂记” by Shen Bang (Ming dynasty).

Note 2: What inspired some of the names in this book.

Zhi Yu Pavilion (a place to relax in the demon world) – From the five musical notes: 宫商角徵羽

Zun Yue Palace – From Li Bai’s “将进酒”

Jin Se Place Nuan Yuan Pavilion – From Li Shangyin’s “锦瑟”

Hua Ling (Chi Muyao’s shifu) – From Zhang Yanghao’s “殿前欢”

Pu He Mountain Range – From “诗经·陈风”

Xizhao (Song Weiyue’s spiritual weapon name) – From Zhao Shanqing’s “山坡羊·燕子”

Shukuang (Xi Huai’s spiritual weapon name) – From Liu Yong’s “蝶恋花”

Mitian Tongyin Array – From Su Shi’s “贺新凉”

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